Avian 1/2

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Avian: relating to birds

Ever since Guren was little he knew he was very different from his family. He knew having obsidian colored wings that were each the size of his own body was not in the least normal. But people always treated him the same as any other person, no questions asked.

"Mom" "Yes?" "Where did I come from? I would like to know my past. Having wings is not normal." "Ugh...I knew this day would eventually come." She sighed.

After that Guren was given directions to the Avian city.

Avians and Humans always got along, but they tended to steer clear from each other because life with each other just wasn't convenient. But over time generations of people began to move on and Avians became a thing of the past, and people even forgot about their existence. It was unheard of for a human to spot an Avian flying around the city, or even coming into contact with one for that matter.

Guren set out to find out the mysteries of his past. He headed out by car and foot ,because he may or may not know how to fly.

The map he was given was so old he could barely read it.

At one point he was walking through a forest, when he had a growing suspicion that someone or something was watching him. Then he heard branches snap as something fell towards him. He instinctively swatted whatever it was away with his wings.

"You dare touch me like that!?" The voice boomed. But when he turned to see who it was, no one was there. The voice then came from a different direction "You're not from around here, are you?" He spun to see nothing still. Then there was a tug on his wings "I've never seen such black wings in my life-" Guren spun to lock eyes with a boy, a boy with snow white wings.

"Who are you!?" He asked pulling his wings away. "You don't even know me? You're really not from around here." The boy said. "Do you not even recognized my robes?" Guren looked at the boys robes that held many intricate designs. "No" he answered.

"Wow, you really don't know who I am." The boy had a baffled look on his face. "I'm Shinya by the way, and you are?" "Guren" "Hmm Guren? I'll show you around." He said grabbing Guren by the arm and yanking him into the air, flying above the trees.

"It would kind of help if you flew on your own." "Um, well-I sorta don't know how!!" Guren said trying to grab onto Shinya with both hands.

"You're an Avian and you don't even know how to fly!?" Shinya was in complete shock.

After they landed

"Who are you!?" "I'm Guren-" "No, not your name. Where are you from, why don't you know me!?" "I grew up with humans, so I'm here to learn about my past, and I just met you-" "Grew up with humans!? That's crazy! I've never even seen a human in my whole life." Shinya was freaking out.

"What about you ,Shinya boy? Who are you?" Shinya took a step back. "I'm Shinya Hiragi, I'm also a prince, heir to the throne, whatever you wanna call it." he bragged. "And I pointed out my robes because only royalty where's these." Shinya spread his white wings out wide for Guren to admire their beauty.

"Prince? Like in a fairytale?" Guren asked. "Yes, exactly like a fairy tale. Guren I like you. You know what, I'm going to teach you how to fly before we learn your past." "We?" "Yes" Shinya smiled. "Now let me hold you, so we can fly to the city. It's only a few miles from here." "Ugh, Fine."

As they flew Shinya said in Guren's ear "Put your wings out, so you can get a feel of what flying is like." Guren did as he was told.

The wind against his feathers felt amazing.

"Woah, your wings are the same size as mine." Shinya said. "Oh, also we should stop at the palace before we go anywhere else. You smell too different. Maybe we should bathe you and get you put in some Avian clothes."

Once the two arrived at the palace Guren got a strange feeling. For some reason as they flew above the city, everything felt so familiar, like he's been their before.

After grabbing some clothes Shinya pulled Guren down the halls. These weren't just any halls thought. They were large, large enough you would have to fly to touch the ceiling.

"Avians designed the buildings big enough for our wings. Humans must have such cramped spaces." "Yeah, it sucked. Where are we going by the way?" "We are going to bathe."

They arrived at a beautiful giant door. Shinya opened it to reveal a "bath", the size of a giant pool.

"Wait, no showers!?" "Showers?" "Ugh, nothing." The two stepped in. "Now off with the clothes. I need to dispose of them.-" "What!? I'm not fully getting naked in front if you! Have you ever heard of privacy!?" "It's not a big deal, just give me you clothes."

After reluctantly taking his clothes off, Guren waded in the hot water, and a little bit later Shinya joined him.

"Haaaaaah~" Guren's sighed in satisfaction as leaned against the wall of the bath. "This feels good. I haven't had a bath since I was a baby. How old are you by the way Shinya?" "Sixteen" "Ha, same here."

After bathing the two got dressed.

"I have a question." Guren said. "And what would that be?" "When Avian mothers have a baby, do they lay eggs?"  Shinya laughed "We're like birds, but we're not full on birds. We don't lay eggs. Now follow me I'm gonna teach you how to fly."

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