Single Dad 1/2

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Guren is a single dad in college; Shinya is good with babies

"Ah, I'm sorry professor, something came up and-" "It's okay meet me later at xxxx(time)." "Yes, sir." Guren bowed.

Guren had been Shinya's acquaintance at college. They new each other's names, a little about each other, and were friendly with one another, but that's about it.

Shinya wanted to meet the professor after class to ask about the bad test grade he received.

The meeting with his professor took way longer than he'd expected, so on his way out he ran into Guren.

"Huh? Who's this!?" Shinya asked in shock, pointing to the infant strapped to Guren's chest. "Oh,uh..." there was an awkward silence. "This is my child." Shinya almost passed out. How could Guren be the father of such an adorable baby. "Can I see her!?" "You're seeing her right now-" "She's adorable!!" Shinya said peering at the baby.

And then...

"W...wa.....WAAAAAAAAA!" The baby screeched. "Ugh, it's passed her nap time-" "Hand her over." Shinya said holding his arms out, as the baby cried. "No...I barely know you, and I don't know if I can trust you with my child-" "Guren" Shinya looked him dead in the eyes.

"Give me the baby."

Guren finally gave in and handed Shinya the sobbing baby. Shinya took the baby in his arms ever so gently. He cradled her in his arms and said a soft "Shhhhh~ It's okay, beautiful~" in that voice people make just for babies. She quieted down a little at this. And then he began to sing a lullaby. His voice was shockingly amazing.

Guren watched in awe as the baby fell asleep in Shinya's arms. He would have stayed longer listening to the others amazing voice, but he had a meeting to attend.

"I'm really good with kids." Shinya said with a smirk. "I think I can handle her while you talk to the professor."

Guren was a little uneasy as he looked at Shinya, then at his sleeping daughter.

"Rrrrr...Fine, But do anything stupid and I will seriously kill you." Guren said and then slowly walked away, keeping his eyes on the two.
"So Ichinose, Why are you always missing class?" The professor said from his desk. "I have a daughter, and she's really little. I'm talking newborn little. And I don't like sending her to daycares, because she's so young and all, so I have my neighbor watch her but their not always free so then I have to go back home and-" "Ichinose, we could have just figured out a schedule to help you, but the amount of time your missing is way to much. So I think we should change your schedule a bit and you should find someone available to watch her. Or you can just bring her to class-" "Nope! No way am I doing that." "Um...okay?"

And like that their meeting was over.
"So what do you think about us giving Guren a little scare?" Shinya asked the baby in his arms. She just opens her eyes and smiled in response. "Okay, lets do this!" He whispered. He then walked with the baby in his arms around the corner of the hallway, so Guren wouldn't be able to see them when he got out. Shinya peaked his head out to see Guren's reaction.


Guren walks out of the room a looking little disheveled. He stops in the middle of the hallway in shock. He looks back and forth at his surroundings. "SHINYA!!?" He screams looking all over the deserted hall.

Shinya walks out from behind the wall. "My name was called-" Guren was running towards him with a pissed face. "I'll use this baby as a shield." He holds the baby up. Then he began to laugh at Guren. Then to his surprise the baby began to laugh too. Guren stopped in his tracks. "I think you can be trusted with her." Guren mumbled. "What was that Guren? Maybe speak a little louder!?" He then turned to the baby. "I think he said that I'm going to be your new dad now-" "No I did not!"

After the two talking the baby finally fell asleep. But when Guren went to take her away so they could go home, she would ball her eyes out and grab onto Shinya even tighter. "Shinya, do you think you have enough time to bring her home with me?" "Yeah" Shinya smiled.

As the two walked Shinya asked a question. "What is her name?" "Shiru, But her nick name is Shi." "Oh..." Shinya looked down at her. "So what did the professor say to you?" "He said I should change my schedule, and find someone available to watch her or bring her to class, but I don't want to disrupt the class with her crying  and-" "I could watch her!" Shinya blurted. "W-really?" "Yeah, Maybe we could get both of our schedules changes so we're compatible." "For real!? You'd really do that!?" Guren looks as if the gods had blessed him. But how would you get to my place in time?" "I'll set my alarm clock early!-" "Well I have been looking for a roommate but-" "I'll take it!!" "What? For real!?" "Yes! Teamwork is going to make the dream work!" Shinya stated.

Finally the two arrived at Guren's place.

"So if I were to move in here, where would I sleep?" Guren showed him to another room. "This is the guest room. So here I guess, and the baby's room, and mine is down the hall. But much would I have to pay you to take care of her?" "Just take care of the rent and I'm okay." "Really?" "Yeah" Shinya flashed a smile. "Thank you so much."

The whole time Shinya had seen Guren, even when they first met he looked so exhausted. Now that Shinya was really looking at him, he realized Guren had big bags under his eyes.

"Guren" "Yes?" "Go to sleep, I can handle the baby."

Guren looked at him then the baby. He finally headed to his room to gets some very much deserved sleep.

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