Homeless 1/2

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It all started when his ball flew over the fence

"No! I will never hand the princess over, Mr. RobotNinja!"

An eight year old Guren threw his toy figure at the other. "Die!" He screamed


A ball smashed into is head, making that beautiful Boing noise. He fell backwards at the unexpected force, and rubbed his head, before picking up the ball.

"Hello?" He said nearing the fence it flew over. "Is anyone there?" There was no answer. "I have your ball." He waited for an answer and never got one. "I'm just gonna toss it over." He said awkwardly throwing the ball back over the fence.

Once he heard it land he ran over to sneak a peak through a hole in the wooden fence. He looked through to be met with another eye looking right at him. He stumbled back in horror.

"Ah-ahh-AHHHHH!!!" He screamed forgetting his toys on the ground, and sprinting towards his house.

"Daaaaad!! Mooooom!!!" He screamed looking from room to room. "Guren, what did I say about using your inside voice?" Before Guren talked he realized he was way out of breath. "M-mom, do any other kids live next door??" He motion to the house next to them, through the window.

"No, no one I'm aware of. Though that house does belong to a rich family from the city. They only come out here on vacations though." Guren didn't say another word. For all he knew, he was probably seeing things.


The next day the same thing happened. This time Guren decided the ball was his now.

"You know what? If you are going to keep throwing the ball over, it's mine!" He stuck his tongue out at the hole in the fence.

Then a small "please" was whispered.

Guren looked at the fence in shocked. "After the scare you gave me yesterday, I don't think you deserve this ball-" "Well I don't think you deserve 'Mr. RobotNinja'." the voice threatened sticking the head of Guren's action figure through the hole in the fence.

"You wouldn't-" "I would! Now give me my ball!" The voice boomed louder than ever. "No! You have to apologize for scaring me!"


On the other side of the fence a small skinny, dirty boy, stood in front of the fence desperately trying to get his ball back.

"Please~" he begged. "No, apologize-" "It was an accident, I'm sorry-" "Too bad, it's mine now. I didn't really like Mr. RobotNinja that much, so bye~" Guren said walking away. "P-please-..." The boy stopped talking.

He had stolen the ball from a park. He had been living in the tunnel slide at the park, until he was kicked out. But in his time there someone left their ball, and he decided it was his. It was his only belonging. It was actually very precious to him.

Then a plan came....


Later that night...

Guren laid restless in his bed. He didn't feel tired for some reason. Then he started hearing noises. His instincts started kicking in. So there he sat ,paralyzed, in his bed in complete silence. Then his window slowly slid open.

A boy crawled in!

"Hey!!" He screamed as his fear became hidden by anger. But the boy didn't look at him, the boy's eyes were set on something else. It was the ball, that sat in the corner of his room. All the boy wanted was the ball.

After retrieving it the boy looked towards him, and gathered up his best insult.

"You are an idiot!" He said it! He said a bad word-"The fuck are you doing in my room?" Guren asked threateningly, using the words his father used. The boy jumped at the loud voice, and the vulgar language.

Guren made his way towards the boy. The boy tried to smack him in self defense but Guren easily grabbed his arm. It was so thin. Too thin for any normal boy. The moonlight seeping in from the window shined perfect on the other. Guren looked up at the boy. He was skiny. He wore dirty clothes. He had greasy, matted hair. And now that he thought of it. The other smelled putrid.

Guren quickly removed his hand from the boy's arm. "You are gross." He said in disgust. The boy simply gave him a sad look before retreating towards the window with the ball. But before he fully got out Guren caught him by his shirt and pulled him back in. The other struggle causing Guren to rip his shirt. "Nooo!" He cried out in pain. "This was my only shirt-" Guren slammed his hand down on the others mouth. "I'm not letting you go before you wash up." "Wash up?"

Guren dragged the boy to the shower. He then stripped and washed the other up. As he rubbed shampoo into his dirty white hair he decided to talk. "Why do you-" "I'm homeless" the kid answered. "Oh...sorry about stealing your ball by the way...also do you have a name?" "My name is Shinya..."

After that Guren gave him some new clothes, which were just clothes he had grown out of. They sat on Guren's bed in silence as Shinya ate all the food Guren gave him.

"When was the last time you ate like this?" "I don't remember-" the kid said stuffing his face with chips. "Last time I had a meal close to this was..." he stopped eating to talk. "You know that lady at the park who always feed the stray cats?" "Yeah?" "Well after she left, I ran in and stole the canned cat food. It tasted like crap! But...it was the only good food I could find. And how else was I going to keep myself alive. What is-" "You make me feel even worse. I'm sorry for being so mean...please don't tell my parents-" Shinya laughed eating even more food. He handed Guren his pinky finger,which was cover in crumbs.

"Pinky promise~"

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