Coffee Shop

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I don't like coffee, but this is cute

Guren always frequented the same coffee shop. Every time he would buy a black coffee ,no sweetening no nothing, and would always sit by himself at one of the stools. He would sit there on his stool looking out of the shop window.

The place was small and barely any people were usually there, but Guren liked that. He liked quiet. It was his little safe haven. His happy place.

One day he took his usual seat at the window and looked out mind deep in thought. Then rain began to fall. He would watch as many droplets as he could. Then realization dawned on him. He didn't have an umbrella. He didn't freak out because he was already at his happy place. He decided to wait the storm out in the shelter of his favorite little coffee shop.

Then he heard the stool next to him move. He snapped out of his daze, and turned his head.

"Hey" A man said sitting beside him. "Um, hi?" Guren wasn't used to talking to people. "I've noticed you sitting here everyday. You're always alone. You look interesting, I would like to know your story." Guren was shocked. He didn't even know this guy.

"Who are you?" He asked in confusion. "My name is Shinya. I work here by the way. You see the shop is currently closed so my shift is over, so I decided to hang out with you." This guy sounded oddly comforting.

The guy had his own coffee on the table, but it was about one hundred times more sweet than Guren's.

"Why do you get black coffee everyday?" "I like the way it tastes." Guren answered. "Try mine. You have to atleast try somethings sweet, you might like it." Shinya suggested pushing his cup towards Guren.

Guren then tried something sweet for the first time in his life.

"It tastes like some weird candy-" "Yeah?" "But I guess it's okay." He concluded. Shinya smiled. "Where's the story I asked for? How about you start by giving me you name, and number-shit!" "Huh?" What the hell was that? "Uh, I'm sorry it just slipped my mind." Shinya laughed nervously. "Well my name's Guren. I've been going to this coffee shop for years now. It's my favorite place to go and think and calm down. It just has a nice environment."

The two talked and talked until the storm finally passed.

Guren stood up to leave. Before he left he left a piece of paper.

"Wait what is-" "You asked" Guren said leaving the building. The door bell rung as it shut behind him. Shinya looked at the paper. It was Guren's number.

The next day Guren visited the shop again, but today was strange. Today there was a a black coffee, sitting at his spot, untouched. He came and saw a little note on it. It read 'I had fun talking with you yesterday'. Guren smiled before taking a sip.

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