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That wacky moment when you wake up in someone else's body.

Shinya woke to an alarm. He was more tired than usual, but he swore that he went to sleep early last night. When he opened his eyes he realized-

"This isn't my room-" It wasn't his voice either.

What the hell!?

Shinya quickly got up. Then he noticed.

"I-I'm Guren!!" He sound excited and scared.

"First of all-" Shinya stripped off all Guren's  clothes. He spun around in front of a mirror posing like a model.

"Damn Guren is hot-No wonder everyone likes him and not me." He said sadly. Then it hit him.

If I'm Guren, where is the real Guren!?

Then he decided to take advantage of the skin he was wearing.

He put boxers on and ran out into the hall, walking confidently to his morning meeting with all the higher ups.

The door opened with a screech.

"Ichinose, you're late-" Everyone's eyes widened at his appearance. "Where is your uniform!?" Then Shinya started running into the room. He jumped up on the big table ,everyone was sitting at, and started doing the Macarena.

Everyone was laughing, even Kureto was a little. Everyone laughed, but Shinya. Well Shinya's body.

Shinya's body stood up and grabbed him by the neck and pulled him out of the room.

"Shinya are you in there!?" His body hissed at him. "Uh, no it's me Guren." Shinya failed at lying. "No it isn't because I'm Guren!"


"So we switched bodies!? How!?!?-" "I don't know, now keep it down. Also-" Guren looked Shinya dead in his own violet eyes. "Why did you embarrass me!? I was trying to be nice pretending I was you-" Shinya laughed his ass off. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to have some fun." "Just some fun!? Well I guess it's my turn-" "Wait-Guren!" Shinya chased His own body walking away.

"NOOO!! PLEASE-DON'T!!!" Shinya screamed bloody murder as Guren drank scalding hot black coffee. "Ahhhhh!!" Guren screamed. "I can't wait for you to feel this pain once you return to your body.

"Shinya what are you?-" it was Mito. Guren grabbed her and started kissing her. It was anything sweet, it was intense an long lasting. He was practically shoving Shinya's tongue down her throat.

Mito nailed him in the face, resulting in him flying across the room.

"What the hell Shinya!?" She screamed wiping her lips, in disgust. "I only have eyes for Guren!!" She screamed running away.

"Guren what have you done!?" Shinya screamed in Guren's voice. "I don't like Mito like that!!"

Guren just laid their in his body smirking Shinya's signature dumb smile at him.

"How about we make a deal." "And?" "The deal is...No more doing embarrassing things in each other's bodies.-" "Wait, I have a question. Have you already seen me naked-" "Duhh! That's the first thing I did!-" "What the hell!? I gave you your privacy!-" "What's it matter we're both guys. We both have the same junk-"

"Except yours is smaller-" "WHAT THE HELL!?" Shinya blushed at Guren looking into his pants. "Stop that!!" He smacked his hands away from his pants.

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