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Shinya hasn't said a word since that day.

It had been a week.

Guren was concerned for his friend.

Most days Shinya had a cloud of gloom surrounding him. He had this depressed look on his face all the time. His smiles were completely gone. He had really transformed.

Sakae tried to talk to him to no avail.

Sakae Ichinose was one of the few—if not only—man Shinya trusted. It took a long time, but the day Shinya accepted him into his life, was the day Shinya gained a father. But even then Guren and Shinya were closest.

The white haired boy looked out the window at the coy pond. He watched the fish dance in the water. He stared blankly for hours.

"Master Shinya, would you like some tea?" Sayuri asked, trying to get him to speak. But Shinya did not reply.

A few days was fine, but a week was enough.

"Shinya, get your lazy ass up." Guren growled pulling the teen off the couch.

"Sayuri, prepare us all some tea. We'll be back." Guren said pulling the boy out the door. "Yes sir!"

As they walked Guren began to speak again.

"There is no way in hell I'm letting you go mute. I get it your life really sucked and all. But hey, you got your revenge. They even have special forces looking into the human trafficking because I guess that geezer spilled-"

The two had walked far into the woods. Neither of them had shoes on, but the fresh air was needed.

"Why aren't you talking? Why are you so stubborn? Quit being an idiot." Guren glared.

"Say something!"

He stared at Guren blankly with no response.

"Say something or you can't sleep with me tonight."

Shinya didn't say anything, but he did look sad at that.

"Come on you stubborn ass! You want me to say it?"


"I care about you, and I'm really worried. I know you've tried to kill yourself before, but now things are even more unpredictable without you speaking. I hold you close at night because I want to know you are safe. I CAN'T SLEEP UNLESS I KNOW YOU'RE SAFE!!"

Shinya broke from his silence.

"I wanted to kill him Guren!" He screamed. "Am I weak or strong for letting him live!? I can't tell!" Shinya paced back and forth.

"Who're you kidding? You're strong-" "I KNOW!!-" Shinya yelled punching a tree with his bare fist, and snapping it in half.

"I feel like shit Guren." "Why?"

"I had been waiting for that day forever. And it finally came. I wanted to slowly torcher him until he begged me to put him out of his misery...but I didn't. I regret-I don't know what to do now. I kept living just to beat him to a pulp. But now that I've done that...I feel pointless."

"Don't say that-"

Shinya slumped to the ground. He sat on the forest floor looking at the dead leaves below him.

"Guren I'd be dead if it weren't for you and your dad. I've wanted to die many times, but to know someone actually wanted me here made me stay. Knowing I still had to get revenge made me stay. I don't know what to do now...I suppose I'm just at odds with myself."

"Shinya, it's okay to be confused. Me and dad will always be here for you." Guren said kneeling beside him, and hugging him.

"You're actually a huge softy, you know?"

"No I'm not." Guren continued to hug.

"I love you Guren." "I love you too, Shinya."

Later, Guren returned with a smiling Shinya. Everyone was able to relax knowing Shinya was better. Afterwards, they all chatted, and had tea together.

It was almost like old times.

That night Guren and Shinya laid down together to sleep.

"So why didn't you used your magic on that man?" Guren asked, hoping it wasn't too soon.

"I didn't wanna kill him right away."

"Can I ask something controversial too?" Shinya asked. "Sure."

"What did you mean by it 'love you too'?"

Guren had forgotten he said those embarrassing words. He tensed up with anxiety for a second before speaking.

"I meant I love you unconditionally. You are my best friend, and I cherish you."

"But you said you couldn't sleep without knowing I was safe-"

Guren was awestruck, as he recalled saying all those embarrassing things.

"Guren I you. I love you as in they way someone feels for a lover-" "You want to have sex with me!?" Shinya could feel the raven haired teen's heart pounding in his chest.

"What!? No-no-no!!" He panicked, smacking Guren in the face with a pillow.

The confession and misunderstanding, felt even more embarrassing with the fact that the two were practically on top of each other.

"What do you mean!?" Guren asked in confusion. "I mean no...but I wouldn't be apposed to it."

Guren almost passed out at that.

"Don't tell me you don't think I notice when you get hard against me-" "I don't! I'm not gay. I don't see you like that."


"I think your body disagrees-" "Stop-" Guren jumped out of bed, eager to get away from the source of excitement.

Even his own body was betraying him.

Yeah, he thought something was off when he decided hanging out with Shinya was more fun than with his girlfriend, but he didn't mean it that way.

"Are you more in love with Shinya than you are with me!?"

It was very painful to admit, but Guren realized that he may have had feelings for the other boy all along, without noticing.

"I do love you Shinya." He gave in. "Then get your ass in here, and cuddle me~" he whined ,patting the bed, motioning for him to come back.

Guren looked down at himself before giving Shinya an uncomfortable look.

"I understand." He laughed. Go take care of it, then snuggle me like you life depends on it." Guren laughed nervously, before leaving to jerk off.

He was met with an unconscious Shinya upon his return.

He was going to spend the entire night contemplating his life decisions. But at least Shinya was there.

At least the boy he loved was safe beside him.

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