Chapter fifty seven

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"Wake up, sweetie" Niall wakes me up and for a second I don't know where I am. We're in my bedroom at my apartment. Yesterday we went to my apartment and we watched a movie. Then we ordered some Thai food and after we were completely full we started kissing, which let us to the bedroom. I sit up straight and rub my eyes. When I look at Niall he's holding a cupcake with a burning candle on it. Wait, which day is it?

Niall sees me thinking and he starts to laugh softly.

"It's your birthday" he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Wow, I'm twenty six, time goes by fast.

"Happy birthday, make a wish" Niall says and gives me another kiss on the cheek "but don't tell me, otherwise it won't come true".

I laugh at him about his superstition and close my eyes to make a wish. My wish is that nothing will change, that I can be with Niall for the rest of my life. That I can play music for the rest of my life and that everything will be perfect like this.

When I open my eyes I blow out the candle on the cupcake and smile at Niall.

"So, what did you wish for?" Niall says and I start to laugh.

"You just told me not to tell you" I laugh at him.

"But I want to know" he says and takes the candle from the cupcake.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you" I say and stick out my tongue to tease him.

"Don't stick your tongue out to me young lady" Niall warns me with a smile on his face.

"Or what?" I say provoking him.

"Than this" he says and throws the cupcake in my face. I gasp and start to laugh.

"Niall" I scream and he tackles me on the bed and starts to tickle me.

"Niall, stop" I scream and he starts to give me little kisses on my cheek, mouth and neck. He stops and before I know it we're kissing. His hand is on my hip and his other hand is going through my hair. We move in-sync and our tongues are touching. He moves his hand under my shirt and I touch his face with my hand. I break our kiss to look at his face and instantly laugh. Niall's face is covered with cupcake and it just looks hilarious.

"Your face is covered in cupcakes" I say and laugh at him.

"Well, yours is too, we should shower" he says and wiggles his eyebrows. Before I can answer his suggestion, he picks me up and walks to my bathroom. I laugh and just know that this will be the best birthday ever.

"Where are we going?" I ask Niall. After we finished showering Niall got me a beautiful black short body con dress. The fabric was made from suede and it felt so soft against my skin. If I had to buy this dress, I wouldn't of picked it, because the dress looks really sexy. But once I've put it on I really liked how the dress fits me and shows all the right curves. I put a black blazer on top of it to finish the look. I put my white nike sneakers underneath it and I was happy with my birthday look.

When I walked in the kitchen Niall gasped and complimented me about my look. He made me some delicious pancakes and now we're on our way to the surprise that Niall has planned for me.

"I'm not going to tell you" Niall tells me for the millionth time.

I pout at him and he touches my bottom lip.

"Don't pout baby, we'll be there any second" Niall says and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

Niall's wearing navy blue khaki pants with a white blouse on top of it. How can a person look so good and be so kind.

"Fine" I say and look out the window to see where we are. We're in the centrum of London and I see that we're heading to the Tower Bridge.

The car stops in the middle of the road and Niall takes my hand.

"We're here" he says and I'm confused. Niall sees my confused look and squeezes my hand "trust me".

We get out of the car and a bodyguard is already waiting for us. Some people are already noticing us and taking their phones to photograph us.

"Can we have a picture with you Niall?" Two girls ask and Niall stops for a second to take picture with the girls.

"Can we take a picture with you as well Lauren?" The girls ask me and I'm shook by their question.

"Yes, of course" I say and Niall takes a picture of my with the girls.

"Thank you so much, we really love your song, we can't wait for you to make new music" the girls tell me and I feel the love spread through my body, it's a warm feeling.

"Thank you, that means so much to me" I smile and give the girls a hug and wave them goodbye.

After that Niall has to take a few more and then we're in the Tower Bridge, safe and sound. I look around and see that we have the whole place to ourselves.

"Wow, did you rent this whole place?" I ask Niall "that must of cost a fortune, you shouldn't of done that".

"Of course I did this, you deserve the best and I want this day to be special" he says and puts his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"You are my world and I don't want to lose you" he says giving me a long kiss on the lips.

"And this is not your only surprise, the rest will come tonight, but first, let's take a tour" Niall says and takes my hand "shall we?"

I smile "yes, we shall".

Hey guys! Happy new year! I hope everyone had a great new year and was able to spend it with their loved ones. Thank you so much for 2020, for all the love and support, it means a lot! I hope you like this chapter, if you do, don't forget to vote :)

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