Chapter nineteen

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The next morning I wake up excited, today I'm going to go to the studio again to record my part of the song. I have to admit, I'm excited for people to hear the song and if they're going to like it.

I start my morning routine, putting on some music, eating breakfast, and showering. Today I choose to wear makeup, but to it natural with an eyeliner. After I brush my teeth I take my bag and go to work.

Today is Sarah's day off so the day goes by slowly. I make a few mistakes because I'm thinking about Niall and recording. When it's almost six 'o clock I look at my watch every few seconds if it's time to go.

"What's up with you?" My boss Kim laughs at me and I feel myself blush. I can't tell her that I'm going to a studio to record a song, but I also don't want to lie to her.

"Uhm, nothing I just have something planned" I reply and regret lying to her, but it's too soon to tell her about all of this.

"Oh do you have a date?" She tries to guess. I start laughing because she always wants me to date so that I won't be alone.

"No it's not that, but if something happens in my dating life I'll let you know" I say and look at my watch, it's six 'o clock so I go to my locker to collect my stuff and go outside to see if Alice is already here.

I look around the parking lot but I can't see her and start to walk around. Then I see a red Tesla coming up the parking lot and it drives up to me. Alice lowers the window "Come in" she says and I admire her car for a bit. I get in the car and the inside is white leather.
I whistle "Nice car" I say impressed "I have never been in a Tesla before".

"Well if you're nice today, I'll let you drive when we go to your apartment" she winks at me.

"Why does that feel like bribe" I laugh at her and she laughs with me.

When we arrive at the studio Alice parks the car and we go inside. It's weird to be here without Niall, but I'm also excited to get to know Alice more. We leave our stuff in the corner and I wait on the couch until she has everything set. We make some small talk and I find out that Alice and Niall have been working together for four years. He feels like a brother to her and he always says that she is his little sister.

"It's nice to have someone like that in your life" I say thinking about my little brothers. I don't see them as much as I would like to, but they still live at home with my mom and stepdad.

"Niall recorder his part yesterday, do you want to hear how it sounds with the music?" She asks. I walk up to her and sit beside her behind the control panel. "Yes I'm so curious" I say excitedly. We listen to the song with music and Niall's voice and it sounds so good.

"It's so good, who recorder the piano and guitar part?" I ask.

"Niall did them yesterday as well" Alice and I'm impressed by his instrumental skills. I get up and Alice gives me headphones, I go to the recording room and sit down on the stool and take the microphone in my hand so that I can move a little more. I clear my throat and nod to Alice that I'm ready. She gives me a dumbs up and I start singing.

After I sing the song for the first time I take off my headphones, and look at Alice I see that she has tears in her eyes and she gives me a thumbs up.
"That was absolutely amazing, I think that you sound better than you did last time" she says proudly and I'm feeling so happy.

"We just need a few more takes, that way we can choose what part sounds better" she explains. We record for another hour and then I hear my stomach rumble while singing the song. Alice stops the music and we both start laughing.

"I totally forgot about dinner" she says and I agree with her.

"I was so excited to start recording and finishing the song that I didn't even think about it" I reply.

"Shall I order some pizza?" She asks and gets her phone from her pocket.

"Yeah that would be perfect" I say and only thinking about pizza makes my stomach rumbles again.

I go out of the recording room and sit beside her again and look at her screen, I couldn't understand a thing even if I wanted to.

When Alice finished ordering pizza she looks at me.

"I still wanted to go through something with you" She says and I get nervous because she was serious all of a sudden.

"Okay" I say a bit insecure.

"Well we want this song to be released as a single, and Niall wants to ask you himself but since you are here I thought I could ask you" she says and I feel relief wash over me.

"Because Niall's album won't be out until March next year we want to give the fans something to keep them busy" she explains.

"That makes sense" I agree.

"Also I thought about a cover and you could be on it without getting recognized. We put you on it as a silhouette, then people won't even know who you are" she tells the idea with such enthusiasm that I only can get enthusiastic with her.

"Okay, I'll do it" I say and she gets up and starts jumping around, I laugh at her and she hugs me so hard that I almost can't breathe.

Then we hear a knock on the door and turn around to see who it is. Harry opens the door and has pizza in his hands. Harry wears wide high waist jeans with a white shirt that has his own name on it and it says "fine line". His hair looks like he just got out of bed, but it suits him.

"I walked into the pizza guy, so I thought I'll give these lovely ladies their pizza" he says with a cheeky smile. He comes into the room and sits down on the couch.

"Well that's very nice of you kind sir" I say teasingly.

"I didn't want milady to starve to death" he plays along and Alice laughs at us. Alice and I sit on the couch and I sit between Alice and Harry. Alice and I eat our pizza and Harry gets a few slices to keep him happy.

After we finish eating I look at Harry "why are you wearing a shirt with your own name and why fine line?" I ask out of curiosity.

He smiles and looks at his own shirt "it's the title of my album and I wear it because I like it" he smiles.

"That's a cool title" Alice says and I agree with her.

"Thank you" he says and gets up "I'm sorry to leave you two ladies alone, but I have plans for tonight, it was lovely to see you again" and he gives us both a hug. We say goodbye to him and start to clean the mess we just made. After that, we take our stuff and go back to the car.

"Would you like to drive?" She asks and I really want to but I'm afraid as well. Alice sees me struggling and throws the keys at me.

"Drive, it will be fine" she says and I'm really starting to like her.

I get in and start driving, this car is just amazing, it really is my dream car. When we arrive at my apartment safe and sound, we both get out of the car.

"Can you come by the office tomorrow to sign the papers about the single? And then we can also discuss your payment" She says. I haven't really thought about getting paid and it feels a bit strange.

"Okay, I'll be there after work" I say and we hug goodbye. I watch her leave and go upstairs. How much would I get paid for this song?

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story! How do you like the story so far? Don't forget to vote! :)

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