Chapter six

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It was lovely weather today, so I decided to get of the tube early and walk the last mile. The sun was shining and I felt a light breeze on my face. It was still so crazy to me that I was about to go to the studio where Niall Horan records. What would he be like? Why would he give his number to me? All these questions were going through my head as I arrived at the studio.

I rang the doorbell and waited, gosh what was I nervous. Then I heard someone unlock the door and open it. A young woman opens the door, I think she was in her mid twenties just like me. She was very handsome and had long blond hair, she smiled at me.
"Are you Lauren?" she asks, she seems really nice and a genuine person.

"Yes I am, I'm here to bring Niall's jacket back" I say.

"Come in Lauren I've heard a lot about you, I'm Alice" she says turning around and walking inside. She heard a lot about me? That was a bit weird.

I followed her inside, she took me to a door that says 'recording room'. She turned around to face me and smiled at me.

"Niall's in here, I'm going to get something to drink, do you want something too?" She asks nicely.
"No thank you I'm good" I say.

"Okay I'll be right back but you can go inside" she says and walks away.

So there I was in a recording studio, with a jacket from Niall Horan. This is crazy, yesterday I was just working and going out with my friends.

I took a deep breath and put my hand on the doorknob to open the door, but the the door already went open and I almost bumped into Niall.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I should've knocked" I say and I feel my cheeks turn red, why do my cheeks always have to betray me. I looked down so he wouldn't notice them.

"No don't be nothing happened, it's fine" he laughed. I look up and see that he was smiling and he put his hands through his hair.

I felt my cheeks getting normal again and smiled back at him. It happens automatically when I hear him laugh.

"I was about the look for Alice" he continues. I couldn't really focus because he is the most beautiful guy I've ever seen.

"Uhm, oh yeah she went to get some drinks" I say trying to get my focus back so that I wouldn't embarrass myself.

"Great! I'm thirsty, come in" he says smiling and stepping back so I can go inside. I've never been in a studio before, but it looked just as I expected it to look like. A big couch was on this side of the room with a table and a lot of papers lying around everywhere. Then there was a glass wall where the recording happens. There were some scented candles, so the room has a really nice and warm vibe going on.

"Sorry about the mess" he says while gathering al the papers that are lying around.

"It's fine, I like it here, I've never been in a studio before" I say still looking around and getting a closer look to the instruments.

Niall made space on the couch for both of us, sits down and gestures for me to come sit with him. I sit down and look at him.

"Oh I've your jacket and sorry about yesterday, that wasn't the best first impression" I say a bit embarrassed. I give him his jacket back, when he took it our hands brushed against each other and there went a little shock through my body.

"Thanks, but technically I saw you in the bar first, while you were singing" he says. Omg, I totally forgot about that, I sang and played piano in front of Niall Horan.

"Yeah that's something I don't do very often, but after a few drinks I kind of forget the people there and pretend to be in my shower" I say smiling apologetically.

"Well I think you should sing more often, you really have a great voice, when did you start singing" he took his guitar and was just playing some melody I didn't recognize.

"I don't remember when I started singing, I guess I was always singing, but of course my singing is nothing compared to you and other professional singers" I say pointing at him "my mum put me on piano and guitar lessons when I was five, so that's how I got in love with music. It will always be my way to deal with emotions and situations that I'm going through in life, it helped me a lot" I blurted out.

Why am I saying all of this to him, I don't know anything about him and here I am telling him stuff my friends don't even know about me.

"Lauren you're a talent, music means that much for me too." His look got more serious and he was focusing on his guitar and the melody he is playing. I look at him playing and was tapping along with my feet, it was an uptempo melody and without knowing what I was doing I started to hum along with it. He played the last chord and had a huge smile on his face. "I want to ask you something, and I don't want you to feel pressured to say yes, but it would make me very happy if you do say yes" he puts away his guitar and took my hand, and looked me in my eyes.

Wow, his eyes are amazing and I could stare in them forever.

"I didn't invite you here to bring my jacket back or so you could say thank you to me for paying for your cab, I couldn't care less about those things. When you sang Someone you loved, you took my attention from the first note you sang. I felt your passion for music and you have so much emotion in your voice." He's getting more and more excited, but I still didn't know where he was going with this.

"Will you record a song with me?" he finally asks.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story it means so much to me! I hope you like the story so far. Please vote and you can asks me any question that you like. 

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