Chapter four

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It was a lot colder when I got outside, and I started to walk towards the main street so I could get to my cab. I put my arms around me and I walked fast, because of the cold. When I got around the corner I bumped into someone, because I was a bit drunk I couldn't keep my balance and fell on the ground.

"Shit, are you okay?" someone asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I giggled and looked up to see the guy I saw in the bar.

"Here let me help you," he said reaching out his hand.

I got his hand and he helped me get up, I felt a bit dizzy so I hold on to his arm to get my balance back.

"Well I think someone had a drink too much" he chuckled. I felt my cheeks getting warmer and knew I was blushing.

"Thank you for helping me, but I should get to my cab," I said a bit slurred.

"Let me bring you there," he said with a worried look on his face.

"No that's not necessary, I can walk over there by myself," I said letting go of him as I tried to walk I lost my balance again and almost fell again. He caught me and put his arm around my waist, and I felt the warmth of his hand making me warm up from the inside.

"Well it doesn't look like it" he said "I'm bringing you to your cab if you like it or not" he continued.

I didn't feel like arguing and he did seem like a good person.

"Okay, thank you," I said with a small smile.

"I'm Lauren by the way, Lauren Hill," I said putting out my hand so we could introduce.

"I already knew that by your performance, I'm Niall," he said and shook my hand. While I was shaking his hand and looked into his eyes everything clicked.

"Wait.....Niall, Niall Horan?" I stuttered, I couldn't believe it. I was a big fan of his music, but I didn't recognize him because of his brown hair.

"Yes," he said a bit uneasy, a concerned look in his eyes.

"Omg I'm so embarrassed, I'm a big fan of your music" I smiled a bit nervous. Why would a famous person help me out, this was a bit strange.

"Thank you, I think I'm a fan of your voice, you were amazing back there" he smiled.

I blushed again "oh thanks, but my voice isn't that good"

"That's not true," he said.

We walked in silence for a few minutes and it was weird, I didn't feel like I had to keep talking to fill up the silence. It was getting colder and I started shivering.

"Are you cold?" Niall asked with a concerned voice and already took off his jacket and offered it to me.

"Thank you," I said and accepted it, putting my arms in the sleeves while he held his jacket up. It was a little big for me, but I felt the warmth of him.

"So do you sing a lot?" Niall asked turning his head looking at me.

"Since I can remember, I have a room in my apartment that was of my roommate, but she left, so I have a piano and guitar standing there" I looked back at him "I like to practice every day, when I'm there nothing else matters, It's just me in my little bubble" I rambled on and using my hands to express my passion for music.

"I'm sorry" I laughed "when I talk about music it can get out of control".

"That's okay," he said, "I know the feeling". He smiled at me and there was a spark in his eyes.

We arrived at the main street, but my cab hadn't arrived yet.
"It should be here any minute," I said looking at my phone.

"That's okay I'll just wait here with you" he looked around "we wait there" he pointed to a bench. We walked to it and sat next to each other.

"Where are your friends?" I started wondering.

"They are probably drinking somewhere," he said grinning.

I saw my cab pulling up the street so I stood up and turned around to Niall. He stood up as well.

"I know this must be weird, but can I get your number?" he asked.

I was flabbergasted Niall Horan wanted my number?

"Yeah of course" I answered, we exchanged numbers, and when we did I headed towards the cab. When I was in front of the door I almost forgot that I still had his jacket on. So I turned around "Niall I still have your jacket" and started taking it off.

"You can give it back to me the next we see each other" he smiled with a mischievous smile.

I started blushing, and then the cab driver started honking and it was my time to leave.

Niall opened the door for me and then walked towards the driver, he said something that I couldn't hear.

"Bye Lauren," he said and went back to where we came from.

"Where to miss?" the cab driver asked. I gave my address and we drove away. I snuggled in his jacket en smelled his scent. It smelled like fresh soap and wood, it was a delicious smell.

When we arrived I started to get money from my purse, when the driver put his hand up "it already had been paid" he said "by that young man".

"Oh thank you," I said and got out of the cab. "Have a good evening" I said and closed the door. Wow, Niall was the sweetest guy I've ever met.

I got my keys and went upstairs to my apartment. When I got inside I texted Sarah that I got home safely. And a few minutes later I got a text back saying "good to hear, I'll see you on Monday".

I put on my pyjamas and brushed my teeth and I brought Niall's jacket with me in bed. This was probably very childish, but I loved his scent and it reminded me of his arm around my waist. While smiling about the events of tonight I closed my eyes and started to drift off.

Author's note: Hey guys! So they finally met, sort of! Let me know what you think! Thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me!

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