Chapter thirty nine

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Niall and I stand in front of Sarah's apartment with our suitcases.

"So where are we going?" I ask not wanting us to part already.

Niall looks at me and I see a glistening in his eyes "I don't want this night to end" he says and I feel myself blush.

"I don't want this night to end either" I admit and Niall smiles at my reaction.

"You can stay at my place?" He asks with his hand rubbing his neck and looking at the ground.

"I would love that," I say getting a bit shy, the last time I stayed at Niall's apartment I fell on sleep on the couch.

Niall calls a cab and I sit on top of my suitcase looking at this handsome human being in front of me. When Niall is finished calling he turns around to me and stands in front of me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and I lean my head against his stomach. I take a deep breath and take in his smell, his smell always makes me calm and feel comfortable. He gives me a kiss on my head and then the cab is already here. We get in and Niall gives his address, I lay my head on Niall's shoulder and look out of the car. I see the skyline of London flash by and I just love this city so much.

After a few minutes, I see the familiar building of Niall's apartment. We get out of the car and Niall takes our suitcases from the trunk. I pay the taxi driver and take my suitcase from Niall. We go inside and take the elevator to his apartment. When we're on his floor he takes his keys from his pocket and opens the door. Before the door is closed I press my lips against his and I feel him answer my kiss. When we break our kiss I look in his eyes and his pupils are wide and dark. I take his hand and go to his bedroom. Niall stands still in the middle of the room and looks at my every move. I stand in front of him and take his shirt in my hand while I don't break eye contact with him. He automatically puts his arms up so I can easily take off his shirt. When his shirt is down on the floor I start to kiss him in the neck. Slowly I leave a trace of kisses from his neck to his lips. When our lips touch Niall puts his hand on my neck and we deepen our kiss. I bite his lip and he moans a little making me feel warm inside. When we break our kiss, Niall looks at me "you're beautiful" he says in a husky voice.

I feel myself blush and he strokes my cheek with his dumb. My hands are on his chest playing with chest hair. I start to undress in front of him and when I'm only in my bra and underwear I look back up at Niall. He looks at me and comes closer to me and put his hand under my chin and makes me look at him.

"Your the best thing that ever happened to me," he says and kisses me. He takes off his pants and kisses me again. While we kiss we he softly lays me down on the bed. My whole body on fire when he touches me and I sigh enjoying his hands on my body. He kisses my collarbone and slowly goes to the edge of my bra. He kisses the top of my bra and I put my legs around his waist, at this moment I want to be as close as possible to him. He takes off my bra and I trust him completely.

"Lauren you are so beautiful," he says again and he kisses my breast. I sigh again and he feels encouraged to continue. He kisses my stomach now and goes slowly down until he touches my underwear. He takes the fabric between his teeth and takes off my panties. He kisses me and I put my hands in his hair and answer his kiss. When we part our kiss he looks at me "are you sure?" He asks and I nod my head "yes I'm sure" I answer back and we kiss again.

When I wake up I see on the alarm clock on Niall's nightstand that it's 3 am. My whole body was still tingling from the events that happened tonight. Niall's body is draped over me and I carefully free myself from his grip. I take his t-shirt that lays on the floor and put it on. This night was the best night of my life and I smile walking to the kitchen.

I take a glass from the cabin and fill it with water. I gulp the whole thing down and take another glass of water. When the glass is full I walk to the piano and sit down behind it. I start playing some chords just playing around. After I found a melody I start to sing some words not making real sentences. I hear someone and look up to see Niall standing against the wall, watching me.

"Did I wake you?" I ask feeling guilty for playing the piano.

"No you didn't but I got cold without you sleeping next to me," he says sitting next to me on the bench "what are you playing?" He asks.

"Nothing really, I was just playing some chords," I say and start playing the melody for him. After it's finished he gives me a kiss on the cheek "it's lovely, you only need some lyrics and then you have another song, you should really think about a career in music, you're so talented".

"Thank you, maybe I can write for artists, that way I don't have to be on the cover of something," I say more to myself as an idea.

"I know some people who would be happy to write a song with you," he says "but I think every normal person is asleep now and you should get some sleep as well love".

I sigh "you're right, I'll continue this tomorrow," I say and hug Niall. He picks me up and carries me back to the bedroom.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and for giving me all the love for the story, it means so much to me! Have a nice evening or morning wherever you are and don't forget to vote :)

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