Chapter thirty four

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We arrive at a very large concrete building and Niall gets out of the car. He waits for me to get out and closes the door behind me, still being the gentlemen he is. He leads the way inside the building and I follow him in silence. When we get inside two women are waiting for us and greet us.

"Welcome! Are you guys excited for the shoot?" The first one asks in a very enthusiastic voice. Niall looks at me and I don't feel like lying just to get on his nerves.

"Yes I am but I'm very nervous," I say admitting "this is my first shoot," I say and the woman gives me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry we'll take good care of you" she says taking my arm and lead me to the makeup department. I think I heard Niall saying "make sure she's comfortable" to the other woman but I'm not sure.

When we get to the makeup department I stand there in shock, I don't think I've ever seen so much makeup in my life. A very good looking quirky young man comes up to me giggling.

"I know that's a lot of makeup," he says winking and shakes my hand, I notice that his nails are painted pink.

"Hello darling, I'm Nick, I'll be your makeup artist for today" he continues and takes a better look at me and spins me around.

"Hey, I'm Lauren," I say laughing at his approach and feel instantly feel a connection with him.

"You clearly don't need much, you're gorgeous," he says in a very exaggerating voice making me laugh more. His comment makes me blush and I don't even mind getting red in front of his face.

"Sit down in this chair and just relax," he says and I sit down on the chair in front of a giant mirror. He puts on some music and he starts singing along and his feeling is infectious. We start talking about our lives while he does my makeup and I close my eyes and enjoy every second of this experience.

"So how did you met Niall?" He asks and I feel a smile coming on my face thinking about the way Niall and I met. I tell him about our night out and the karaoke bar, that he followed me all the way outside to ask me to record a duet with him.

"That's so romantic, you guys must be dating right?" He says and I feel a bit guilty about our fight last night and the things that I've said to him. I tell Nick about the party last night and what happened between us after the party. It was nice to talk to someone about this who is an outsider from the whole situation.

"Girl you've got to forgive him, you don't know what that bitch was up to and you believe him when he says he didn't do anything with that girl right?" He asks me and looks me deep in the eyes. I do believe that he didn't do anything back but it still hurts me just thinking about seeing them together.

"I do believe him," I say and feel guilty for hurting him the way I did yesterday.

"Well then you know what to do," he said winking at me and gives me a little squeeze in the arm. "And we're done," he says and turns me around so that I can look in the mirror. I open my eyes and my makeup looks flawless. I look Nick in the eyes through the mirror and whisper "thank you" and his eyes get teary as well.

"Don't make me cry darling, you can't ruin your look okay?" he says and gives me a hug from behind. I take another look in the mirror, Nick did a wet look of makeup because only our silhouettes will be on the cover. Our faces in the front and our whole bodies on the back.

I get up and Nick takes my hand and goes to the dressing room.

"You have two options," Nick says and holds up both outfits. The first outfit is a red dress that's very flowing and looks very romantic. Option two is a black dress, also flowing but with a deep v cut in the front of the dress. He holds up the black up to me and wiggles with his eyebrows.

"I'll try on the black one, but if I think it's too much revealing I'll go with the red one," I say and Nick cheers making me laugh.

I put the black dress on and look in the mirror and I haven't felt more confident in my entire life. When I go back to Nick and when he sees me he's snapping his fingers. I start to blush "oh stop it," I say and he puts his fingers in his mouth to make a whistling sound.

"My girl, you look hot," he says and I really do feel very good about myself. "Let's go get your hair done and go to the studio," he says and we go to the hairdresser. We get to the hairdresser and I sit down in the chair. She starts right away and we all laugh and chat. Her name is Rachel and she's very nice. She straightens my hair and puts on a lot of gel to make it look like it's wet. When the whole look is finished I get up and automatically twirl around to make Nick happy and he gets so excited. The hairdresser and Nick high five and I laugh at them.

"Let's go and get you to the studio," Nick says and we say goodbye to Rachel.

Nick takes my hand and when I see all the camera's I start to get a bit nervous. "Honey, don't get nervous, you'll do great," he says and squeezes my hand. I'm so grateful that I've met Nick and I consider him a friend already.

I see Niall first and he stands with his back to me. He wears black pants and a fitted black shirt. The woman in front of him sprays his clothes wet and you can see his muscles showing from under his shirt. When he turns around I see that his hair is wet and I can see drops of water in his tousled hair. I smile at him and when he sees me smiling at him he starts smiling. I can see him looking at my dress and my cleavage and he bites his underlip. Him looking at me like that makes me feel even sexier and when I'm in front of him I want to tease him.

"Like my dress Mr. Horan?" I ask and he's surprised by my approach but quickly recover putting on a smirk.

"Definitely Ms. Hill" he smirks and we turn around to the photographer to get our instructions.

"You two look absolutely incredible," he says and Niall and I smile at him "I want you two to stand in the middle and look at each other".

We obey and get to the middle of the paper canvas that lays on the floor. We stand and look in each others eyes "yes stay like that" the photographer says and then the clicking of his camera begins.

I look at Niall and his blue eyes and can't imagine my life without him anymore. After a while, the photographer says that we can take a break and before I can go back to Nick, Niall takes my hand and leads us to the dressing room. When we get inside and he closes the door behind me he takes my face in his hands and kisses me. I'm shocked for a second and recover myself and kiss him back with passion. When we break our kiss we both say the same thing "I'm so sorry" and we laugh. Niall looks me deep in the eyes "Lauren you mean everything to me and I don't ever want to lose you, that thing with Hailee will never happen again" he says and strokes my cheek with his dumb.

"I'm sorry for the things that I've said," I say and give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"We need to be more honest with each other from now on, I need to be more honest with you," Niall says and I smile at him.

"We do" I agree and we kiss again but not for long because someone knocks on the door. Niall opens the door and Nick looks at me and I give him a little wink making him smile "the photographer wants to continue the shoot" he says and we get back to the studio. When I walk past Nick he whispers in my ear "I'm proud of you" and I smile.

Author's note: Hey guys! 3000 reads! That's amazing! Thank you so much for all the love, it means a lot to me! I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote :)

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