Chapter twenty

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I wake up and the first thing I do is look for my phone. I find it underneath my pillow and check if Niall sends me a message.

We called all night yesterday but we still hadn't talked about the kiss, and what it means.

I see that he send me a message "good morning, have a nice day x" seeing his message makes me happy, it's the start of a good day.

I sent a message back "good night, hope you had a nice day".

Today Helen, Luna, and Sarah will come over to watch some movies and I'm in desperate need of a girls' night.

My morning routine is the same as always, putting on some music, making some breakfast, brushing my teeth, and showering.

Today I feel like doing my makeup, so I do a smokey eye with brown and natural colors.

I take my jacket and leave my apartment, I put in my AirPods and listen to some music while walking to the underground.

When I get to work I meet Sarah at the lockers. "Hey, are you looking forward to tonight?" I ask and give her a hug.

"Yes, how late do you want us to come over?" She asks.

"How about eight 'o clock?" I reply "I'll get us some Turkish bread and dips, and wine of course" I laugh.

"I'm so excited" she says and jumps around. We both get to work and the time flies by. At five o'clock I get a message from Alice. "I'm so sorry Lauren, but something came up, so I need to reschedule our appointment " That's a bummer, but I decide not to let it ruin my day.

"No problem" I text her back and put my phone away. When I look up, I see someone familiar. Brown curly hair that's a bit messed up and then he turns around. It's Harry, what is he doing here? Sarah walks up to me and sees me staring at Harry, she looks where I'm staring at and she squeezes my arm.

"Is that who I think it is?" She whispers to me with a very high voice.

"Yes" I hiss back "Please behave" I whisper back. I stand straight and walk up to Harry. He looks at me and starts to smile.

"Hey Lauren, how are you? I didn't know you work here" he says and gives me a hug. I hug him back and his hands are lower than usual when you hug someone.

"Yeah, I've worked here since I've moved to London" I answer him "I didn't know you do your own shopping" I continue.

"Yes I sometimes do, who's that girl staring at us?" He asks and I don't even have to look to know that he is talking about Sarah.

"That's Sarah, one of my best friends" I admit and turn around to wave at her to come and meet Harry.

"She's cute" Harry say and I smile, she will love to hear that from him. She walks up to me and smiles her cutest smile. I see that Harry is checking is whether his clothes are good.

"You look great" I whisper at him to give him a bit more confidence.

He gives me a wink and I roll with my eyes, of course he knows he looks great. He has hundreds of fans and most of them are girls dying to meet him or even touch him. Sarah stands next to me and looks at me expectantly.

"Harry, this is Sarah, Sarah, this is Harry" I say and point from one to another. They look at each other and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you Sarah" he says looking deeply in her eyes. I can almost see her drooling and I give her a little nudge.

"Nice to met you to Harry, what are you doing here?" She asks like it isn't obvious what a man would do in a supermarket. I want to slap my hand on my forehead, this conversation isn't going to way it should go.

"I was going to get some food to make some dinner for tonight" he answers her politely, he's probably used to girls acting like this.

Sarah now knows that her question was a bit obvious and gets a little blush on her cheeks.

"What are you doing later?" I ask Harry making a little plan in my head, to set Sarah and Harry up.

"Uhm, nothing, why?" He asks and looks back at Sarah, who is still smiling at him.

"Well, Helen, Luna, Sarah, and I are going to watch some movies at my apartment tonight, you should come if you'd like" I invite him. His eyes lit up and his smile gets bigger.

"I would love to have a movie night" he says getting excited already.

"Okay, I text you my address" I say and he smile at him.

"Everyone will come around eight o'clock" I say and look at Sarah, she's like her normal self again, thank god.

"I'll be there" he says and then we hear some girls starting to whisper around. Harry has been spotted by some fans.

"It's time to leave" Harry says and waves goodbye, before the situation gets out of control.

Author's note: Hey guys! First of all thank you so much for the love you've given the story! It means so much to me! How do you like the story so far? Don't forget to vote and leave a comment if you lik :)

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