Chapter ten

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"You're late" Sarah says before I could even get the change to say hello.

"Hello to you too" I smile at her, see could see how happy I am and she starts frowning at me.

"What happened?" she asks, knowing that there was something going on.

"I'll tell you, but first let's go because I'm starving" I say while grabbing her hand and start walking towards Bella Italia. "And you know that when I'm hungry, I get cranky and that's something we both don't want right".

When we ordered I updated Sarah about what happened in the cab with Niall, she gets even more excited and starts to jump around.

"I'm so happy that you said yes, you deserve this!" She says "but why do you want to do it anonymously?".

"Because I don't want to be in the spotlight, and I don't know if I can handle all the comments that people will have" I explain "maybe I can come clean when the time is ready".

After we finished eating Sarah and I said goodbye to each other.

I put my AirPods in and take the underground back home. It's funny when I step in the tube and sit down, I see a Niall Horan poster right in front of me. I laugh and roll with my eyes, I close my eyes and listen to the music.

When I get home, I take off my shoes and go to the bathroom. I turn on my JBL box and connect with my phone. I put on my playlist and take off my clothes. I wait till the water get's warm and then I get in the shower. In the shower I look back on what happened today. Wow this was again a day that I won't forget, Niall is such a lovely guy, with his bright blue eyes, his laugh which makes me laugh. I can't fall for him, that would be too complicated. I have to see him as my boss, that I work with.

I finish showering and put a towel around my body and go to my bedroom. I put on a sweater and some shorts and lay down in bed. I scroll through my Instagram and after a few minutes I put my phone down and try to sleep.

The next morning my alarm wakes me up. Mondays are always the hardest day of the week for me, but today I'm excited because I get to see Niall again. I get dressed, eat some yoghurt for breakfast and brush my teeth. I put on my jacket and close the door behind me. When I get outside the sun was shining bright and it fits my mood. People are smiling and you can smell the summer that's coming closer.

When I arrive at work Sarah walked up to me. "I took your jacket with me, are you nervous about writing after work?" she asks.

"No, I'm excited to see him again" I say a bit shyly and feel my cheeks turn red. I really need to control myself more.

"You like him" she states "be careful, I don't want you to get hurt".

"I know and I will, a guy like him won't fall for a girl like me, so that won't be a problem" I say back and we get to work.

The day flew by and before I know it, it was already five o' clock.

"Lauren can I talk to you for a few minutes?" my boss Kim asks, she is the sweetest boss I ever worked with.

"Yeah of course" I say and we walk to the office together. It's a small office with two chairs and a desk with a computer on it. Kim sits down and turns to face me. "You still have a lot of free days that you need to take, because you worked so many overtime" she says "You can take three weeks off after this week if you want?" She continues.

"That would actually be perfect" I say, I almost wanted to tell her about Niall and that we're going to sing a duet together.

"Great that's settled then" she smiles. She gets up again and we leave the office. I look for Sarah and tell her that I'll be free for the next three weeks after this week. "That's great" she says and look around "now you can really focus on writing and recording with Niall".

"Yeah I know, I'm so happy!" I reply and we finish up. It's six o' clock and I'm about to get my jacket "Where can I find some milk" a voice says from behind me. I get a bit irritated, because I want to see Niall as quickly as I can. "It's in the second aisle" I say a bit irritated and turn around to see Niall grinning at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and hug him. He hugs me back and lifts me up a bit. When my feet are safely on the ground he puts his hand in his neck and looks down. Is he nervous? What would he be nervous about.

"I just wanted to surprise you here, instead of waiting outside" he says a bit shyly and I think I could even see a little blush on his face.

I had texted him the address of my work so that he could pick me up after work and said that he could wait in the car, so that he wouldn't risk getting seen by fans.

"Well you surprised me" I say smiling. The fact that he would risk getting recognised by fans just to surprise me gave me a warm feeling.

"I'll get my jacket, wait here" I say and quickly went in the back to get my jackets, putting one on and the other I put in my bag. Sarah was peeking around the corner to see Niall.

"Sarah stop it" I whisper, not wanting Niall to hear us.

"He's so cute" she says "You're a lucky girl" and she stops peeking.

She also puts on her jacket and we walk back to Niall.

"Niall this is Sarah, my best friend and colleague" I introduce them.

"Hey, nice to meet you" Niall says and puts out his hand so she can shake it, but Sarah ignored his hand and went straight in for a hug, making me laugh. This was typical Sarah and I love her for it. Niall was hesitating a bit, but recovered and hugs her back. He looks at me with a confused look and I just shrug my shoulder, saying that this is just how she works.

"Nice to meet you too" she says "take good care of my bestie, or you will regret it" she blurted out.

"Sarah please behave yourself" I say and shove her again.

"It's fine" Niall says laughing "I will take good care of her". His reaction makes me blush and I try to hide it.

"Are you ready to go?" Niall asks.

"Yes I am" I say and the three of us walk outside. "When do you have to work again?" Sarah asks.

"Tomorrow I'm free so I will see you on Wednesday" I say and give her a hug.

"Good, text me or call me tomorrow and have fun" she says back and she waves at Niall, who waves back.

"I will" I say back and turn to Niall. Niall walks to a black SUV and opens the door for me to the passengers side.

"Thank you" I say with a blush on my face, he's such a gentleman. He walks to the other side of the car and gets in.

"We're not going to the studio but we'll go to my apartment if that isn't a problem for you?" He asks a bit unsure.

"That's fine by me" I say and he smiles relieved. He puts the car in drive and starts driving. I was already curious about what his apartment would look like.

Author's note: Hey guys! Are you having a great weekend? I hope you like the story so far, let me know what you think. If you have recommendations for the story let me know! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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