Chapter eight

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Niall and I walked around and he still holds my hand. I look at our hands and I there was a warm feeling coming up in me, but I pushed the thought away. Lauren he is an international popstar, he won't be interested in you. It was still lovely weather and it was so nice to just walk with someone. I glance at him and he was smiling and looking around.

When we arrived at a small bakery he lets go of my hand.
"Ladies first" he smiles and opens the door for me and he bows very deep which makes me laugh at him.

"Well thank you kind sir" I laugh and go inside.

It was really small, but it smells amazing, there are pastries everywhere. There was no one inside, but there was a little bell on the counter. Niall walked to it and was about to use it, but then an old lady walked up to us.

"Hey Niall, do you want the usual" she asks him. She has a very friendly face with a lot of wrinkles, but it suited her.

"Yeah that would be lovely Karin" he replies and then looks at me "what do you want?" He asks.

"I'll have what you are having" I say. I'm curious what he would have and I didn't really had the time to look at the menu.

Karin comes back with two bags in her hand, she puts the bags on the counter. "That will be six pounds darling" she says too Niall. I was about to take my wallet from my bag, but Niall beats me to it.

"Let me" he says holding up his hand so that I couldn't speak against him.

"You pay for everything, let me at least pay for something" I say.

"You can pay the next thing that I have in store for us" he says with a mischievous smile.

"Thank you again for taking such good care of me Karin, I'll see you next week" he says and takes the bags. This time I opened the door for him and was doing the exact same thing he did a few minutes ago.

"Ladies first" I laugh and he tries to walk very lady like exaggerating with moving his hips as he walks outside.

"Well thank you very much sir" he says in a high pitched voice, which only makes me laugh harder and he started laughing with me.

When we were outside again a few girls walked by and looked at Niall and totally ignored me.

"Don't you get recognised a lot?" I ask.

"Not if I wear my baseball cap, then only the real fans recognise me, but that doesn't happen very often" he says.

I can't imagine what it would be like to have girls screaming your name and chasing after you. I think that I would go insane.

"So where are we going next?" I ask getting curious.

He smiled and takes my hand again, but didn't answer my question.

We walked to a park and Niall sits down on the grass, I sit next to him. This park was so beautiful, there's a pond with little ducks swimming around. It was very quiet and we were the only ones except for an older couple that are feeding the ducks. Niall gives me a bag with food and I open it. It's a sandwich with chicken and bacon, and it smells so good. My stomach starts to growl again and I take the sandwich out of the bag and take a bite.
"Omg this is so good" I say with my mouth full. Niall starts laughing and I start laughing too and then I start to cough because of all the food that was still in my mouth. I quickly chewed and swallowed the food.

"Don't laugh at me, you almost made me choke to death" I smile at him.

"I'm sorry but you should have seen your face, it was priceless" he laughs and I just smile.

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