Chapter eighteen

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I wake up and for a second I think I'm still dreaming. Yesterday was the craziest day I've ever had. I met Harry Styles and he was everything I expected him to be. The cheeky guy he always seemed on the telly when I watched them when I was younger. Always in for something fun and adventurous.

I lay in bed thinking about how much has happened since I met Niall.

If he didn't hear me sing that night, I would off never recorded a song. And he makes me feel so loved, he cares so much. I can still feel his hands in my neck and how he touched me. I get goosebumps and try to think of something else.

I check my phone and see that I have a text message from Niall.

"Good morning love, I've just landed and I wanted to let you know that I miss you already x".

I smile at his text and wish he was here, I have to wait two weeks before I could see him again. What if he changes his mind about me in the meantime?

My phone starts buzzing and I look to see the Id caller, it's Sarah and I pick up.

"Hey Sarah, is there something wrong?" I ask because usually she only calls if its an emergency, especially since I'm going to see her in an hour.

"Why are there pictures of you and Harry Styles yesterday?" She practically screams and I have to hold the phone from my ear.

"I ran into him yesterday and he took us all to lunch" I reply her and hold. Omg why didn't you tell me" she says accusingly.

"I wanted to tell you at work, but you beat me to it" I say back and start getting up. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth while talking to Sarah.

"Okay then it's fine" she says "but you need to tell me everything later".

"I will" I say with toothpaste in my mouth. She hangs up and I go back to getting ready for work. I take a shower and decide not to put any makeup on today. After I shower I get some breakfast and google harry styles. I see pictures of Harry, Niall, Alice, and me getting out of the building. You don't see me that well because the photo was taken from the side. I read the comments but they were all about Alice because she was the one that walked beside Harry.

They were all wondering if she is the new girl Harry is dating, but they couldn't be more wrong. I put my phone away and I go to work.

When I arrive at work Sarah immediately comes to me.

"Tell me everything" she says enthusiastically.

"Can I put my stuff in a locker and get to work first?" I laugh at her.

"Fine" she says with a sigh but I know she does that to tease me. I go to my locker and put my jacket and bag in there. I go back to Sarah and I tell her everything, about meeting Harry and the kiss with Niall.

"Omg! I'm so happy for you! Are you Niall girlfriend and boyfriend then?" She asks happily.

"I don't know, he left me this sweet message this morning, but we haven't talked about it" I say back.

Are you boyfriend and girlfriend when you kiss one time? I've seen my friends kiss a guy in the bar one time and they aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't want to think about it for too long.

"We should all hang out again, you, Luna, Helen, and me" Sarah says. "And what do you mean with "hang"?" I ask not wanting to go out again.

"Just a chill night with the girls, watching a movie, doing masks and stuff and, drink wine of course" she answers me.

"Yes that's a great idea" I say excited "you can all come to my place this Friday?" I suggest.

"I'll text them and let you know" and she takes her phone and starts texting. As her boss I should tell her not to text while working but all my colleagues know that I'm not that strict of a boss.

The rest of the day goes by very quickly and I think I've looked at my phone for a hundred times, to see if I had any messages from Niall. I didn't get any messages and I start to wonder if I should text him, but decide not to so that he can think about our kiss yesterday.

After work I do some grocery shopping and go back home to make some dinner. Before I start cooking I put on some music and start prepping the vegetables. I hear a ping from my phone and race to it, to see if Niall texted me. When I pick up my phone I'm a little irritated by myself that I let myself get so worked up over a guy, even though it's Niall Horan.

It's a message from Alice "Hey Lauren, can you come to the studio tomorrow to record your part of the song?" She texts.

"Yes I can but I have to work till six, so I can come after work?" I text back and she replies immediately.

"That would be great! I'll send a car to pick you up, see you tomorrow x" She answers and I put my phone down to get back cooking.

I finish cooking and I sit on the couch putting on The Vampire Diaries and start eating. After I few bites I hear my phone ringing and see that Niall is FaceTiming me. I feel myself blush and take a few seconds before answering.

"Hey Niall" I say and he's smiling at me. All the butterflies from last night start fluttering in my stomach and I wish he was here.

"Hey love, how was your day?" He asks and I can see that he's in the studio.

"It was fine, I worked and now I'm just sitting on the couch eating my dinner and watching some Netflix" I answer him "How is your day going?" I ask and it is weird to know that his day is only halfway done.

"I'm already in the studio and it's amazing, we just finished a melody and we recorded me singing to it, kinda, because we don't have all the lyrics yet but I took a video when we were listening to it, I'll send it to you" he says and I can see his eyes twinkle, seeing him so happy makes me smile.

"I'm curious about this song already" I smile at him. He sends me the video and I watch it, he was dancing and the producers were dancing to it as well. I laugh at the video and try to listen to the lyrics.

Yeah, I see us in black and white

Crystal clear on a starlit night

In all your gorgeous colors

I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life

See you standing in your dress

Swear in front of all our friends

There'll never be another

I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life

After the song ends he says that he will post this video when it becomes a single and I giggle at how cute he is.

"What do you think of the song?" He says and looks at me expectantly.

"I love it!" I say.

After that, we just make a little bit of small talk but we don't talk about our kiss, but it doesn't matter to me because just talking to him makes me the happiest person in the world.

"I'm sorry love but I have to go, I miss you" he says and him saying that just makes my whole chest feel warm, he's the sweetest guy I've ever met.

"I miss you too and have a nice day" I say and feel myself blush.

"Bye love" he smiles and I wave back smiling "bye" I reply and we hang up. I think I'm falling and when I fall for someone I always fall hard.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Almost 500 reads! That's insane. Thank you so so so much for reading, what do you think of the story so far? Please vote and comment :)

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