Chapter forty six

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I wake up and look around the clock shows me it's 2 AM, I'm in Niall's bed and he's asleep. I get up and walk to the bathroom to get some water. When I look in the mirror I see that my eyes are puffy from crying. I keep looking at myself in the mirror, this night was hectic. I still can't believe how stupid I was for performing alone last night.

"Lauren?" I hear Niall call my name.

"I'm in the bathroom," I say back and my voice is still hoarse from the crying. I hear him coming to the bathroom and a second later he stands behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a kiss on the neck.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me and looks at me in the mirror. I think about his question "I feel better, but I'm scared for what's going to happen now".

"I understand, but you have to know that whatever happens, I'll be here for you" he says and gives me another kiss. I turn around and look in his eyes, I can't believe this guy is my boyfriend, he really is the best.

"Thank you" I say and give him a kiss. He takes my hand and we go back to the bedroom. I check my phone that lay's on my nightstand and see that I've gained a thousand followers on instagram.

"Niall, look at this" I say and show him my instagram. He takes my phone and starts smiling "you're instafamous now".

I give him a little shove and take my phone back. I scroll through my phone and tap my latest photo that I've posted. I scroll through the comments and most of them are saying nice thing like that I'm a good singer, but the more I scroll through them the more negative the comments start to get.

You're ugly

You can't sing

You don't deserve Niall

I quickly put my phone down and don't try to think about it. I cuddle up against Niall and close my eyes. All the comments go through my mind and I hug Niall even tighter trying to get the negatives thoughts out of my mind. Eventually I fall asleep and have all these nightmares about the comments.

When I wake up again the sun is shining in my eyes. Niall isn't in the bedroom and I get up to look for him. My phone starts to buzz and I see that my boss Kim is calling. I pick up the phone a bit concerned about why she's calling.

"Hey Kim," I say.

"Hey Lauren, how are you doing? I saw the news and thought maybe you wanted to talk about last night and how we can manage the situation at work" she says. Shit I haven't even thought about work. If I'll go to work I'll probably get mobbed by fans of Niall.

"I'm doing okay considering the circumstances" I say and I hear the tiredness in my voice.

"I can only imagine what you're going through, just think about it and let me know by tomorrow" she says.

"Okay, I will, thank you so much Kim" I say and we say our goodbye's.

"Who was that?" Niall asks me when I find him in the kitchen making pancakes.

"That was my boss Kim, she asked me how we'll manage the situation at my job" I say. I sit down on the chair and look at Niall thinking.

"Why not just quit your job" he says and looks up at me.

"Quit my job? How am I going to pay for my apartment and all that stuff?" I ask him.

"You have so much talent Lauren, I'll bet you can get a contract by the end of the week" Niall says.

"Niall I'm too scared to perform on a stage, I only perform when I'm drunk and that's not healthy" I explain to him.

"I know, but you can overcome your stage fright, by practicing" he says.

His phone start to buzz and he sighs and picks up his phone.

"Niall" he says and flips the pancakes and puts them on a plate.

"Really?" He asks and gets a smirk on his face.

He pushes the plate to me and gives me a knife and fork so I can start eating.

"Well I'll tell her that, we'll be in touch" he says and hangs up the phone. He sits next to me and starts to eat.

"Who was that?" I ask him just like he did with me.

He puts down his cutlery and looks at me with a big smile.

"What is it?" I ask getting a bit skeptical.

"That was Selena Gomez" he says, still smiling at me. He doesn't continue with his story so I have to ask the next question.

"What did she want from you?" I press on.

"Nothing from me, but she wants to record a song with the one and only Lauren Hill" He says smiling and takes his cutlery and continues eating.

What Selena Gomez wants to record a song with me?

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys like this next chapter and are ready for what's coming next. Please don't forget to vote and comment :)

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