Chapter twenty one

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After work, I take the underground back to Camden and go to the market there. It's a lovely evening, it was quite warm for an evening in June. It's a Friday night so it is very crowded. A lot of people in business clothes getting a beer with coworkers.

The market here isn't that big but you can get any type of food that you'd like. They have a lot of stalls with all kinds of stuff from punk to designer clothes. This neighborhood has always been my favorite, that's the reason why I moved to this part of the town.

I go to my favorite Turkish stall with delicious Turkish food.

"Hey Lauren, long time no see, what are you up to?" Kamil asks me.

I've known Kamil since I've moved to London, he's a very nice guy with olive skin, black messy hair, and dark brown eyes. Lately, he's been trying to grow a beard and has some bald spots in it, where the hairs won't grow. He's the same age as I am, twenty-five, and works for his father on the weekends.

"Yes it has been a while, but I'm here now" I reply "how have you been? And how is uni?" I ask him and look at all the delicious food.

"Schools good, next year I only have to do an internship for six months and then I can graduate" he says very proudly and I'm proud of him as well. He studies law at UCL and is the smartest guy I know.

"That's great news! Your parents must be very proud of you" I say and look around. There's a line forming behind me and I look at Kamil "I'll order and get out of your way so that you can work" I smile at him.

I order the food, say goodbye to Kamil, and head home. It's nice to know people in such a huge city and I'm very grateful.

When I get back to my apartment I see that I have a text message from Niall. "Hey Lauren, how is your day going? I'm about to go to the studio. I really miss you, I wish you could be here. xx"

I smile and feel a warmth of happiness go through my body.

"Hey Niall, my day is great! Sarah, Luna, Helen, Harry and I will have a movie night. I miss you too and I wish I could be there too. Good luck in the studio. xx"

We've been texting nonstop since we kissed, but we still hadn't talked about it. I'm starting to really fall for him and I don't know how he feels and I'm too afraid to ask.

Because it's Friday and I don't feel like cooking I decide to pop a pizza in the oven. While I wait for my pizza, I take a quick shower and put on some black shorts and a pink sweater. I don't put any makeup on and put my hair in a ponytail. When I'm finished I hear the alarm of the oven, so my pizza is ready great timing. I take my pizza and sit on the couch getting comfortable and put on some Netflix. When I'm about to take the first bite on my pizza I hear my phone buzzing and get up to look who's calling. It's Niall but it isn't a phone call he wants to FaceTime. I pick up and go back to the couch to eat my pizza.

"Hey Niall" I say and take a bite of my pizza.

"Hey Lauren, I have a half-hour break so I wanted to see you" he says smiling shyly and it's the cutest thing ever. I feel myself blush that he wants to see me when he only has a break for thirty minutes.

"That's so sweet, I'm glad to see you, well kinda" I laugh and he laughs with me. I wish I could just hug him and hold his hand.

"Yeah I wish I could see you for real, you look gorgeous" he says and my heart just melts.

"Thank you, you too, I wish I could see you for real as well" I say and look at his eyes, there are sparkling and he smiles.

"Sorry for interrupting your dinner" he says and rubs the back of his neck with his hands.

"That's okay, this way I'm not all by myself eating some pizza" I laugh.

"Are you eating pizza with pineapple on top?" He asks and he raises his eyebrow.

"Yes I am and no I'm not ashamed of liking pizza with pineapple on top" I laugh at his face.

"That's just gross" he laughs and I laugh with him.

We talk about small things and after a half-hour I hear someone call for Niall in the back. He turns to the person "I'm coming" and turns back to me "I'm sorry Lauren but I have to go. Have fun tonight and say hi to everybody for me" he says with a sad face.

"Thank you, good luck with recording" I say and we wave to each other and he hangs up. I sigh and get up to clean up the dishes.

It's so nice to just talk to him and get to know him better. I hear the intercom ringing and walk up to see who it is, it's Harry.

"Hey Harry" I say and let him in. I open the door and see Harry coming up, he's wearing black jeans and a pink sweater and I laugh at him because we wear the exact same colors. Harry laughs with me and I know that this is going to be a great night.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like the story so far! Do you like pineapple on your pizza? Don't forget to vote and comment if you like :)

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