Chapter twenty four

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I'm at Heathrow airport and look for the check-in desk. Alice gave me the details of the flight, but I would get my ticket at the desk. Alice wanted to drive me, but I declined nicely, they already gave me so much, so I took the train and was glad to have been able to read my book again, currently, I was reading "the last song".

When I find the check-in desk I'm glad that there isn't a line.

"Good evening, how can I help you?" the woman behind the desk asks smiling at me.

"Yes there should be a ticket ready for me, on the name Lauren Hill" I say a bit unsure and give her my passport. The woman clicks in her system with a serious look and clicks a bit more making me nervous. Then I can see her eyes widen and I don't know if that is a good thing or not.

"I found your ticket" she smiles at me but I can see some doubt in her look "They are business class" and that is probably why she has doubts in her eyes. I decided to wear comfy clothes, black Nike sport legging with a grey hoodie on top, because of the long flight. She must think that I couldn't afford business class and in all honesty, I can't, which makes me laugh inside. Niall is crazy about getting me business class tickets and I will tell him.

The lady gives me the ticket and was still not convinced that those were my tickets. After I received my ticket I go through security and get to a separate lounge for business class. I still had to wait an hour before I have to board so I decide to FaceTime Niall.

He answers on the second ring and just seeing him gives me butterflies.

"Hey Lauren, are you in the lounge yet?" He asks smiling at me.

"Hey, you shouldn't of giving me those expensive tickets" I say raising my eyebrows at him, he raises his eyebrows at me as well and I laugh and just shake my head, he's impossible sometimes.

"Well thank you for the tickets" I say and smile at him. We talk for a little while and then I hear a voice in the background saying that the flight to LA is boarding.

I turn my face to Niall again "I have to go, I have to board" I say and am a bit sad that I won't see him for another eleven hours.

"Okay love" he says and we hang up.

I get up and rush to the gate and get there just in time. The stewardess checks my ticket and passport and shows me to my seat. She is very kind to me "I'm Tracy and I'll be serving you on this trip miss Hill" she says. Wow, this is more then I'm used to, and I tell myself to enjoy every moment of it. I have my own cubical and have a lot of space.

When I take my seat I try every button like a little kid, and I can see that the old man next to me shakes his head at me. The rest of the flight I watch some movies and read my book, by the time we land I finished it.

When we land, I turn on my phone again and text Niall that I just landed, it's four o'clock and the sun is still high in the sky.

I collect my suitcase and see that Niall still hasn't responded to my text. Maybe he doesn't have internet here and I go through passport control.

I'm through security and go to the arrival hall looking around for Niall. Then someone comes from behind me and puts his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"I've missed you" a male voice whispers in my ear and I turn around to see Niall and instantly hug him.

"I've missed you too" I say to him and we both smile at each other.

He wears black soccer pants with a white Nike shirt on top, and of course his baseball cap.

"Let me take your suitcase" he says and takes it out of my hand. He takes my hand with his free hand and he leads me out of the airport.

It was very crowded and I hope that nobody recognizes Niall. I look around me to see if anyone recognized him, but thankfully nobody did.

When we get to the parking lot I could see a man in a suit waiting in front of a black SUV. We walk up to the car when a little girl was passing by with her mom, saw Niall and I knew at that moment that she recognized him.

"Niall" she says not believing her own eyes.

She didn't say it too loud but Niall and I look around to see if anyone else heard her but thank god no one did. Niall walks up to the girl and I don't know what to do, so I just stand there and look at them.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asks the little girl. The little girl opens her mouth but not a word comes out and her mom replies for her "her name is Catherine" and squeezes the little girl's hand.

"Well hello Catherine, do you want an autograph? And get a picture together?" He says and squats down to be on eye level with her.

It is very sweet to see Niall taking the time to give the little girl attention and offering her all these things.

The little girl nods and I step closer "Shall I take the picture?" I ask and the girl smiles at me nodding her head yes.

I take the phone her mother carries and they stand close to each other. When I take the photo I give back the phone.

"Have a nice day" Niall says the little girl goodbye with a hug and we continue to walk to the SUV.

The driver opens the door for us and I feel very special, being driven by a chauffeur. He takes my suitcase from Niall and puts it in the trunk. Niall sits next to me and our hands are still intertwined. I lay my head on his shoulder and I close my eyes for a second.

Author's note: Hey guys! 1000 reads!! Thank you so much! It means so much to me, I hope you're enjoying the story! Don't forget to vote :)

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