Chapter twenty seven

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"Where are we going?" I ask Niall for the millionth time. The driver took us back to the hotel and Niall told the driver that we would go for a drive and didn't need his service anymore.

When we got in the car I teased him a bit "Do you even know how to drive on the other side off the road?".

He made a shocked face and held his hand over his heart as I've just broken his heart.

"Of course, I would never put you in danger" he says dramatically and I laugh at him.

"I'm not gonna tell ya" he says and I sigh in frustration giving it up.

I try to find out where we're going to look for signs outside. When I see a sign that says "golf court" I think I know where we're going.

When I start to chuckle Niall looks at me with a confused look.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing" I say, I don't want to ruin the surprise for him.

After another five minutes, we are at a golf club and I smile at my detective skills.

Niall parks the car and we get out, he walks to the trunk and opens it. He gets all the gear out of the car and I take a backpack to help him.

We go inside and we get greeted by a few people, Niall must know them because he makes small talk with a few of them.

When we get to the dressing area he turns to me "I've put some clothes and shoes in there for you" he says pointing at the backpack.

"Thank you" I say and go inside to change in a navy blue skirt and white slim fit polo, he even got me some white shoes. When I'm finished changing I go back to the other room and see that he is already waiting for me on a bench. I walk up to him and twirl in front of him "what do you think?".

He smiles and gets up and stands in front of me, he puts a loose lock of hair back in my bun "you look beautiful" he says looking me straight in the eyes making me blush.

"Thank you" I say and look at his golf outfit "you don't look that bad yourself" I say teasing him and he laughs at my reaction.

He puts his hand around my waist and we go outside where a golf cart is waiting for us.

We get in and Niall starts driving "have you ever played golf before?" He asks and puts a hand on my hand while steering with his other hand.

"No I haven't but this place is gorgeous" I say looking around, you could see the ocean in the background.

"I'll teach you" he says squeezing my hand.

We get to the first course and Niall stops the golf cart and steps out of the cart. He takes the bags and puts in down next to me.

"Will have to get the ball over there" he says pointing at a flag that's a couple of miles away.

He hands me a club and I take it, I take a ball and set it in place.

I position myself for the ball and take a swing at it and miss it. We start laughing at my poorly attempt "I don't think this is my cup of tea" I say and give him back the club.

He doesn't want to take it from me and steps behind me.

"Let me help you" he says and comes closer to me until my back hits his chest. He puts a hand around my hand and we get in position again.

"You have to point where you want the ball to go when you swing it" he says in my ear and I can feel myself melt against his body. I never knew that golf could be so intimate. He swings with me and we hit the ball and it flies a few miles. I jump up and down in excitement and Niall laughs at me.

"This is fun" I laugh "I have a great teacher" I say looking him straight in the eyes and see his eyes light up by my compliment.

We play golf for a couple of hours and the sun is starting to go down.

"Can I drive to the next course?" I ask and sit already behind the wheel making Niall laugh.

"Yes of course you can, not that I have a choice" he says making fun of me and sits beside me.

He tells me where to go and I follow his instructions. When we get close I see a picnic blanket with a rush basket on it. I give Niall a confused look but he doesn't look at me. When I stop the cart in front of the blanket he gets out and rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

"I thought you would like to have dinner here with me" he confessed and looks at me.

I say nothing for a while, no one has ever done something so romantic for me and I don't know what to say.

I shake my head "Niall this is so sweet" I say and I see the relief wash over him. I give him a hug and he puts his arms around my waist "I'm glad you like it" he says in my hair and kisses the top of my head.

We sit down next to each other and I look in the basket, there's water, bread, salads and all kinds of stuff. We start eating and look at the sunset, after we are finished eating Niall gets closer to me and puts his arms around me. He shifts his body so that I'm seated between his legs and my back against his chest. We sit there for a while and I will never get bored of this view and being with him.

"I need to tell you something" Niall says breaking the silence.

I sit up straight to look at his face and I see that his look is serious.

"What is it?" I say a bit uncertain, is he going to say that now that the song is done he doesn't want anything to do with me? I feel my heart drop just thinking about the possibility.

He sees the concern on my face and puts his hand on my cheek "I'm starting to like you and not just as a friend" he says with a blush on his face. I think my heart is going to explode, did he just say what I think he said.

"I know we've only met, but I feel like I can really be myself with you, I want to get to know you better and see where this can go" he says all nervously and speaking faster.

Then I lean in and give him a soft kiss on the lips "I'm really starting to like you too" I say and feel myself blush. He put his hand on my cheek and I look at him, he's smiling and we kiss again.

Author's note: Hey guys! I hope everyone is safe! Thank you so much for reading! What do you guys think of the story so far? Let me know and don't forget to vote :)

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