Chapter forty

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Tonight the song is going to be released and I feel a bit nervous. I'm glad that I'll be lunching with Sarah, Helen, and Luna to get my mind off of it. While I'm having lunch with the girls, Niall has interviews all day to promote the song and I can't help but feel a little bit guilty that I can't be a part of it, we first wanted to do the call interview together so people wouldn't see my face but I'm too scared that I'll say something that will reveal my identity.

We stand in the kitchen and I'm leaning against the wall watching Niall while he's making some scrambled eggs for us. He's humming to a song while seasoning the eggs. I start to giggle because he looks just too cute and he looks up at me with a questioned look.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing, I'm just happy," I say and smile at him. He walks up to me and gives me a long kiss "me to love" he says and goes back to the eggs leaving me blushing.

When Niall finished the eggs, we sit on the couch and watch the news.

"Are you nervous about the song coming out?" He asks me lowering the volume of the television.

"Yes I am, I'm glad that I've dinner plans with the girls so I can take my mind off of it," I say a bit shy. I know that not a lot of people have heard me sing before but I'm still freaking out that someone will recognize my voice and when I don't worry about that I worry about people not liking the song.

"But I also feel a bit guilty that you have to do the promo all by yourself today" I continue. Niall slides next to me on the couch and puts his hands on my hands, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Don't feel guilty and don't be nervous, the fans will love this song" he says making me feel a little calmer but not enough to ask the next question.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"I just do and I know my fans, don't you trust me?" He asks with a pout on his face. Of course, I trust him especially since we had sex last night, I trust him with my whole heart.

"I do trust you" I sigh and then I hear someone ring the doorbell. Niall gets up and opens the door, a whole team comes in with clothing makeup and all sorts of stuff. I get up and give Niall a quick kiss knowing it's my time to leave.

"Good luck babe," I say and he kisses me back on the cheek.

"I'll meet you at your place tonight, okay love?" He asks sitting back in the chair and the team is already standing around him, ready to do their job.

"Yes, see you tonight and enjoy," I say winking at him, making him smile.

Sarah, Helen, and Luna were already waiting for me across the underground station Camden Town. I wave at them and cross the street to meet them. I hug them and we all greet each other.

"Someone got a tan in LA," Helen says making fun of me.

I give her a dive look "well a famous person needs to look good" I say and when I say the last word I start laughing and they all laugh with me.

"I've missed you guys so much!" I say and we do a group hug.

We walk to the market and Sarah and I walk behind Helen and Luna. I've never noticed this before but Helen and Luna are holding hands and I think I've always known that there was a chemistry between them.

I don't want to intrude so I decide not to say something about it, when they're ready to tell me about their relationship I know that they'll come to me.

We order food from different food stands and put them all in the middle of a table. We ordered some beers and sit and dig in. Even though I just had breakfast with Niall, I still eat the most.

"Lauren, I wanted to text you yesterday but I'm sorry about last night," Sarah says looking at me "Harry and I weren't really the greatest hosts," she says laughing.

"No it's fine," I say "so are you guys official?" I ask her and Luna and Helen's eyes widen and look with an expanded look at Sarah.

"Uhm well, actually, yes, since last night," she says beaming.

I stand up and give her a hug "I'm so happy for you, I think you two make a lovely couple".

Luna and Helen congratulate her as well and agree with me.

'I'm happy for you two" she says wiggling her eyebrows at me, making Luna and Helen looking confused at me.

"That's what I wanted to tell you guys," I say and wait a little bit to build up some tension "Niall and I are official as well".

Luna en Helen got up and hug me and congratulate me as well.

We sit there and talk for hours and it feels nice to do something normal again instead of doing a photoshoot or having to go to the studio.

I've texted Niall where we are so that he can join and we can countdown to the release together.

All of a sudden I feel someone wraps their arms around me and I yelp.

"Don't be scared, it's just me" he says and I get up to hug him.

"How were your interviews?" I ask and he sighs at my question.

"They were good but it always takes all off my energy to do so many in one day" he gives me a kiss and sits down next to me.

Niall introduces himself to Luna and Helen and they all talk to get to know each other. It seems that they like each other and that gives me a nice feeling, my friends are important to me and I really want them to get along.

Niall takes his phone from his pocket and opens up his website where the countdown is visible. Only one minute left before the whole world can hear our song. I look at Niall and he looks at me, I see a sparkle in his eyes and I feel myself blush.

"three, two, one, yeah the song is officially out!" I hear everyone around me scream and cheer. I'm still looking at Niall and I smile at him and kiss him. It's scary that this song with my voice on it is out for everyone to hear but with Niall by my side, I know everything is going to be alright.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the story and please don't forget to vote :)

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