Chapter twelve

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It's dark and I don't see where I am. I start walking "is someone there?" I ask but no one answers. Then a big light shines in my face and I get blinded. What is this? When I'm used to the light I see that I'm on a stage, but no one is in the audience. I start walking to the front of the stage and then music begins to play, it's the melody that Niall made up. In front of me a microphone appears and I stand in front of it. I walk towards it and touch the microphone. A crowd is cheering and I look up to see that I'm in front of thousands of people. I start to sweat, this isn't what I want, my name isn't on the song. "Lauren Lauren Lauren" they scream and I look around trying to find Niall. He isn't here to support me or give me comfort. People are still screaming but they start to get impatient. I sigh and try to focus, what should I do?

"Sing sing sing sing" the people start screaming, so I sing the three lines that I know and people start booing. I see all the disappointment in their eyes and some of them are saying "get off the stage, you suck".

Then something hits me in the face, something wet. I wipe it off with my hand and see that someone threw a tomato at me. When I look up again everyone is standing with tomatoes in their hands and the people are very angry. They start throwing the tomatoes and I start to back away. I turn around and run away from them, they follow me. I try to run faster but they are too fast, I trip and fall down. Then a person stand over me "You suck" she says and throws a tomato right in my face.............

I wake up and sit right up, my heart beats like crazy and I'm trying to catch my breath. I look around, where am I? Oh shit I'm at Niall's apartment, wait did I fell asleep last night? This is so embarrassing.

I look at my legs and see that he put a blanket on me, that's so sweet. I get up and go to the balcony to get some fresh air to calm me down. It's a slide door, so I try to be as quiet as possible. When I'm outside I can see the sun come up. From the balcony you could see the London Eye and the big ben, the view is just stunning and I can stand here for hours.

I hear a knock behind me and turn around to see Niall standing there.

He's wearing some pyjama shorts and a white shirt, his hair is sticking out and messed up. He looks very cute and all I want to do is hug him and tell him about my nightmare.

"Good morning" he smiles and steps outside, he walks up to me and stands beside me looking at the view.

"Good morning" I say back and we just look at the view. "This view is amazing, I can look at this view all day" I say.

"Yeah it's pretty amazing up here" he agrees.

"I'm sorry that I fell asleep last night" I say a bit guilty and embarrassed. I look at him and see that he was already looking at me smiling.

"Don't worry, it happens and when you sleep you look very cute" he laughs and I see a little blush form on his cheeks. I laugh with him and shove him a little bit "that's creepy".

"I'm going to make some breakfast to thank you for letting me sleep on your couch" I say and walk to the kitchen. I start rummaging through the cabinets to look for something to make for breakfast. I see a mix for pancakes and decide that pancakes will do. Niall walks in the kitchen and sees the mix "I love pancakes" he says.

"In the Netherlands we even eat pancakes as a dinner" I laugh and see Niall's face lit up.

"I have to go there one day" he smiles "is it okay if I go and take a shower?" he says a bit unsure.

"Yes of course" I say "breakfast will be ready in ten" and I take ingredients from the fridge.

"Great" he says and walks out of the kitchen.

I see that there's a JBL box in the corner and I turn it on and put on the top 40. I mix all the ingredients together and put the some batter in the pan. When the first pancake is ready I take a plate to put all the pancakes on. Soon the plate is full with six pancakes, the next song comes up and it's slow hands. I love this song and start to dance to it while making the last two pancakes.

Then I hear someone laugh behind me and see that Niall is laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I laugh "this song is a proper banger" and I start to sing along with the lyrics while dancing to it.

Niall starts laughing harder and walks up to me, he takes the spatula out of my hand and takes my hands and starts dancing with me. We laugh and he sings along as well. When the song ends I forgot about the pancakes and rush to them to see that they turned all black.

"You made me burn the pancakes" I laugh accusingly. He takes the pan and dumps the pancakes in the bin.

"Sorry" he laughs "the other pancakes look delicious though".

Niall takes some syrup and puts some on the pancakes. He gives me a fork and a knife, and we both sit down next to each other. We split the pancakes and start to dig in.

"These are delicious" Niall says with his mouth full which makes me smile.

"Thank you" I say and I'm happy that he likes them. After we finish he takes our plates and puts them in the dishwasher. He pours some orange jus in two glasses and hands one to me. I take a sip and look at him. He looks so good, he is freshly shaven and his hair is still wet from the shower. He has on a grey nike hoodie and some jeans.

"So what is the plan for today?" I ask him.

"Well I booked the studio for the whole day, so that we can record the melody that we came up with yesterday" he replies.

"Sounds good, but I need to go home first so I can freshen up if you don't mind" I say feeling a bit dirty in these clothes.

"We can go by your place and I can wait in the car?" He suggests.

"You can wait in my living room, you don't need to wait in the car" I say smiling, Niall Horan in my small apartment, this should be interesting.

We finish our drinks and we get ready to leave.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod yes, we leave the apartment and he closes the door behind him.

"Lets go" he says smiling at me and I start to feel butterflies when he smiles at me. I can't fall for him he would never fall for a girl like me.

Author's note: Hallo guys! Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot to me! If you have any recommendations for me to read, let me know! Please vote and comment :)

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