Chapter fifty

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It's the day after I told Niall about my decision. After Niall and I stopped Facetiming I called Selena. It so weird to have such a famous person on my phone. My hands were shaking while the phone was ringing, just when I was about to hang up someone answered the phone.
"Hello, Selena's phone" a kind older sounding woman says.

"Hello, I'm Lauren, I'm looking for Selena, is she around?" I ask.

"She's doing a photoshoot right now but I'll look for her," she says and I can hear her walking in the background. Before I could say that I could call another time I hear whispers in the background and then I hear a voice I recognize.

"Omg, Lauren, how are you?" Selena asks me and I'm shocked for a moment, she makes it sound like we've known each other for ages and it makes me instantly feel more comfortable.

"I'm doing great, how are you? I hope I didn't interrupt your photoshoot" I say feeling a little bit guilty.

"No, no problem, so what did you call for?" She asks and I feel little electric shocks going through my body from the excitement.

"Well, I'm with my family in the Netherlands right now, to think about what I want in life and I came to the conclusion that I love music too much to not let it be a part of my life," I say and I can hear Selena cheer on the other end of the line.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" She asks me on a very high pitched note. Her enthusiasm is contagious and it makes me smile "well I think so, I really like to work with you on a song for you" I say and it's quiet and I look at my phone to see if she hung up on me, but she didn't. Then I hear her screaming "yes yes yes, Lauren, you just made my day a thousand times better". I start to laugh and I feel the warmth of her personality and am so excited to work with her.

"I'm so happy, but I need to get back to my photoshoot, my assistant will email you about meeting each other okay?" She says and this really feels like the beginning of something. I don't know what it is yet, but I really like this feeling. "Yes, that would be great! Good luck with your photoshoot and I'll talk to you soon" I say. "Yes, you'll definitely will," she says and we say our goodbye's and hang up the phone.

It's a lovely summer day in the Netherlands and my mom and I are on our way to the supermarket to get some groceries for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is going to be the last day here before I fly back to London. I'm feeling a bit sad that I have to leave already, but I'm also excited to start writing with Selena. I also miss Niall a lot, I can't wait to be back in his arms and tell him I love him. My mom and I are in the aisle with cereal when I hear someone call my name. I turn around and at first, I don't recognize the person who's standing in front of me. His face looks familiar, but I just can't place the face in front of me.
"Lauren, is that you?" I hear the deep voice ask again. The man is walking towards me and I still don't have any clue of who he is. His grey-blue eyes pop even more because of his dark black hair and I swear I recognize those eyes. I keep looking into his eyes before his voice interrupts me.

"I'm Kevin, remember? From high school" he says and then I hear the puzzle piece click in my head.

"Kevin! Omg! I didn't recognize you" I say and give him a big hug. "How are you?" I ask and take a step back so I can look at him properly. Kevin's wearing black jeans a white shirt and vans, which makes him look more youthful.

"You look so good," I say and he really glowed up. Kevin was my first boyfriend and we've dated for a year before he moved to Amsterdam, to go to college there.

"You look beautiful, wow, it feels like ages since I've seen you," he says. My mom comes to the cereal aisle and looks at me with a questioned look "what's taken you so long?".

"Mom, do you remember Kevin?" I say and my mom's facial expression changed immediately.

"Kevin? Wow, you've changed a lot" she says and walks up to us so she can take a closer look at Kevin. Kevin puts his hand behind his neck and I can feel that he's feeling awkward and I don't blame him, I would feel awkward too if my ex-mother-in-law was screening me like that.

"Mom, we should go and continue shopping," I say with my eyes wide open, looking her straight in the eyes, hoping that she gets what I mean by that. Fortunately, she does and she nods her head.

"Yes, we should continue. It was lovely to see you again" my mom says and waves goodbye at him and leaves.

"Sorry about that," I say and I'm about to say that it was nice seeing him again, but before I could say anything, he speaks.

"I don't know if you have a boyfriend or anything, but would you like to get some lunch?" Kevin says.

"Well...I would love to, but I have to say that I have a boyfriend," I say and I can see his face shift a little, but he keeps his face straight when he spoke again.

"Then let's go for lunch as friends. What about tomorrow?" He says and I agree. We give each other our Instagram so we can discuss the time and place. "I really need to go," I say and we hug each other goodbye. When I walk away from Kevin I'm glad to have seen him. I feel flattered that he knew who I was, but I'm curious about our lunch.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoy the story and let me know what you think about it. Don't forget to vote :)

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