Chapter twenty five

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"Lauren, honey, we are here" I hear someone's voice far away from me. I blink a few times and see that I'm in the car next to Niall. Of course, shit I must've of fallen asleep while driving to the hotel. I sit up straight and look at my surroundings. I see a big stadium with a red Staples Center sign on it. We are close to the highway and then I look at the hotel. It's the Ritz-Carlton hotel and it's the highest building I've ever seen. A man in a suit opens the door and Niall gets out of the car. He turns around and waits until I'm out of the SUV. When I'm out of the car he takes my hand and we follow the man inside. The hotel is very modern on the inside and I'm just looking around and taking it all in.

The man faces us "Your suitcase will be up in a minute" he says mainly to Niall who nods his head. I was so overwhelmed by the luxury of this hotel that I totally forgot about my suitcase.

The man walks away and Niall takes me to the elevator. We wait for the elevator and I can see that Niall is a bit impatient, tapping his foot and looking around.

The elevator arrives and we get in the elevator. When the doors are closed Niall pushes the button 20th floor. We stand there in silence and I can just feel the electricity in this tiny space. I look at Niall to see if he feels the electricity too and I see that he was already looking at me.

I smile at him and he smiles back. I don't know why I'm feeling so bold all of the sudden, must be the jet lag, but I face Niall and look him deep in his blue eyes.

I look at his lips and back to his eyes, asking permission the kiss him without really asking the question. His eyes are becoming a bit dark and I can see the lust in his eyes. I take that as a yes and kiss him, my hand going through his hair. He pulls my body against his and we deepen our kiss. We stop kissing but our foreheads are touching and we are catching our breaths. We both start smiling and we just look at each other. The elevator makes a ping and the doors start to open. We part from each other and our hands find each other again. Niall goes into the hallway and turns around the corner and stops in front of a white door. He fumbles in his pockets and takes out two small keys. He gives one key to me "here's your key, this is your room, I'm in the next room" he says pointing at the door next to mine.

He takes a step back and I open the door. I get inside and it's the most beautiful hotel room I've ever seen. The room was bigger than my whole apartment. It has a small living room and I explore the rest of the room. There's a walkin closet next to the bedroom, I would have to buy more clothes to fill all the room in here. The bedroom has a kingsize bed and I feel the fabric, it's satin sheets. The bathroom is so gorgeous, there's a bath in the middle of it and the biggest shower I've ever seen.

I walk back to the little living room and Niall is standing in the middle of the room with his hands in his pockets, looking a bit nervous.

"This room is amazing, you shouldn't off done this Niall" I say and he gives me a smile.

"You deserve this and I figured you don't want to sleep in my room" he says with a blush on his face making me blush as well. It feels like we're both teenagers again, blushing nervous teenagers.

He wants me to sleep in his room? That's too fast, right? We haven't even talked about the kiss. Well, I've slept with him before, but that was on his couch.

"Thank you" I say and feel a blush coming and look down so he won't see it. He walks up to me and lifts my chin up with his hand. I look in his eyes and they look very serious.

"You're an amazing person and you deserve much more than you give yourself credit for" he says and I want to believe him, but I just can't.

My stomach starts to growl and we both start laughing. I never thought that I would thank my stomach for growling. The mood lifts up a bit and Niall goes to the phone that lays on top of the coffee table.

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