Chapter sixty

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We arrive at the apartment and the driver goes into the garage and parks the car. "Thank you, George," Niall says and he nods his head. Niall and I get out of the car and he takes my hand. I look at our hands, our fingers intertwined and I feel the electric shock going through my body. We enter the elevator and we go in and Niall pushes the button with his other hand so he doesn't have to let go of my hand. I look up at him to see that he's looking at me. His eyes are dark and full of hunger and he lifts his hand, stroking my cheek. I feel a gasp escape and close my eyes to feel the warmth of his hand on my cheek. When I open them he smiles softly at me and puts his hands around my waist pulling me closer. Our faces are inches away from each other and I can feel his warm breath on my face. He comes closer and closes the gap between us, his lips touching mine. His lips are soft and he bites my lip softly making my body shiver with pleasure. We open our mouth and our tongues find each other, tasting each other, it tastes like alcohol. His hand is in my neck and pulls my hair so that I tilt my head backward. He starts to kiss my neck and bites in it softly. My knees are getting weak and he holds me up with his other hand.

The elevator makes a ping and the door slides open. We break apart and I feel myself blush for this little make-out session in the elevator. Before I know what's happening, my feet are from the ground and Niall has me in his arms.

"Niall" I shriek not expecting to be lifted. He looks at me with a big smile on his face and walks to the door. We get in and he doesn't put me down.

"Niall," I say again and he walks to the kitchen and puts me down on the counter.

"Thank you," I say to him and he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm starving, do you want something to eat?" He asks me and I hear my stomach growl. He looks at me and wiggles with his eyebrows "guess someone's hungry".

"Guess I am," I say and make a move to get up from the counter.

Niall stops me "no, you're the birthday girl, let me make you some food". I stop trying to get up and make myself comfortable on the counter. Niall gets all these ingredients from the fridge and starts to cook some eggs and bacon. This reminds me of the nights out with my friends, where we go to someone's place and make some eggs and bacon. I watch Niall and how handy he is in the kitchen. The kitchen starts to smell like eggs and bacon, which makes my stomach growl again. After a few minutes, there are two plates filled with eggs, bacon, and bread. Niall hands me a plate and I give him a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I say and start to eat.

"No problem, anything for you my dear," he says and starts to eat as well. The food is gone in just a few minutes, that's how hungry we were. I get up and take his plate to put it in the dishwasher.

"Hey, I'm supposed to do that, it's your birthday," he says in protest.

"Technically it's not my birthday anymore," I say and he looks at me in shock. I roll my eyes at him and he starts to laugh.

I go to the bathroom and take my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. I hear a noise behind me and look up in the mirror to see Niall behind me. He takes his toothbrush as well and we both start brushing our teeth. He looks at me the whole time and I look at his blue eyes. After I finish brushing my teeth I go to the shower and let the water run. I turn around to see if Niall was done brushing his teeth. He just finished and I start to take off my dress. He looks up and I catch his eyes, he drops his jaw.

I'm only wearing my black lace lingerie now and I'm still looking at Niall.

"You're beautiful," he says and slowly walks up to me. Niall puts his hand on my cheek and I feel myself blush by his compliment.

I look into his eyes and we start to kiss, a soft long kiss.

"I love you," I say to him and those words are true. I've never loved someone as much as I love him.

"I love you too," he says and I start to kiss him again. We undo our clothes and go into the shower. We kiss and we get to be closer to each other than possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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