Chapter fifty one

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After I find my mom in the last aisle, I immediately get a look from her. "What?" I aks her knowing that she will say what's on her mind because that's how my mom is and I love her for being that way, even though the truth can hurt sometimes.

"Kevin?" She says and pauses. "Yes, what's with Kevin?" I say hoping to speed up the process of her judging me. "You're seriously going to lunch with him? You know he broke your heart right?" She says making me cringe a bit, thinking about how he broke up with me. It was my first love so I was crushed when he broke up with me and left to go to college in Amsterdam. I sigh "you're right mom, but he asked me to join him for lunch and I'm not going to cancel now. And I'm with Niall, who I love very much". My mom drops the subject and she pays for the groceries. We head back to the car and we drive back in silence. When my mom parks the car I take her hand before she can get out of the car.

"Mom," I say and I look at her and I can see that her eyes soften.

"Lauren, you can go and have lunch with Kevin, but I just wanted to remember you that he broke your heart back then," she says and I give her a hug.

"I know, but don't worry, I'm so happy with Niall and I wouldn't want to change that for the world," I say and we get the groceries to the kitchen. My mom likes to cook and when I was little I would always watch her cook. When I was old enough to help she let me help by stirring or give her the ingredients and when she trusted me with the knife, she started to learn the recipes and before I knew it I could cook just like her.

We put on some music and we start to prep the vegetables for dinner. Chris walks in and starts to smile "I can get used to seeing you two together in the kitchen again" and starts to film us while we are cooking. My mom starts to dance and sing and trust me when I say that she's not the best singer there is. "We already have 100.00 people watching us" Chris says and I get a confused look. "Are you doing an Instagram live?" I ask and feel myself getting a bit nervous. I've never done one and even though it's not my account and I can't see the people, I hope that people will like me. I wave nervously and focus on cleaning the shrimps that we bought.

"People want you to sing Lauren" Chris says and I don't know if I want that right know, but he looks at me with a reassured look on his face that says "you've got this" and that makes me change my mind. I start by singing softly and humming along, but the more Chris encourages me and he reads all the positive comments which makes me feel more confident, before I know it I'm full out singing. "Wow!" Chris says, but he doesn't say what he's wowing about. I stop singing "what's going on?" I ask him and walk to him to look at what he was looking at. Chris is looking at his dm's. He got a message from Columbia Records and I read it out loud so that my mom could also hear it.

"Hello Chris, we just saw your live and we wondered if your sister has a record deal. If she doesn't have a record deal we would really like to set up an appointment to discuss offering a record deal. Greetings Kristen from the management."

"Holy shit Lauren!" Chris says and mom came to look at the message as well.

"Is this for real?" My mom asks. I get my phone from my pocket and FaceTime Niall. Niall answers and I can see that he's in the studio.

"Hi babe, how are you?" Niall asks me and I'm so glad to see him again tomorrow.

"I'm doing great honey" I answer him "Chris was just doing an Instagram live and I sang" I say feeling a blush forming on my face.

"That's great Lauren, maybe that will help you with your stage fright" he says.

"Yeah well, someone heard me singing and send Chris a dm" I say and Niall's face is getting confused. I read the dm that Chris got about me to Niall and he starts to smile.

"Lauren! This is great news! I told you" Niall says getting excited.

"Yes, but before I want to get too excited, do you know a Kristen that works for Columbia Records?" I ask. I don't know why, but I just want to double check it.

"I don't know, but I can call Harry, he's signed with them," he says "but Lauren, I think this is a serious deal and you should give yourself some credits."

"Yeah we think so too" Chris says, Niall and Chris give each other a high five, which makes me laugh because they basically high five their phone.

"You guys are such dorks" I say but feel a bit more sure about the deal. My mom goes back to cooking and I go upstairs to talk to Niall. When I lay down on my bed I sigh.

"What's wrong babe?" Niall asks.

"I miss you, I'm so glad that I'll see you again tomorrow," I say and Niall's face softens and his beautiful blue eyes twinkle.

"I miss you too, I'm glad you're coming home tomorrow" he says. Him saying that gives me a warm feeling in my chest and I think my heart will explode by the love and affection that he gives me. This house has been my home for so long, but now my home is in London and I hope that Niall will be a part of that as well.

"Lauren! Dinner is ready" my mom calls and I say goodbye to Niall. I don't know if I should tell him about Kevin, but I know that it's just a friendly lunch.

Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter! Almost 15.000 reads! That's crazy! What do you think will happen? Don't forget to vote :)

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