Chapter fifty two

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I'm packing my last clothes when my mom walks into my room. She sits down on my bed and strokes my blanket "I'm going to miss you" she says looking taking my teddybear. I've had that teddybear since my birth and when I was little I couldn't sleep without it, the thought makes me smile and miss the old days at the same time.

"I'm going to miss you too" I say and sit down next to her.

"Promise me that this time you will visit sooner," she says and takes my hand looking me straight in the eyes. Her eyes are the same as mine and I can see the hurt in them. I really need to visit more often, but I didn't want to come home a failure.

"I promise," I say and she gives me a tight hug and I hug her back feeling myself relax smelling her signature scent.

"I love you and I'm so proud of you" she whispers in my ear and I hug her even tighter.

"I love you too" I whisper back and give her a kiss on the cheek. I get up so I don't start to cry. I fix my skirt and walk back to my suitcase to finish packing. My mom gets up and I see that she wants to say something but there's something holding her back.

"What is it, mom?" I ask knowing that she wants to tell me something.

"Are you sure about meeting up with Kevin?" She says and I can see that she hates interfering with things in my life.

I sigh not wanting to talk about this again "I know what I'm doing mom".

"I know that you think you know that, but Kevin is bad news, he hurt you remember?" She says and I cringe a bit thinking about how he has hurt me in the past.

"I know mom, but you have to trust me, it's just a friendly lunch, and besides I'm very happy with Niall and nothing's going to change that," I say giving her a look that says that this conversation is over. She puts up her hands "okay then I'll drop it" she says and gives me a kiss on the cheeks. 

"Have fun" she says and leaves the room. I finish packing and drag my suitcase downstairs. I go to the bathroom to check my makeup before heading out. I haven't told Niall about the lunch but told myself that if something happened that he needs to know, I would tell him straight away. I go back downstairs and take the keys to my bicycle, in the Netherlands most people ride a bicycle and I missed riding mine. Just driving and feeling the wind in my hair, always helped me think about things and really relax.

It's a ten-minute bike ride to the restaurant where Kevin and I agreed to meet each other. I lock my bicycle and look around if I see Kevin outside. When I don't see him I walk inside. It's a small restaurant where most people from our village come to lunch so I immediately see some familiar faces. It's a very picturesque place and all the staff is super sweet.

I see Kevin already sitting at the table and he waves when he sees me. He smiles at me when I walk up to him. He gets up and slides the chair back for me so that I can sit.

"Thank you," I say feeling a bit weird by his gesture. He knows that I have a boyfriend, but I shake off the feeling, not wanting to be so judging.

"You welcome, everything for a lovely lady," he says when he sits back down.

"How are you? I heard you live in London" he says.

I ignore his comment "I'm good and you? Yes, I live in London now, I'm actually going back tonight".

His expression changes a bit and I'm not sure if I feel comfortable.

"Why don't you stay here?" He says it confused.

"Well, a record company is offering me a record deal in London," I say, and saying it makes me feel really happy "It's not sure yet, but I feel confident about it".

He's quiet for a moment and starts to frown "and you can't do that here?".

I don't know why it should matter where I write and record my music and I'm really feeling more uncomfortable being here with Kevin.

"London is my home, I have my friends there, I have my boyfriend there," I say. When I mentioned the word boyfriend he squeezes his hands shut making it in a fist. He's really acting weird now and I'm definitely feeling uncomfortable. I'm about to stand up and get my bag and leave when he takes my hand and squeezes it really hard.

"Sit down," he says in a hissed voice and his green eyes are burning in mine. Shocked by his reaction I sit down immediately and I feel my heartbeat quicken. What's happening! Why is he like this? He was a nice guy when we dated and never hurt me during our relationship.

"Kevin, what are you doing?" I say and hear the tremble in my voice, I'm scared and I don't know what to do. The guy sitting in front of me is nothing like the guy that I saw in the supermarket yesterday.

His look is getting softer and I can see the hurt in his eyes "I want you back, I made a mistake when I left you and went to Amsterdam to go to college".

My whole body freezes and I don't know what to say. I'm in love with Niall, but something tells me that he's not taking no for an answer. My heart is beating faster than it has ever had. I try to focus and when I look up I see his green eyes burning with fire.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating as much as I want to :( I'm very busy with working and stuff, but I try to write as much as I can. I hope you like the story and please don't forget to vote :)

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