Chapter fifty three

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"Let go of me," I say with through gritted teeth.
"Listen to me and I will," Kevin says to me and looks around him to see if anyone is looking at us. I'm afraid to turn around and call for help, who knows what he has with him.
"Okay, I'll listen but please let go of me, your hurting me" I say and his eyes are returning back to his soft grey blue eyes.
"I'm sorry," he says and loosens his grip but doesn't let go of me. I feel my skin burn where he squeezed it and already see the redness forming.
"So what do you have to say?" I ask trying to speed up this horrible lunch.
"Come back home, please, I need you," he says and I'm a bit shook about his confession. I haven't seen Kevin in years and now he needs me this much? It's weird.
"Why? I haven't seen you in ages," I say trying to make sense of this whole thing.
"When I went to college, I became friends with the wrong people and became a drug addict," he says "I failed all my classes and came back to find you and spend the rest of my life with you, but I didn't know that you  already left and went to London apparently". He shifted his body closer to me "when I saw you in the supermarket the other day, it felt like my life was back to normal and that everything is going to be alright".
I'm quiet for a moment to take all this Information in. He never reached out to me when he broke up with me and never did when he came back. I feel a little guilty for not trying to reach out to him when he was in college, but he was the one that broke up with me.
"I'm sorry that this happened to you, but I'm happy in London" I say and I feel his grip tighten a little more, but when he sees me looking at his hand he loosens it again. "My friends live in London, my whole life is there now, I'm sorry but I can't come back" I say trying to get him to understand.
His face is showing his hurt and I can see that he's drown in his own sorrows. I take advantage of his daydreaming and pull my hand back, he tries to hold it, but I'm too quick. I shove my chair back so that we have enough space between us for me to safely escape.
"Kevin, I'm sorry for what happened to you, but I need to go" I say and get up and take my bag and walk out of the restaurant without even looking back. When I'm outside I try to take my bicycle keys, but I'm shaking so I drop them. I look at the door of the restaurant to see if Kevin is following me, but he's not.
I take a deep breath and take my keys with more firm hands this time. I unlock my bicycle and hop on it, taking my phone in the meantime to call Sarah. She answers right away and I feel my heartbeat going into his normal pattern. I ride back home while I explain her what happened with Kevin.
"Lauren, you need to stay on the phone until you're inside your house okay" Sarah says in a worried voice.
"I will" I say getting out of breath from going so fast. I want to get home as fast as I can. I see my house and feel more relieved every inch I get closer to my house. When I'm in front of my house, I get off my bicycle and open the gate to the garden and lock the bicycle. I take one final look to make sure that I wasn't followed and go inside.
"I'm home" I say to Sarah and she sighs in relief. "You need to tell Niall, Lauren" she says and I know that I have too. "I will call him and tell him everything ," I say and sit down on the couch.
"Good and text me when you land tonight" she says.
"I will" I say and we say our goodbyes and hang up.

I call Niall, but he doesn't answer his phone. My mom walks in the room, "you're back already?" She says and I tell her the whole story. "I knew that boy was trouble, you should've listened to me" she says.
"I know, but I fine, nothing bad happened" I say and look at the print he left on my arm.
"The next time I see him" she says pacing around the room.
"Mum, please just let it go" I say and we hear an alarm going of. It's my phone, telling me that my flight is in two hours.
"My plane is leaving in two hours" I say and my mom's face softens.
"Okay, I'll let it go" she says and hugs me tied.

We're at the airport and the whole family is here to say goodbye. I feel a little embarrassed by all the love, but also very blessed to have them in my life. We all hug goodbye and I go to security to go to the gates. I feel my phone vibrate and I look at my screen.

"Sorry for not answering your call, I was in the studio. I'll see you in a few hours my love. Can't wait to see you, love you, N"

My heart begins to glow and I know that I love my family here, but my heart is with someone else and I'm going to see him again in a few hours.

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