Chapter forty one

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Niall stayed the night at my place and now I'm making him breakfast in bed. Last night we celebrated the song release and he had a few beers too many so I undressed tucked him in last night. He's still sleeping when I walk in with my tray, I made us some eggs, beans, and toast. I put the tray on the nightstand and start to give Niall kisses all over his face. He groans and doesn't open his eyes.

"Sweety, I've made you some breakfast," I say and give him another kiss. His eyes shoot open "did you say breakfast because I'm starving".

"Yes," I say and point to the tray on the nightstand.

"You're the best girlfriend in the world," he says and I feel a blush coming and look down to hide it from him. I still have to get used to the idea of him calling me his girlfriend. Niall starts to dig in and groans after his first bite "this is so good" he says with his mouth full making me laugh.

I go back to the kitchen to get my breakfast and join him in my bed. We eat in silence and Niall occasionally groans in approval.

"So what is the plan for today?" I ask Niall when he's finished eating.

He takes his phone from under the pillow and opens his calendar, it's full of appointments.

"I have a lot of interviews," he says and then he gets a call from his manager. He picks it up and while he's on the phone I start to clean up the dishes. When I get back to the room Niall is smiling and looks very excited.

"Thank you so much! I'll see you in a few" he says and hangs up. He walks up to me and picks me up and spins us around.

"What happened?" I ask laughing when he puts me down.

"Our song is number one in the UK already and the song is doing great international" he smiles and gives me a hug.

Wow number one in the UK, it all seems so surreal.

"Aren't you happy?" He asks and then I smile at him.

"I'm so happy," I say and feel the tears coming up, Niall sees my reaction and gives me a hug.

"Hey, don't cry, you deserve this, you're the most amazing person I've met," he says and holds me tight.

"Thank you" I whisper and bury my head in his neck. He gives me a kiss on the head and then my alarm goes off.

"Shit, I have to be at work in an hour," I say and Niall lets go of me.

We get ready together, it's weird how fast that you can get used to having someone around. After where finished Niall takes his car keys from the dresser and looks at me.

"You look beautiful, are you ready to go?" He asks and I feel myself blush, he the nicest guy I've ever met.

"Yes ready" I answer and take the keys from my apartment.

When we're my work Niall gives me a kiss before I get out of the car.

"I can pick you up after work?" Niall asks fumbling with his fingers. It's sweet that he wants to pick me up and I take every chance I can get to see him "that would be lovely" I say and give him a long soft kiss.

"Okay, see you tonight love," he says and I get out of the car. I wait until he drives away and I start to wave at him when I see that he's waving at me.

Sarah is already on the workflow and comes rushing over when she sees me coming in,

"Have you heard? Your song is freaking number one in the UK!" She says softly yet very excited.

"I know," I say and give her a cheeky smile.

"I'm so proud of you," she says giving me a hug.

"Thank you," I say.

The time flies by and after a few hours, Sarah and I have a break. We decided to listen to one of the interviews that Niall is giving and we turn up the volume.

"So Niall, who's the mystery girl on your new track?" The interviewer asks and I can't see Niall's face because the quality of the video isn't great.

"Well she doesn't want all this fame, she only agreed to record with me if her name wasn't going to be named, so I can't tell you, unfortunately " he says very professionally and I feel very proud.

"Why's that unfortunate?" The interviewer goes on trying to pry information out of Niall.

"Well I think that she has a beautiful voice and she is the most amazing person that I've met" the interviewer nods but doesn't answer so Niall continues, "I think she can take over the world with her talent".

"Sounds like you know each other well," He says. Niall starts to blush and that doesn't go unnoticed by the interviewer.

"Do you have a crush on her? Or is she your girlfriend?" The interviewer pushes on and I can see that Niall looks behind him at his manager. You can see that Niall doesn't feel comfortable even though the quality of this video is bad.

Niall and I haven't even spoken about going public and I'm not sure if I want to go public. I like how things are now, not feeling the pressure of the press and the fans.

Niall sighs "I like her a lot and see means the world to me, that's all I'm going to say" he looks the interviewer directly in the eyes and his look says enough. The interviewer wasn't supposed to ask those questions. Even though he wasn't supposed to ask the question I feel myself smile when he says those words about me, he means the world to me too.

Author's note: Hey guys! Almost 5000 reads! Thank you so much for reading and sorry that I'm inconsistent in my updates. I hope you like the story and don't forget to vote :)

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