Chapter forty five

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We're at the back of the bar and Lucas closes the door behind him.

"Lauren, is what they are saying true?", "Are you the one singing with Niall Horan?" Lucas asks me looking me straight in the eyes. I can see betrayal on his face and I know that the next words I'm about to say will hurt him even more.

"Yes, it's true," I say looking at the ground "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner".

"It's okay, I understand," he says and there falls a silence between us.

We hear a knock on the door, Lucas and I look shocked at each other.

"Open the door!" We hear Sarah screaming from the other side of the door. Lucas and I sigh relieved and Lucas walks to the door to open it.

Sarah, Luna, and Helen come in with serious looks on their faces.

"It's crazy out there!" Luna says "how can we get out of here alive" she throws her hands in the air to make it more dramatic.

"Is there a back entrance where we can leave?" Helen asks hopefully at Lucas.

Lucas looks at us with a sad face "I'm afraid not". We all look at each other and I sit down on the floor my head between my knees. This is all my fault, now everyone knows who I am.

"How could I be so stupid?" I say angry to myself. I feel warm hands on my knees and look up at Sarah.

"Don't say that, maybe this was meant to happen." She says not totally convinced but the effort makes me feel a little bit better.

"This could happened to anybody" Helen says and sits next to me putting her arm around my shoulder.

"So what do we do now?" Helen asks. We all look at each other and listen to the screaming people on the other side of the door.

"We could wait, they can't stand there forever" Luna says pointing at the door.

My phone starts to buzz and I check my phone, it's Niall. I pick up and he immediately starts talking.

"Babe are you okay? It's all over the news, where are you?" Niall starts to asks all these questions.

"Lauren are you still there?" Niall asks me and I just stare in front of me, not seeing anyone. How could I be this stupid, I shouldn't of gotten drunk. Sarah takes my phone and starts talking to Niall. I don't know what they're saying but after a few minutes she hangs up and puts my phone in her purse.

I hear Sarah talking to Lucas, Helen and Luna but I don't register them. Sarah sits in front of me and looks me in the eyes. I focus on her and try to really listen to her.

"Is she in some kind of shock?" I hear Luna ask worried.

"Lauren, this isn't the end of the world okay" Sarah says and takes my hand and I squeeze it. We hear people screaming harder than they did before and Lucas walks to the door. Someone knocks a curtain pattern and Lucas opens the door. Niall and a few bodyguards come rushing in, he's wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap. I immediately get up and he already has his arms around me. Relief washes over me and I feel myself getting control back over my body. When we break our hug he gives me a kiss on the lips and then turns around to the others.

"Okay, so there are a few cars outside and we all go in to different cars to shake off the paparazzi" Niall explains. "Keep your head down and let one of the bodyguards guide you threw the mob".

We all listen carefully and we all nod following his orders. Everyone walks to his bodyguard and Niall takes my hand while our bodyguards stand in front of us.

"The flashlights can be a lot, so try to focus on something in front of you" Niall gives us as a tip. We all give Lucas a hug and then we are ready to face the crowd.

I look one last time at Niall and then he gives a sign to his bodyguard. He opens the door and the flashes and questions begin. Sarah's the first one, Luna second and Helen third, we're the last ones and I keep looking at our hands. The walk to our car seems like forever, I hear all the the questions. "How did you guys meet, how long have you two been dating, why did you keep your identity hidden, was this a publicity stunt". There were also a lot of negative comments like "I don't know what he sees in her, she just wanted the attention, she's not even that pretty".

Niall squeezes my hand and rubs my hand with his thumb. When we finally get in the car and the doors close behind us, I let myself go.

The tears come naturally and I Niall wraps me in his arms.

"Everything is going to be okay, my love" he says and strokes me hair. I just keep on crying and Niall lets me and keeps me close to him. We stay like this until we make it to his apartment.

What will happen now?

Author's note: Hey guys! I'm back! My vacation starts very soon! So I have more time to write :) I hope you like this chapter and I know that the tenth anniversary was a bit of a disappointment, but will get through that! And don't forget to vote :)

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