Chapter forty three

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It's Friday and I'm getting ready to go out with Sarah, Helen, and Luna. I'm in Niall's bathroom and putting on my make up when Niall walks in. He stands behind me and puts his arms around me kissing me in the neck.

"You look amazing," he says and gives me another kiss in the neck.

"Thank you," I say and feel myself blush. I turn around to face him and give him a kiss on the lips. When I want to pull back and finish my make up he holds me firm "kiss me" he mumbles against my lips making me laugh. I kiss him back and when we part I can see a glistening in his eyes making his eyes bluer.

"Niall, I need to get ready," I say smiling and give him a small kiss. Niall grunts and throws his hands in the air "okay fine" he says all dramatic making me laugh again. He leaves the bathroom and I finish my makeup, I did a pink smokey eye and when I'm finished I'm happy with the result. I choose to wear a black leather skirt with a black fitted sheer top with a black top underneath, because I'm not confident enough to show off my bra, to finish the look I wear a pair of heels. When I walk to the living room Niall is laying on the couch watching a soccer game. As soon as he sees me walking in the room his jaw drops.

"What is it?" I say laughing at him and walk up to him.

"You are just the most beautiful woman," he says and I start to blush.

"Thank you, you look very handsome yourself," I say and he starts to laugh when he gets up from the couch.

"These old sweatpants?" He laughs and puts his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"Yes in those old sweatpants," I say before we start kissing. My hands are behind his neck and we deepen our kiss. Our mouths open automatically letting our tongues find each other. We move in sync and I go through Niall's hair with my hand making him sigh. We break our kiss to catch our breath but our foreheads are still touching and we look in each other's eyes. Will I ever get used to this feeling and the way he looks at me? I don't think so.

"I really need to go, sweety, otherwise I will be late and Sarah won't like that" I smile just imagining her face.

"I know," he says and gives me a soft kiss on the lips "have a nice night my love and I'll be waiting here for you".

"Thank you and I can't wait to come back home to you," I say and give him one more kiss before taking my purse and leaving the apartment.

As soon as I'm in the underground I text Sarah "I'm on my way, see you in a bit". I put my phone away and look around, there are two young girls sitting across from me and I can't help listening to their conversation.

"Have you heard that new song from Niall?" One of the girls asks the other.

"Yeah of course I did, I love Niall and I love the song, I wonder who the girl is tho" she answers the girl.

"Me too, but I don't understand why she would want to keep it a secret," the other girl says back.

"I do understand, being famous can be hard and lonely" the other girl defends me.

"But think about the glamour life and all the celebrities you can become friends with," she says back.

"Maybe she's ugly and that's why they don't want her to let everyone know that she sings the song," the other girl says laughing.

I get a bit uncomfortable so I put in my AirPods and listen to some music. Is this really how people think about me? When I look up I see that I'm at my stop so I get up and stand close to the door. Before I leave, I take one more look at the girls who are laughing uncontrollably. I don't know what they're laughing about but I get an uneasy feeling that's about me.

When I get outside and see that Sarah, Helen, and Luna are already waiting for me outside and greet me with hugs. I smile at them and hug them back but I'm not in the mood to celebrate anymore. Sarah looks at me for a second and raises her eyebrows knowing that something is up. I nod my head that it's no big deal and I can see that she's not convinced but she drops it. They are all wearing black dresses and we all look at each other and laugh. "I guess that this is our favorite color?" Luna says laughing and we all laugh with her.

We all head to the first pub that we see and Helen and Luna are walking in front of Sarah and me holding hands. Just seeing them together makes me happier and I shake the feeling I got earlier from the girls in the underground off of me. I look at Sarah who's already looking at me "let's have fun tonight shall we" I say and give her a wink.

"Oh yes we'll have fun tonight," she says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Helen and Luna turn around to face us "what are you two talking about?" Helen asks.

"We were just talking about getting some shots," Sarah says giving me a wink and Helen and Luna start to cheer.

"Let's do this!" They say and open the door to the pub.

Author's note: Hey guys! I hope you like the story! Sorry for not posting in a while but I'm very busy. Don't forget to vote :)

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