Chapter forty eight

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It's been a week since I've decided to go to the Netherlands for a week. This week has been the craziest week in my entire life. Everywhere I went I needed a bodyguard, the second someone recognises me I was getting mobbed by the paparazzi. Some people were nice and respected me, they would be kind and ask if they could take a picture with me and I would always take it with them happily. In those moments I didn't mind that people found out about my identity but as soon as the paparazzi came, I changed my mind.

The day after I spoke to Kim on the phone I went to work and tried to work, but after half an hour we had to close the store because of all the paparazzi outside. After that Kim and I spoke and she agreed that I should go back to the Netherlands for a week to really think about this situation.

I've spoken to Selena about making a duet and I told her in all honesty about my stage fright and that I'm still figuring out what I want to do with music. She was very kind and told me that I should really think this through and that I should take all the time I need. She even told me that we should hang out just for fun and not for business, which I agreed to of course.

All my friends were supportive as well about me going to visit the Netherlands for a week but when I told Sarah, I could see the worry in her eyes. After I left her apartment she gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "please come back". I was a bit thrown off by her and thought about it all night.

Niall and I tried to spend as much time together as we could. We went to the cinema, dinners and we had the best time ever. We spend every night together, at his apartment or at mine. Lucky the paparazzi didn't find out where I live, yet. So we spend the most time at my place. It was so weird to see him in my apartment playing the guitar and making dinner in my kitchen.

We're in the car on our way to the airport and I'm really going to miss him. I look at him and see that he was already looking at me. He suggested to come along with me to the Netherlands and how much I wanted to say yes, I told him that I wanted to do this on my own.

We arrive at the airport and Niall takes my hand while we go to the in-check desk to drop off my bag. After that we walk to the security line and this is the part where we have to say goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you" he says and gives me a hug. "I'm going to miss you too" I say back and we kiss each other. "Text me when you land" he says stoking my cheek. "I will" I say and give him a soft kiss on his lips.

I turn around and get in line for security, when I look around I see Niall waving at me. He walks up to me and I check my pockets to see if I forgot something.

"I forgot to say something" he says making me confused. "What is it?" I ask and he starts to smile. "I love you" he says and I start to smile as well and crush my lips against his. My whole body fills up with electricity and my heart expands. I could be in his arms for an eternity and it would feel like a few seconds. I hear someone cough behind us and we break up our kiss. "Sorry" I say and feel my cheeks getting red. I look back at Niall whose smiling at me and his blue eyes are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. "I love you too Niall" I say and his eyes start to twinkle "but I really need to catch my plane" I laugh. "I know, I'll see you in a week" he says and we give each other a quick kiss. I turn round and touch my lips with my finger. He said he loves me!

In the plane I can only think about Niall and how he said he loves me. I'm looking out of the window and enjoying the view. Before I know it the pilot is requesting us to sit down and put our seatbelts on.

I'm a bit nervous to be back in the Netherlands. I wonder how people will react when they see me again. When I come around the corner at the arrival hall I see my family standing there. My mom made a sign that says "Welcome home Lauren" and I feel tears well up. I run to her and she opens her arms automatically and I crush into her. "I've missed you so much darling" my mom says and then the tears start to run down my cheek. "I've missed you too" I say back to her. We stand there for a while and then my little brother interferes us. "Can I hug her as well?" He says and my mom and I start to laugh. I hug the rest of the family members and at the end were all crying. We all laugh when we're done hugging. "Are we ready to go?" My mom says and we laugh again. "Let's go home" I say agreeing with her. My little brother takes my suitcase and we go to the car. I'm so happy to be home again, but I also miss Niall a lot.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Almost 10k reads! I hope you like this chapter! Let me know what you think of it and don't forget to vote :)

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