Chapter thirty six

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Warning! This chapter is a bit more sexual so if you don't want to read that you should skip this chapter :)

Soft light is coming through the curtain waking me up. I turn around to Niall and nestle my face in his chest. He automatically puts his arms around me and he sighs. I close my eyes and wish I could stop time and be in this moment forever. Today is the last day in LA and we'll fly back tomorrow morning. Niall wakes up and kisses my head, hugging me tightly.

"Good morning Lauren," he says in a raspy voice. I open my eyes to look at him when I see that he still has my creation on his face. I start to laugh and he looks at me with a questioned face.

"You forgot to wash your face yesterday" I laugh at him.

He smiles "well someone did such a good job so I didn't want to wash away such an amazing creation" giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Well, I'm quite the artist" I smile back and kiss him back. He puts his hand at the back of my neck and deepens our kiss. When we break our kiss we look at each other in the eyes.

"I wish we could wake up like this every day" he whispers with a pained look on his face. Tomorrow will be back home and everything will go back to normal.

"Me too," I say and Niall put his and on my cheek.

"We should get up" he sighs and gets out of bed. He stretches himself and I enjoy watching him doing his morning routine. Yesterday he brought some clothes with him so that he could shower in my room. He goes into the bathroom and comes back to the bedroom with a toothbrush in his mouth. I get up as well and go into the bathroom and start brushing my teeth as well. When we finish brushing our teeth I look in the mirror. Niall stands behind me and strokes my arm and watches me in the mirror. I look at his hand stroking my arm and I get goosebumps. My breathing gets faster and he strokes my neck. He sees the goosebumps and notices my breathing getting faster.

He comes closer to me and kisses my neck but never breaks eye contact with me. I tilt my head back leaning it against his chest. He strokes my collarbone his fingertips barely touching my skin making me ache for more. He strokes my neck again and goes down to my middle and stops on my thigh. He holds the end of my dress and takes the fabric in his fist. He looks at me and I know that he asks me for permission without even saying the words out loud. I give a little nod and he takes the other end of the dress with his free hand. He slowly pulls the fabric up showing more and more of my skin. When he reaches my breast I automatically lift my arms and he pulls the dress over my head. I stand there in front of him and I'm only wearing my black lace underwear. He takes his time to look at my body and I look down getting shy and start to blush. He turns me around and lifts my chin up "Lauren you have a beautiful body and you shouldn't be ashamed of it."

I look him in the eyes and that's when I realized that I love this guy. He starts to kiss me and I kiss him back waking up the fire in me. We stop kissing to catch our breath and I stroke his cheek "I think it's time to wash this beautiful creation on your face." I take a step back and go to the shower and turn on the water. I turn back to Niall and I put my hands on his chest. He looks at my hands while I do the same to his shirt what he did to my dress that's now on the ground. I kiss his neck and make my way down to his waistband. His breathing stops and I tease him by biting a little bit. Then all of a sudden Niall sweeps me off my feet and walks to the shower.

"Niall no what are you doing, you're still wearing your pants" I shriek and start laughing when I feel the water on my skin.

"I don't care," he says and he repositions himself so that I face him and I wrap my legs around his torso. We start to kiss again and he starts to kiss my neck and my hands hold onto his back my nails in his skin making sure he doesn't let me go. I look him in the eyes when we stop kissing again and his hair is sticking on his forehead. I've never seen him look more beautiful and I lose my grip on him. He puts me down and I turn around to take the soap so that I can wash off the marker on his face. When I turn back around he stands there looking at me with a big smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling all weird?" I laugh teasing him.

"You are a very special girl Lauren," he says "I can't imagine my life without you anymore".

I step closer to him "me too" I say and I make my way to him. We start kissing again and Niall tries to unbutton his pants while kissing but failing. I start to laugh at his clumsiness and help him getting off his pants. He wears black Calvin Klein underwear and I feel my heartbeat quicken again. He's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen.

I put some soap in my hand and I start to was away the marker on Niall's face. When my creation is off his beautiful face we hear his phone ringing.

"Oh shit my surprise for you," he says and walks out of the shower not caring that he makes the whole bathroom wet. I go out of the shower as well and take a towel to dry myself quickly and wrap the towel around me. When I get to the bedroom he's looking out the window and is talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah we'll be there as soon as we can," he says and he hangs up.

He turns around and has a big smile on his face.

"Lauren, you need to put on some sporty clothes today because I have a surprise for you," he says.

"What kind of surprise?" I ask a little bit skeptic.

"You'll just have to wait and see," he says and kisses me on the forehead.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the story! What do you hope that the surprise will be? Let me know and don't forget to vote :)

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