Chapter two

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Sarah lived in Soho so I put my AirPods in and headed to the underground, it was a warm evening which made me very happy. Because it was a Friday night it was crowded on the street. I blended in pretty well which was a comfort for me. I didn't like to be the center of attention. I grabbed my oyster card, I passed a singer that was playing on his guitar and gave him some change I had in my purse. In the metro there wasn't any empty seats left, so I just stood there in the corner.

I got a text from Sarah 'where are you, we are having some drinks at my place first, before going to the pub'. I texted back that I'd be there in five minutes.

When I arrived at Sarah's apartment there where two other girls. Luna was a girl with bright red girly hair. Her parents named her that before the name got popular by Harry Potter, but still people would name it when she introduces herself. The other girl was Helen, she was a gorgeous girl, brown hair and bright blue eyes. She always got a lot of attention from guys, but she was very nice and didn't bother that the guys were drooling all over her.

They were both one of the nicest people I've ever met.

'It's so good to see you again! It feels like a lifetime ago that I saw you' Helen said.

'I know we should do this more often' I replied.

Sarah pushed a shot glass in my hand 'you need to catch up with us' she smiled. I grabbed the shot glass and knocked it over, my throat was getting warm, and I coughed a little. We watched some Youtube and catched up, after a few drinks it was time to leave for the pubs. I left my jacket at Sarah's because it was a lot warmer than I expected.

When we arrived at a pub it was very crowded, we pushed through the crowd to get the bar. Sarah ordered some shots and drinks. 'to a good night' we cheered and we took the shot. This pub had a live band that played some pop music, so we danced together. After a few minutes a guy came up to us, and walked to Helen. He introduced himself as Jake and they started talking. We continued dancing, but kept an eye on her in case she needed some help. I needed to go to the loo, so I signed to Sarah if she needed to go as well and we headed to the restrooms, leaving Luna and Helen.

'Are you having a good time' Sarah asked. 'I'm definitely having a good time, it's been too long, we need to do this more often'.

I looked in the mirror and some of my hair got stuck to my forehead from the dancing and sweating. After going to loo I fixed my hair and we headed back to Luna and Helen.

When we were back on the dance floor Helen was still talking to Jake. Luna shoved some drinks in our hands and we continued dancing. When I was little my mother made me go to ballet, but when I got older I rebelled against her and stopped dancing and started playing football. But the lessons still came in handy on a night like this. After a few songs Luna said 'shall we do some karaoke?'. 'Yes!' Sarah and I said in unison. We asked if Helen wanted. To join us and she agreed, she exchanged numbers with Jake and gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

When we got outside I noticed that it was getting colder and I closed my arms around me to stay warm. With the fresh air I felt that I was a bit tipsy. It was crowded even on the streets and we had to manoeuvre through the crowd, until we got to my favourite karaoke club. When we got inside we got greeted by Lucas who was the owner.

'Lauren it's so nice to see you, how are you' he asked.

'I'm doing great thank you' I replied.

I liked coming here, singing was a hobby of mine and this was a place where I could just sing and nobody would care how you sound. We walked to the last table that was available and sat down.

'Shall I get some drinks' Luna said and we all agreed, I decided this was going to be my last drink since I was already a little bit tipsy. But instead Luna came back with drinks and another round of shots.

'You said drinks not another round of shots' I giggled. Drinking always made me a bit giggly.

'Come on Lauren, live a little!' Luna said, and I took the shot and shook my head, because this shot was really gross. 'Okay what song are we going to do' Helen asked. 'Shall we do wannabe by the spice girls' Sarah said. We all started laughing and agreed to do the song.

We got up the stage and the song started, and we laughed and had the best time ever.

Author's note: Hey guys! I hope you like it so far! I hope my chapters aren't too long. Let me know what you think about it so far!

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