Chapter forty two

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After our break, Sarah and I went back to work. I can't stop thinking about Niall's interview and how he said that I mean the world to him. It makes me feel so happy and sad at the same time, I don't like that he has to lie to his fans just to save my identity.

"What's on your mind?" Sarah asks me, knowing that something is bothering me.

"I feel bad that Niall has to lie to his fans because of me," I say looking around making sure nobody is listening.

"Okay, do you want to become a big pop star and have people follow you around and that they want to know everything that you do?" She asks me with her eyebrows up, already knowing the answer.

"No, I don't" I sigh.

"Then you shouldn't feel bad, Niall understands why you so don't you worry about him and if you want to tell everyone that it's you singing with Niall, then I know for sure that Niall is going to support you and help you get used to being famous" she says wiggling her eyes "then I'll have a famous bestie" she laughs and I shove her.

"Your the worst" I laugh at her.

"I know you love me" she teases and I look at her.

"Yeah, I do" I admit.

"We should celebrate that you're number one in the UK, this Friday you, the girls and me going out," she says changing the subject.

"I would love that!" I say and am excited already.

I'm restocking some products when I feel arms around my waist picking me up. I yelp and look around to see who it is, it's Niall.

"Niall, what are you doing here?" I say looking around and then get a bit calmer when I see that there's no one in our aisle.

"Hello to you too" Niall smiles "relax no one is going to notice me," he says hugging me. I hug him back but then I see a young girl walking in our aisle.

"Niall you need to get back to your car before someone notices you," I say and begin restocking the products again, pretending I don't know him. When the girl is just a few feet away she notices Niall and then her eyes go wide open. She starts to point at Niall and opens her mouth.

"Your Niall Horan," she says and her breathing starts to quicken. Niall walks up to her "hey how are you? What's your name?" Niall says and takes the girls' hands. She tries to keep calm but her breathing is still too fast. I walk up to them as well, worried about the girl.

"Hey hey hey, just breath okay, breath in and breath out," I say and start to breathe with her. She looks at me and she copies my breathing and she's calmer already.

"Shall I take a picture of the two of you?" I offer.

"Yes, thank you," the girl says and hands me her phone, her phone case has a picture of one direction on it and I know that she's a hardcore fan. Niall stands next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. I make a bunch of photos so I'm sure she has one she likes. After they say their goodbye's to each other and the girl left, I turn to Niall.

"Niall, this is what I mean, you can just come in here and hug me while you can be recognized by your fans," I say and I can see the hurt on his face.

"You're my girlfriend, I want to hug and kiss you," he says making me blush.

"I know honey and I want to kiss and hug you too, but I'm scared that people will find out that I'm the girl who sings with you," I say sighing because he makes a pouty face at me. How can I stay mad at him when he's looking at me like that "you're mean, give me a kiss" I say and he smiles at me giving me a long kiss.

"I'll have to get my stuff and then I'll meet you at the car okay?" I say to him and he nods and I go to the back to get my jacket.

When I get to the car Niall is in the car dancing, I open the door and sit in the passenger seat.

"What song were you dancing to?" I ask him laughing.

"This new song called what a time, the girl on that song has an amazing voice, I bet she's hot too" Niall teases me and I just start to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks "I'm very serious," he says with a wink.

I give him a little shove "so are you dropping me off at my place or am I staying at your place tonight?". We have spent every night together since we are official and I love sleeping next to him and waking up with him.

"We can go to your place so you can get some more clothes and maybe you could stay at my place for the whole week?" He says a bit shyly. I think about it for a second because we haven't been together for that long but we're spending every night together so why not take some more clothes and stay the whole week?

"Okay, that's a plan," I say and I can see a smile form soon his beautiful face, his blue eyes glistening in the evening sun.

Gosh, I love this guy.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like the story, what do you think/hope will happen next? Don't forget to vote :)

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