Chapter thirteen

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When we arrive at my apartment Niall parks the car. We get out and I lead the way to my apartment. When we are at my door I turn around to look at Niall "here we are" I say and open the door.

We get inside and I give him a tour of my apartment, which didn't take long since my apartment isn't that big. When we get to the music room he gets excited "you have a great music room" he says and sits behind the piano.

"Thank you" I say and just enjoy seeing him behind my piano. "I'm going to get ready" I say getting out of my head.

"I'll be here enjoying myself" he says and starts playing.

I turn around and smile, it's so weird to have Niall Horan in my apartment. I go to my bathroom and turn on the shower, while I wait for the water to get warm, I brush my teeth. In the background I can hear Niall singing. When the water is warm I get in and don't want Niall to wait so long, so I take a quick shower. After I finish showering I take a towel and wrap it around my body. I go back to my bedroom and put on some light blue mom jeans and a nirvana t-shirt. I go back to the bathroom to brush my hair I decide do put on natural make up and an eyeliner. When I finish I go back to the music room and listen to Niall play the piano. This time he is also singing and I don't know what song he's singing.

We wrote and we wrote

Til there were no more words

We laughed and we cried

Until we saw our worst

Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are

Is it wrong that I still don't know my heart

"It's lovely" I say as I enter the room. He looks up to me and I can see that his eyes are a bit red.

"Are you okay?" I ask getting worried about him. I sit down next to him and hug him. He hugs me back and I lay my head in is neck. We hug for a moment and he is shrugging a little bit, so I know that he's crying. When we break off our hug I look at him and he tries to smile a little.

"Yeah I will be" he says and wipes the tears away with his hand.

"What is the song about?" I ask and take his hand in mine to give him some comfort. "If you don't want to tell me I understand" I continue.

"No no I want to tell you" he says "well it's about my last relationship, I really loved her and the song tells something about the breakup and that I still want her to be happy". He brushes my hand and it gives me a warm feeling.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through something so hard, break ups are the worst but it takes a lot of courage to write about it and make a song out of it" I say and smile at him. He smiles back and I'm glad that I make him smile again.

"It sound like a good song and your fans will love it" I encourage him.

"Thank you" he says and hugs me again. He smells so good and I wish I could just hug him forever.

"The song will be on my new album, I'll drop it next year" he say and I could see a little spark in his eyes. His music is everything to him and I admire him for that.

"I can't wait to hear all of your new songs, your last album was amazing" I say excited.

"When it's finished, you'll be the first person to listen to it, I promise" he says looking me right in the eyes and smiling. He looks so cute and I can't help but look at his lips. I think I'm falling for him, but I don't know what do with my feelings. He's been through a rough break up and I can imagine that he isn't looking for anything romantic.

"I can't wait" I say and look away so I won't get distracted by him.

"Shall we go to the studio?" he asks and gets up already.

I stand up as well "yes, I only need to put on my shoes and I'm ready".

We go to the living room where I have a little closet with all my shoes in them. Niall is already standing in front of the door and looks at my while I put on my black high all stars. I get a bit awkward knowing that Niall is looking at me while I put on my shoes. When I have my shoes on I make a twirl in front of him and laugh to make his looking a little less awkward.

He laughs with me and I think I hear him say "you are beautiful", but I ignore it, not believing that he just said that to me.

"Ready to go!" I say and we leave my apartment.

Author's note: Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter is shorter than the other chapters. Thank you so much for reading my story, almost 200 reads!! Please vote and comment, it would help a lot. Let me know what you think of the story so far.

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