Chapter seventeen

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We get back to the table and we sit down. "Did you guys have fun?" Harry asks wiggling with his eyebrows. Niall rolls his eyes and I feel myself blush. "The view is amazing" I say thinking about Niall's eyes, Harry and Alice just laugh.

We start eating and the food is delicious, I had a grilled chicken coast salad. The salad was so big that I even thought that I wouldn't be able to eat all of it.

While eating Niall and Harry talk about their days in one direction.

"So you are recording as well?" Niall asks with excitement in his voice and also to bring up another topic.

"Yeah we are just working on the finishing touches, the album will be out this year in December, six months from now" he answers.

"Is there always so much time between finishing an album and releasing it?" I ask.
"Well I don't want to rush to finishing the album this time" he replies.

"That's something different from our one direction days" Niall laughs and Harry laughs with him.

When I was younger I heard rumors about one direction and that they had to work non stop, but I didn't think that it was true because of all the fun they were having.

"How long will you stay in London?" Niall asks.

"I will be here until the album gets out" Harry replies.

"That's great, we should hang out more" Niall says.

"Yeah we totally should" Harry agrees and looks at Niall.

The waitress comes back to collect our food "is everything to your liking?" She asks us but Harry in particular.

Harry looks at her with his brightest smile "it was lovely" he answers her and she leaves with a blush on her face. It's a pretty waitress, long blond hair and a sweet face. Alice and I laugh because Harry is such a flirt. He looks at us eyes wide open "did I do something wrong?" He asks us.

"It's just not fair" I say at Harry "you know you have that effect on a woman and you take advantage of that knowledge".

"I would never do that" Harry says with a wink and we just all laugh at him. We finish our drinks and the waitress comes back with the bill.

Harry takes the bill and gives his credit card to the waitress. When she leaves again Harry focusses on us.

"When do you think you will release your single? Or are you going to put it on an album?" Harry asks Niall.

Niall sits nervously in his chair "We haven't talked about that yet, but Lauren gets to decide what she wants to do with it, I don't want to put pressure on her" Niall says looking at me which makes me relieved.

"Thank you" I say back at him smiling and Niall squeezes my hand.

"Well It doesn't matter if it's going to be a single or on your album, but I do know that it's going to be a hit" Harry says and him saying that means a lot to me. I love his first solo album and I know he has great taste in music.

The waitress comes back and gives Harry the credit card back. We are getting up to get back to the studio. "I'm so sorry but I'm a huge fan of you guys, can I get a picture with you?" She asks Harry an Niall.

"I know it's very unprofessional but I just thought I could give it a shot" she rambles on, her cheeks turning red again.

"Yeah of course you can" Harry and Niall say at the same time. The girl smiles and takes her phone from her pocket.

"Do you mind?" She asks me a bit embarrassed.

"No of course not" I say and she gives me her phone. She stands between Niall and Harry. They put their arms around her and they all smile. I look at the screen and see that Niall isn't looking at the camera but is looking at me. I smile at him and take a few pictures.

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