Chapter twenty two

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Harry and I hug each other when he comes in. "Welcome to my cozy apartment" I say and step aside so that he can come in. He goes inside and walks around when we go to my bedroom "so here is where the magic happens" he says and wiggles with his eyebrows. I shove him a little and feel my cheeks getting red, which makes him laugh.

"Has Niall already been in here" he jokes and I don't know if I should tell him about the kiss. I just know that he would tease me all night with it so I decide it's best to keep it for myself.

I shove him harder this time and he laughs. All of a sudden he picks me up and run to my bed, he jumps on it with me in his arms. I laugh at him "What are you doing?" I laugh at him and try to get out of his grip.

"No I'm not letting you go until you answer me" he says and tightens his grip around me.

"Harry! No, he hasn't been in my bed, you're the first man in my bed" I say back and he loosens his grip.

"Wait what?" He says surprised, his eyes are wide open and his mouth could catch a fly if he didn't close it.

"You heard what I said, I was just focused on other things, it's not like I'm a virgin, it's just been a while" I say and close his mouth with my hand "a very long while".

"Wow, I think I like you even more now" he says and we both look up when we hear the intercom ringing. Harry jumps up and walks to the intercom followed by me.

"Hello, who is there?" Harry asks and I can see that's it Luna en Helen. They both look at each other and then I realize that I hadn't told them about Harry coming over for movie night.

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell them that you were coming" I say and step in front of Harry "Sorry girls, I forgot to tell you but we have a visitor".

I let them in and open the door, they come up and see Harry standing behind me. They look at each other and then they look at me with confused looks. Harry steps in front of me "Hey I'm Harry, Harry Styles" he says with his beautiful smile, Luna and Helen just stare at him and then I clear my voice. They restore themselves and they both shake hands with Harry introducing themselves.

We all go inside and sit down on the couch. Luna had her curly hair in a bun and is wearing black jeans with holes on the knees and grey sweater. Helen has her long hair hanging loose around her shoulders and wears blue high waisted jeans with a white knitted jumper.

They were both still a bit starstruck but tried not to let him notice which I was very grateful for, they are the best.

"What do you guys want to drink?" I ask them "I have all sorts of soda and some alcoholic drinks" I say winking at them.

"Can I get a glass of sweet white wine please" Helen asks.

"Me too" Luna adds and I look at Harry.

"Do you have vodka?" He asks.

"Yes, I do" I say "do you want it straight?" I ask.

"No gay" he says and winks at us, we all start laughing and that breaks the ice a bit.

"Straight is fine" he answers and I get up to get their drinks. I hear them laugh from the kitchen and when I come back they are all smiling.

I give them their drinks and then I hear the intercom ringing, I look to check if it's Sarah and I see that she is in full glam. I let her in and open the door. When she comes in I see that she's in a little blue polka dot dress with a leather jacket on top. Her hair is in a fish braid and her makeup looks really good. We hug and she greets the others, Sarah also takes a glass of wine.

Because only four people can fit on the couch, I take a cushion and sit on the floor. Harry sits between Sarah and Helen, Luna decides to sit on the floor with me. I've lit some candles to make it cozier. After we all sit down we talk and I update Luna and Helen about the studio time.

Sarah and Harry are glancing at each other and I think they really like each other. We try to pick a movie and we all agree on the Notebook.

We watch the movie in silence and when I get up to get us more drinks, I can see that Harry and Sarah are holding hands. I go to the kitchen with a big smile on my face, I'm so happy for Sarah. When I get back I just stand still and look at the people that are in my living room, I'm such a lucky girl to have these people in my life, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I sit back down and we come to the scene where Noah and Allie are in a boat and it starts raining. When they get back to the dock and she confronts him about the letters, and they start kissing. We all have an ahw moment and then we start laughing.

"Is this how it went with you and Niall?" Sarah says teasing me and I feel my cheeks turn bright red.

"Oh wait you two only kissed" she says correcting herself.

Helen grabs the remote and pauses the movie "wait what?!" She says.

"Why didn't you tell us" Luna says and they all look at me.

"So I wasn't wrong" Harry smiles his cheeky smile.

"Thanks, Sarah" I say sarcastic and now I have to tell them about the kiss.

"Niall and I kissed, but it only happened once" I say not trying to get their hopes up.

"So how was it" Helen asks and I feel weird talking about this in front of Harry.

"I'm not going to say that" I say and look at Harry, who puts his hands in the air.

"Don't look at me like that, if you don't say it, Niall will" he say with a huge smile on his face.

"Okay okay!" I say "he's a great kisser and I think I'm falling for him, we talk every day, but we haven't talked about the kiss, so I don't think he likes me".

"That's just classic Niall, he likes you but he's just too scared, his last relationship really got to him" Harry replies.

"You should start talking about the kiss, take the lead" Luna encourages me and I'm glad to have supportive friends.

"I don't know, I'll think about it okay can we just watch the movie?" I say and they leave the subject for now. We continue watching the movie and by the end of it, we were all crying including Harry.

"I'm so tired" Helen says and I see Luna yawning as well.

"Yeah I should be going as well" Sarah says with a sad face, she and Harry have been holding hands through the whole movie and it was very cute.

We all get up and hug each other goodbye. When Harry hugs me he whispers in my ear "Show Niall how you feel and he will do the same".

"I will and thank you for tonight" I say back and he gives me a kiss on the cheek. I'm glad that I met Harry, he is so sweet and I really think that after tonight I can say that he's a friend of mine.

Harry and Sarah leave together and I give Sarah a look that she needs to tell me everything tomorrow.

After is close the door I clean up everything and get ready for bed, this night has been amazing and I really needed this.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Over 800 read already! That's amazing! Thank you thank you thank you. If you have any recommendations that I should read, please let me know. Don't forget to vote :)

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