Chapter five

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My phone was buzzing and I tried to ignore it, but after three times I picked up my phone and answered.  "Hello" I said softly, because talking too loud made my head hurt. "Hey how are you feeling?" Sarah asks "you left your jacket at my place, shall I bring it with me on Monday" she continued.
"Yeah that would be great" I said not in the mood to make small talk. "When you left some crazy shit happened" Sarah said not impressed by my short answer. "There was some celebrity, and there were paparazzi everywhere, we had to go five minutes after you left" she continued. Some very vague memory came back from last night and all of a sudden I was sitting up in my bed, but I had to lie back down because everything was still spinning. "Do you know who he was" I asked.
"Yeah they think it was Niall Horan, wait how did you know that is was a he" she asked very suspicious.
"Uhmmmm well I think that I met him, it's a bit vague," I told her "wait, let me put you on speaker, I have to check on something".
I put her on speaker and went to my contact, to see if he was in my contacts. I scrolled and yes there was his name. But what if he was just a look a like, and he was pranking me. Then I checked my messages and there was a message from Niall. I checked his profile pic and it was a picture of him and Lewis with a beer in their hands.
"So what did you needed to check?" Sarah asks getting inpatient.
"Well, I have his number I guess" I said because I wasn't sure if it was a prank from the girls, it wouldn't be the first. "and he messaged me".
"What did he sent you! And when did you meet him" she said very impressed with me "you are such a lucky girl, he is gorgeous".
I went back to messages and read his message, it said "Hey Lauren, it was nice to meet you, hope you got home safe" I read out loud.
"Omg Lauren, that is the sweetest thing ever" she was getting all hyped up.
"You guys didn't prank me right" I said insecure "I know how you guys can be"
"No I'm not smart enough to orchestrate such a huge prank" she laughs.
"Yes, you are, you are a little devil sometimes" I smile, once she made me believe that she totally forgot my birthday and she threw me an amazing surpriseparty. 
"What are you going to text back?" she asks. Shit, what was I going to text him back, what if he didn't even remember me? Maybe he was just being nice for his image to the outside world. I was always very sceptical about guys. When my parents divorced, my dad kinda gave up on me and I haven't spoken to him in a long time. I would text him every year on father's day and his birthday, but no reply so far. My stepdad felt like my real father, but it was always a struggle for me to tell someone my story and that my real dad doesn't even give a shit about me.
"What should I sent?" I ask in general to myself and to Sarah.
"Text him that it was nice meeting him and that you got home in one piece, and that you would love to meet up again" she answers me.
"Hahaha you would love for us to meet up again" I say back to her laughing. I texted him back saying "hey, it was nice meeting you to, and yes I got home safely".
I read the text to Sarah "come on that was boring" she says.
"Well I already send it, so there's no turning back now, i'm going to get me some breakfast" I smelled myself "and get a shower".
"Let me know if he texts you back okay" Sarah says and she hangs up.

I got up and did the first thing I always do when I get up, which is putting on some music on. "Hey google, play some music". I went in to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After that I hopped in the shower and was singing along with the music, forgetting everyone and  everything. Taking a shower always made me feel good. Feeling the warm water running over my body and making my skin a little red.
After a few songs I got out of the shower, put a towel around my body and went back to my bedroom. Since I wasn't going anywhere I put on a sport legging and a soft sweater. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail.

I made myself some breakfast, I loved food, so I also love to cook. I made some toast with avocado, tomatoes and egg. While I was eating I turned on my telly and watch 'the vampire dairies'. I had already seen that show four times, but it still was my favorite series of all time. After I finished my breakfast I got my guitar from the music room and laid on the couch, just playing some melodies, without knowing what song I was playing. When I was thinking about last night, something hit me. I still had Niall's jacket! How could I forget! I got up and went to my bedroom where his jacket was laying on my bed. How could I forget that and how didn't I see it when I woke up.
I looked for my phone and was surprised to see that I had a text back from Niall. It said "good to hear that you got home safe, how's my jacket?" he asked with a wink emoji.
His text was making me smile and I replied with "I took very good care of your jacket, but it misses you very much. When can I return your jacket and thank you for paying for my cab!".
I take his jacket and went back to the living room. When I sat down I already had a text back. "You can come to the studio if you'd like".
He wants me to go to his studio, I was kinda freaking out a little bit, why would such a big celebrity want me to come to his studio. Lauren don't overthink, he just wants his jacket back.
I'm free today so I could go by the studio to give his jacket back and forget all of this and go on with my life.
"Yeah that's sound like a plan" I texted back and got up to change my clothes and put some make up on.
I changed in to some black jeans with wholes in them and a white shirt. I kept my make up natural and put my hair in a ponytail again. When I looked on my phone I saw that Niall texted me the address.
Then I put on a leather jacket and my boots, took his jacket and put it in my bag. I closed the door behind me and I couldn't believe I was going to see Niall in his studio.

Author's note: Hey guys! What do you think about this chapter? Thank you for reading!

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