Chapter sixteen

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We all go with Niall's car, Niall's in the drivers seat and Harry's in the passenger seat, Alice and I sit in the back. Harry connects his phone to the car and puts on music. Of course, he picks a one direction songs and he and Niall start singing. Alice and I look at each other laughing, but we both agree to go along with it and sing along.

When Best Song Ever comes on Harry pauses the song so that he can do the Marcel sketch. We all laugh at him and he doesn't care and resumes the song.

We arrive at the sky garden and we get out of the car. Niall gives his car keys to the parking attendant. I look at Alice with wide eyes, because this place was luxurious and I definitely can't afford a place like this. She squeezes my arm "it's going to be great, just enjoy" she assures me.

I take a deep breath and decide to just enjoy myself.

We need to take the elevator to get to the highest level of the building, so we have to be in there for four minutes.

Harry and Niall get in first, Alice and I follow. I stand in front of Niall and Alice in front of Harry. It's a small elevator and my arm brushes against Niall's. I feel the electricity between our arms, I want to hold his hand so bad. I look up at him and see that he's looking at our arms as well, I smile at him and then he takes my hand, out fingers intertwine. I can't help myself, he just makes me feels so comfortable and loved. Even though I know that he won't fall for a girl like me.

Is see Harry look at us with a grin on his face and when he sees that I look at him he winks at me. I feel myself blush and look the other way.

There's a ping and the elevator doors open. Alice and Harry leave first, Niall and I follow still holding hands. The waitress comes to us and Harry steps in front of us "I have a reservation on the name Styles".

The waitress look at a screen, probably to look if his name is there.

"Yes I see for four persons" she says, "we have a special table ready for you, follow me" and she turns around, we follow her. She leads us to a table that has the most beautiful view I've ever seen. Even Niall's balcony couldn't beat this view. I could see that the others were impressed as well.

We take a look at the view before sitting down and the waitress gives us the menu. It's a round table and I sit between Niall and Harry, Niall on my right and Harry on my left, Alice sits in front of me.

We all are reading the menu and I don't know what to choose from the menu. I lean closer to Niall "what are you choosing?" I ask because I really don't know what I should order.

"I don't know yet" he replies.

The waitress comes back to order our drinks "We'll take a bottle of prosecco " Harry says and look around to see if anybody disagrees with him. It's only a Tuesday and I have to go to work tomorrow, but I don't want to be rude. Niall and Alice also agree and the waitress leaves again to get our drinks. A few minutes later she comes back with the drinks and we order our food. She takes our order and leaves again. Harry pours prosecco in for everyone "a toast to celebrate the duet of Lauren and Niall" he raises his glass and we all cheers together.

"Let's explore" Harry says to Niall with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Let's do it!" Niall says with twinkles in his eyes. Oh boy they are up to no good. They both get up and leave to do god knows what.

Alice and I laugh at them and when we don't see them anymore she turns to me.

"He likes you a lot" she says all of a sudden.

"Who? Niall?" I say confused, I know he had been very kind to me but I'm just a normal girl.

"Yeah of course, who else?" She says rolling her eyes.

"I don't think he likes me, he's just being sweet to me" I say.

She takes my hands "look at me Lauren, I've to know Niall for a long time and I haven't seen him like this since his ex broke up" she looks around to see if they were coming, but there's no sight of them.

"Since he met you a few days ago, all he does is talk about you" she continues and I don't know what to say. If it's true, could I be with him? It would be difficult, him being in the spotlight, but shouldn't I try at least?

"I don't know what to do" I admit to Alice and she squeezes my hand.

"Just follow your heart" she replies and before I can reply the boys come back laughing. Alice lets go of our hands and turns to the boys "what did you guys do?" She asks.

"We surprised a couple of fans and took photos with them, you should've seen the faces of some of the girls" Niall says.

Niall looks at me still standing "you want to come and check out the view?" He asks me.

"Yeah that would be lovely" I say and I get up. There's a special corner where you have a 360 degrees view of the city. We walk up there and we sit on a bench. The view is amazing, the sun is shining bright and I can see that Niall is squinting his eyes, he looks so handsome. I can look at him all day and never get bored of it.

"Are you nervous about the release of the song?" Niall asks still looking outside.

"No I'm not but that's mainly because people won't know that I'm the one who sings it" I reply still looking at him.

He looks back at me "it's a shame, people would be privileged to know you".

I feel myself blush and want to look down so that he won't see it, but his hand is on my chin making me look at him directly.

"It's cute when you blush and you have the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen" he leans in and looks me in the eyes to see my reaction. I'm frozen and can't move, but yes I want him to kiss me.

When he is only an inch away from me he gets distracted, his phone starts to buzz. His eyes look away from mine and he sighs looking at his phone "our food arrived, we should go back".

We get up and he takes my hand when we walk back to the table.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me! How do you like the story so far? What do you hope will happen? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote :)

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