Chapter twenty nine

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I wake up before Niall does and he sleeps so peacefully. His arms are around me and I lay my head against his chest. I can lay here with him forever and forget about everything else.

The alarm goes off and Niall starts to groan "I don't want to get up".

He hugs me tighter and I start to laugh at him "but we need to get up" I say and kiss his cheek. He opens his eyes and smiles and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. He rolls away and gets up in one smooth move. I lay down in the middle of the bed and close my eyes. I feel Niall's hands on my ankles and he pulls me closer to him. I shriek and laugh "what are you doing?" I ask. He stands between my legs and I automatically wrap my legs around his torso. He puts his hands behind my body and picks me up. "This," he says and starts kissing me. I can taste him when our tongues meet. We move in sync and I bite his lip a little making him sigh. "We really need to get ready," I say between the kisses, and Niall puts me down with a pouty face "we should" he agrees.

I give him a soft kiss on his lips and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, Niall walks behind me and looks at me while I brush my teeth.

"You should get ready," I say with my mouth full of toothpaste.

He sighs "okay I'll be back in twenty minutes" and gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

I take a quick shower and put on a black denim skirt with a white t-shirt tucked in. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and brush my hair and put some mousse in. I walk to the living room and put on my black high All Stars and see that Niall isn't here yet. So I go to his room and knock on his door. He opens the door and his hair is still wet and he isn't wearing a shirt. I just stare at his body and take in the view. His body is toned and there are still water drops in his chest hair.

"Come in, I'm almost ready," he says and turns around and walks inside. I stand there recovering from me staring at his gorgeous body then I follow him into the bedroom and sit down on his bed, watching him getting ready. He's softly singing and takes a white t-shirt out of the closet and puts it on. "Are you sure you want to put on that shirt?" I ask laughing a bit. He turns to me with a questioned look. I get up and stand beside him and we look in the mirror "we are color coordinated" I say pointing at our reflection. He looks at his own outfit and then back at me and starts laughing with me. "Now people know that we belong together," he says and I feel myself blush.

"Let's get some breakfast, I'm starving," he says and takes my hand.

We go to the restaurant in the hotel to get some breakfast before leaving for the cover meeting. There's already a table set for us with all sorts of food on it from scrambled eggs to Belgian waffles. We sit down and dig in straight away. When we are finished and all satisfied Niall looks at his watch "we need to hurry if we don't want to be late" he says.

I nod and we get up and go to the car, where the driver is waiting for us. We greet him and get in the car. After a few minutes, we are already at the office. Niall and I get out of the car and Niall put his hand on my lower back and we go inside. A receptionist takes us to the right room and everyone is waiting for us. It's a plain office room and we all sit at a big round table. I look around and I'm glad that there are two empty chairs next to each other. We sit down and Niall brushes his knee against mine with makes me feel more comfortable, he must know that I'm a bit nervous.

"Welcome everyone," a man named Jake says and stands up and walks in front of a beamer that's projecting on the white wall.

"We've thought about some ideas for the cover of the single and we even thought about some ideas for a music video. Wait, a music video? Do I want there to be a music video?

Jake starts the presentation and there was one idea that spoke to me a lot. Niall and I will be photographed from the side, our faces opposite from each other. The silhouettes will be in black and white, this way no one will know me, but they will still get a glimpse of me.

After the presentation is finished Jake looks at us "we'll give you a minute to discuss the options we gave" he said and all the people left the room leaving Niall and me alone.

"So what do you think?" Niall asks me taking my hand.

I look at him to see his response "I like the idea with us both on the cover, with our silhouettes" and I see him smile.

"Thank god you like that idea, because I love that idea," he says and gets all excited.

"Shall we tell them?" He asks looking me straight in the eyes. I love the way that he wants me to be okay with it, he's so compassionate.

"Yes, let's tell them," I say and he gets up to let everyone back in.

Jake is very happy with our choice "that's our favorite as well".

"We have booked the studio for tomorrow afternoon, so I will let everybody know how we want the cover to look like," he says.

Niall gets up and shakes everybody's hand and thanked them for their time, I follow his lead and after that, we say goodbye to everyone.

We walk to the elevators and Jake comes running after us.

"Hey guys, I know we have a shoot tomorrow but I would like you two to come to my party tonight, to celebrate your single," he says and I look at Niall if he wants to go seeing that he was already looking at me.

I shrug and Niall turns back to Jake "count us in" he says.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I've decided not to post daily anymore, I will be posting every other day. I work 45 hours a week and it's been hard to keep up my writing. I want to give you guys the best version of this story and I think that this decision will make the story better. I hope you guys can understand and I hope everyone enjoys the story. Don't forget to vote :)

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