Chapter thirty seven

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Niall told me to wear comfortable clothes so I'm wearing baby washed jeans and a white t-shirt with my black high All Stars underneath.

Logan was already waiting for us and before I could go in the car Niall turns to me. He has a blindfold in his hand and I'm already shaking my head "no no no you're not going to blindfold me" I say taking a step back.

"Come on please, otherwise the surprise will be ruined," he says with a pout on his face.

"Okay fine," I say and turn around so he can fasten the blindfold. He stands behind me and strokes my neck before securing the blindfold. He spins me around and I almost fall but he steadies me. I feel him taking my hand and he puts his other hand behind my back, guiding me in the car. We drive in silence and after a while, I rest my head on Niall's chest. He kisses me on the top of the head "we're almost there" he says and rests his chin on my head. I feel the car stop "we're here" Logan says.

"I'll help you get out," Niall says and gets out of the car. I feel his hand and I place my feet outside the car. He pulls me up and I feel a light breeze around me.

"Where are we?" I ask confused and then Niall takes off my blindfold. My mouth drops and I take in the view. We're on top of a mountain and the view is amazing.

"Wow Niall this place is beautiful," I say and turn around to face him.

"I know it is but you know what makes this place even more beautiful ?" He asks and I look at him confused.

"To see this place from the sky," he says and points in a direction behind the car. I try to see where he's pointing at but at first, I can't see it but then I recognize something.

"Are we going to go paragliding?" I ask him and start to jump around. I've always wanted to go paragliding but I never had the time and money for it. Niall starts to laugh at my reaction "take it easy love" he says and I give him a hug.

"Niall this is the best surprise ever," I say and give him a kiss. He kisses me back and puts his arms around my waist "anything for you my dear" he says and I give him a soft kiss on the lips. He takes my hand and Niall looks at Logan.

"You'll meet us down at the beach right?" He asks Logan.

"Yes I will sir, have fun," he says and then looks at me giving me a small wink before he goes in the car and drives away. Niall and I walk to the paragliding gear where a young man is already waiting for us.

We introduce ourselves and the instructor's name is Neil which makes me giggle.

"Is this your first time paragliding?" He asks us and I nod yes.

"Yes for me too," Niall says and I think I hear a tremble in his voice.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him teasing and then I see that his face is very white.

"Niall are you okay?" I ask concerned and put my arm on his shoulder to make him more comfortable.

"Yes I am, I'm just a bit nervous that's all," he says giving me a reassuring smile. I'm still not convinced but I let it go for now. The instructor starts explaining everything and he tells us that Niall will go with Neil and that I will go with Tara who will be joining us in a few minutes. I listen very concentrated to the instructions and try to remember everything even though I don't really need to do much since Tara will be the one who will be steering and stuff. After he finishes the instructions Tara walks up and we're ready to go. I give Niall a kiss and he smiles at me "see you on the other side" I tease and wiggle my eyebrows. "Don't say that Lauren" he says and he really is nervous.

"You'll be fine just try to enjoy," I say and give him another kiss on the lips.

After putting on all the gear, Tara and I are ready to take off. We both start running and before I know it we're in the air. The view is amazing and I look around to see if I can see Neil and Niall. They are behind me and I can see Niall smiling which makes me enjoy this even more. Tara and I start talking about her work and make some other small talk. I can see the Hollywood sign and the whole skyline and I feel so fortunate to be here with Niall. I'm really falling in love with him and that makes me scared but happy at the same time. My last relationship left me heartbroken and I don't want that to happen again. When I think about our fight the other day I feel a shiver going through my body, I don't want that to ever happen again.

We get closer to the beach "are you ready to land?" Tara asks me and I get ready for the impact.

"Yes," I say and then I can feel my feet on the ground and after a few feet, we standstill.

"Are you okay?" Tara asks me and I start laughing, this was so fun and I feel the adrenaline go through my body.

"Yes, are you?" I ask and Tara starts laughing as well seeing me all happy and bewildered from this experience.

"Yes, I am, look there are the boys," she says and points in the sky.

I look at Niall and he looks a bit scared for the landing and they come in very fast. Tara and I jump away and they make a rough landing. They trip and the fall hard on the ground. Tara and I run up to them, they're laughing when we get close enough to hear them. I crush into Niall who's still laying on the ground and hug him. He hugs me back and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"Did you like your surprise?" He asks and his hair is all messy and I just love this guy so much.

"I'm so happy that I've met you and yes I love this surprise," I say looking him straight in the eyes. When he hears me say that his eyes twinkle and I can see that he feels the same way before he even says something.

"I'm happy that I've met you as well and I'm never letting you go," he says and I smile and feel a blush coming. He strokes my cheek with his thumb and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

"Lauren, I think about you all the time and when we had a fight it really hurt me and I don't want that to ever happen again. Can we be official? No more games" He says and I freeze for a second and then I'm overwhelmed by his kindness and love.

"Yes, let's make it official," I say and we kiss. For a minute it feels like we're the only ones on the planet and I don't want this feeling ever to end.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for posting late. Hope you enjoy the story and don't forget to vote :)

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