Chapter thirty five

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When the photographer is satisfied with the pictures he's taken we change to our regular clothes. Nick and I exchange numbers "I'm so glad to have met you and I hope to see you again soon," he says.

"I'm so happy that I've met you today as well, and we should hang out in London," I say and we hug goodbye. When I step out of the dressing room, Niall is already waiting for me against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He sees me and instantly a smile appears on his face. He walks to me, takes my hand and we go to the car. Logan looks at us and smiles at the sight at us holding hands. He winks at me and sits behind the wheel.

We arrive back at the hotel and Niall and I are exhausted. We order some room service and while we wait, we go to our rooms to take a shower and put on comfortable clothes. When I stand in front of my closet, I wanted to put on something sexier since I feel so confident today. So I put on a black silk nightdress and leave my hair loose. I get on the couch and watch some Netflix when Niall comes into the room. He stops before entering the room his eyes looking at me and my dress and I can see his eyes turning dark. The lust in his eyes makes me feel warm inside and when I get up and walk up to him I keep our eyes locked. He's still standing in the doorway so I take him and lead him inside so I can close the door behind him. He bites his underlip and I slowly take a step in his direction. He's watching my every move and when I stand in front of him I push him gently and he falls on the couch. I sit on his lap facing him and I take his face between my hands.

"Your so beautiful," Niall says and then I kiss him. His lips are soft and we open our mouths and our tongues connect with each other. He tastes so sweet and his hands go up and down my back, I get goosebumps all over my body and I tilt my head back. He leaves a trail of kisses from my jaw to my collarbone making me sigh. He kisses my neck and when he reaches my ear he whispers "I'm so lucky" to me. I smile "I'm the lucky one," I say back in a hoarse voice. Then we hear a knock on the door and I hear Niall cursing "fuck, I forgot about room service".

So I get up and open the door to take the food. When I get back to the couch I put everything on the coffee table and we sit on the floor to eat our food. We dig in and while we're eating we watch a soccer game. I get really into it and start yelling at the screen and Niall starts laughing at me "You know that they can't actually hear you?".

I throw a French fries at his head and he dodged it very professionally.

"I know but I don't care," I say and watch the game again.

"I know and that's why I like you so much," he says and I feel a blush coming up. I look at him "I like you too" I say and this time it's him who starts to blush.

When we are finished we sit back on the couch and get comfortable. I try not to fall asleep in Niall's arms on the couch so I sit up again to make sure I stay awake. When I look at Niall I see that his eyes are already closed and his mouth is halfway open. He's breathing deep and steady and I take my phone from the coffee table. I take a picture of him and then I get an idea. I look for a permanent marker and when I finally find one I go back to Niall. He's still sleeping so I sit next to him on the floor and start drawing on his face. I draw a little heart with an L in it on his cheek and a mustache. When I take a step back to look at my masterpiece Niall starts to wake up. So I run to the bedroom and lay in bed pretending to be asleep. I can hear Niall get up and walk to the bathroom. I hear the water run and I have to put my hand in front of my mouth to prevent myself from laughing.

"What the fuck?" I hear him ask out loud and that's when I can't contain myself any longer. I start laughing so hard that I start to cry as well. Niall comes in the room and looks at me, his eyes wide.

"Did you do this to me?" He asks pointing at himself and his mustache goes up and down when he speaks so that triggers me to laugh even harder. He lays next to me and starts to tickle me "you are a pain in the ass sometimes" he says and starts to laugh with me. I try to catch my breath and after my breathing is back to normal I look at him.

"I'm sorry but you were sleeping so peacefully that I had to do it" I explain and give him a little kiss on the lips.

"That's okay, I would have done the same if I were you" he admits and smiles at me. He nuzzles his nose in my hair and puts his arm around me making me the little spoon. He brushes my arm and starts humming and it's making me sleepy. Tomorrow will be our last day in La and I'm sad that we have to leave already but excited about the song coming out next week. I hope that people are going to like the song but what will happen when the song is out? Will I still see Niall? Will he be too busy with interviews and stuff to hang out with me? All these questions are going through my head while I feel myself falling asleep.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the story and don't forget to vote :)

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