Chapter fifty four

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"Put on your seatbelts please, we're landing in a few minutes" the stewardess asks us through the microphone. I feel myself getting more excited to see Niall again, finally. It felt like months past instead of one week. I still can't believe how much has changed in my life. I'm going to get a record deal, Niall Horan is my boyfriend. Sometimes I pinch myself to make sure that everything is real. I look out the window and see that the ground is coming closer. I already take my things and put them in my backpack, so that I'm ready when we can leave the plane. The plane lands and everyone is getting up to leave the plane. I like to have a window seat, but I regret getting a window seat when we have to leave the plane. I really want to see Niall and hug him again. Finally, almost everyone is out the plane and I can get out.

I'm going through security and go through the doors to get to the entrance hall. When I get through the doors, I'm blinded by all the flashlights.

"Lauren, Lauren," I hear people scream and I'm not able to move. Are they here for me? Why?

I look at my phone and see that Niall has called me serval times and send me a few texts.

"Lauren, there's paparazzi in the entrance hall. My bodyguard will come and get you. Love Niall".

Shit, I look around to see if I recognise Niall's bodyguard, but I can't see him. I start to walk to the exit, hoping that I'll see Niall or his bodyguard.

"Lauren, is it true that your dating Niall" someone asks.

"Is he the one who made sure you got a record deal?" Another one adds.

"Are you just sleeping with Niall to get your music career started?" A woman asks me and that question really hurt my feelings. Am I not good enough to be a singer on my own. Wouldn't I have made it without Niall?

I try not to think about the questions and start to walk faster. When I get through the slide doors to go outside, I see a black van with Niall's bodyguard in front of it. Niall is standing next to me with a little sign that say, "Welcome back Lauren," and I feel myself smile. I don't care what the paparazzi is asking me, all I want to do is be with the human that stands right in front of me.

I go straight for a hug, not caring what the paparazzi will think of it and not caring about the pictures they're taking.

Niall hugs me back and I can smell the familiar scent of him. It immediately makes me more relaxed and I give him a little kiss in the neck.

"Hey" I say shyly when we break from out hug. I look in his beautiful blue eyes and it's so easy to get lost in them.

"Hey you" he says back and gives me a kiss on the forehead, making my body heat up and send butterflies all over the place.

"Let's get in" he says and takes me hand and we go in the back of the van. The flashes are still going strong even though we're already save behind the blinded glasses of the van.

The bodyguard gets in the front and the driver is already leaving.

My head is on Niall's chest and he's stroking my hair.

"I missed you so much" I say, sitting up straight to look at his him. His eyes start to glisten when I say that and he starts to smile. Gosh what is he gorgeous, I can look at his face for hours.

"I missed you to babe" he says and finally our lips are connected again. When we kiss I forget everything around me. His hands are on my hips pulling me closer. The seatbelt keeps me in place and I laugh against his lips.

"Stupid seatbelts" he says and that makes me laugh harder. We sit and behave for the rest of the ride. I'm thinking about how I should tell Niall about what happened with Kevin. I decide to just go ahead and tell him straight away.

"I have to tell you something" I say looking at Niall. Niall's face is instantly serious and he has all his attention on me.

"Okay, is it something serious?" He says with concern in his voice.

"Well, kinda, it depends" I say not really knowing if it's a big thing, it's not like Kevin can bother me here in London.

"Okay, tell me" Niall says his eyes full of concern.

"Well, I ran into my ex Kevin the other day and he wanted to grab lunch so that we could catch up" I say fast to get it of my chest. Niall started to frown and doesn't say a thing.

"I didn't see the problem, because he broke up with me and I'm in love with you and I told him that I have a boyfriend" when I say that last part his frown became less visible and I'm relieved.

"So when we were at the restaurant he became this crazy person, he told me that he wanted me back and when I tried to leave he grabbed me" Niall's face is furious right know.

"What the hell was that guy thinking? Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?" He says and he's touching me, looking for bruises. He finds the little bruise that's on my arm and gives a little kiss on it.

"I called you to tell you, but you were in the studio" I say. He's stroking my bruise and the concern in his face in back.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you" he says.

"Niall, you were working and was the one that I put myself in that situation, I was stupid and I'm sorry" I say feeling guilty.

"I'm just glad you're okay" he says and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"We're here" the driver tells us and I'm glad that I'm home again.

Niall and I get out of the car and we get in the elevator with my suitcase and backpack. As soon as the elevator doors close our lips find each other again. Our hands are all over each other, and we part our lips to connect our tongues. Oh how I've missed this guy so much. We hear the ping of the elevator doors and we make our way inside Niall's apartment trying not stop the kissing, which doesn't really work. Niall bumps into the door which makes me laugh. We quickly put all the stuff inside and when everything is settled we connect again. I could kiss this boy forever, suddenly I get swept of my feet and I let out a little shriek "Niall" I say laughing while he carries me to the bedroom where we continue kissing.

Hey guys! Sorry for updating late, but I had a busy day at work. Hope you like the story! I was thinking about making a second book after this one is done. What do you guys think about that? Let me know! And please don't forget to vote :)  

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