Chapter thirty

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"What should I wear?" I ask myself mostly but Niall gets up from my bed and looks through my wardrobe with me. When I packed for LA I didn't think I would go to a party especially not on a Thursday night. Niall and I decided not to stay too late at the party and that we wouldn't drink too much.

"You could wear this," he says holding a black with a red plaid dress but doesn't look convinced. It's a nice dress but not for an A-list party.

"Or," he says and puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer "we could go and get you a new dress" kissing my forehead. I still have the money I got from making the single so I can afford it, but I don't want to spend all of it in just a week. Niall sees me thinking and gives me another kiss on my forehead "you deserve to treat yourself once in a while" he encourages me. I sigh "okay let's go," I say and grab my bag from the ground. Niall is very pleased with himself "I'll let the driver know and I'm gonna make some calls" he says and walks out of the room. Why would he have to make some calls? I follow him and he is speaking on the phone to someone "yeah we'll be there in a few" he says and hangs up.

"Who were you calling?" I ask confused.

"Just someone, you'll see," he says and his eyes lit up from excitement. He takes my hand and we go downstairs to the car where the driver was already waiting for us. Does he have to stand there 24/7? We get in and after a twenty minutes drive, the driver stops in front of a store. Niall and I get out and we thank the driver. Niall scoots us in quickly, probably because he doesn't want to get recognized. When we are in the store I see the brand that Niall has chosen, Vera Wang. The store is spacious and is three stories high. The walls are all black, and in the first section of the store, there are only wedding dresses. It's my dream to wear a Vera Wang dress to my wedding and thinking about getting married makes me blush. The second section of the store has normal clothes, well normal expensive clothes I think to myself.

"Niall" I whisper "I don't want to spend that much money on a dress".

"Don't worry, I told Vera that you have a budget" he replies.

"Wait, you talked to Vera Wang herself?" I say shockingly "Is that the person you talked to back in the hotel?".

"Yes," he smiles and walks in front of me and I can see Vera Wang coming up to us with a big smile.

"Niall, nice to see you again," she says and they hug "and who do we have here?" She says and turns to me. Niall stands next to Vera "this is the lovely Lauren Hill" he says and I feel myself blush.

"Nice to meet you, Lauren," she says smiling and give me a hand.

"So I understand you two have a party tonight and need some clothes for tonight?" She asks Niall with a judged look.

"Yes, I'm sorry it's on such short notice but we just heard about it," Niall says and scratches the back of his neck with his hand.

"You are lucky I have a suit that is your size," she says and then takes me in. "I think I have several dresses in your size," she says "come with me sweety" and turns around. I follow her to a big dressing room, the walls are covered in mirrors and I find it very confronting.

"Sit, make yourself comfortable, I'll be back with a few dresses you can try on," she says and leaves me alone. I sit down and try not to focus on myself in the mirrors. After what feels like hours Vera comes back with a bunch of dresses. She hangs them all up in front of me and they all look so stunning. She turns to me with a smile "let's start with this one" she says and points to a silk emerald dress. The dress featured a sheer corset-like top and has a split from the thigh. It looks really sexy and I don't know if it would be the dress for me but I don't want to complain so I try on the dress. Vera helps me getting the dress on and when the dress is on I'm afraid to look in the mirror.

"You look stunning sweety," she says and I look up. I'm shocked, that can't be me. The dress hugs me in all the right places and there is a lot of skin showing. "Wow," I say and get a bit shy because the dress is very sexy, maybe too sexy.

"Shall we show Niall?" she asks and I give her a small nod. We go to the waiting area where Niall is looking at the mirror checking out his suit for tonight. He sees me coming up to him in the mirror and turns around. His jaw drops and I feel myself blush, he walks up to me and doesn't say a thing. He takes my hands and has a big smile on his face "you look absolutely gorgeous".

"Thank you," I say softly to him and he makes me do a spin for him.

"So what do you think about the dress?" Vera asks noticing that I haven't really said something about the dress.

"Well.... I love the dress, but I'm not sure" I say feeling a bit ashamed.

"Let's try another one then, you can try on the light pink next," she says and I leave for the dressing room again. I take the pink dress in my hands and this dress is from silk as well but it's not as showing as the dress I'm wearing right now. It doesn't have a sheer corset but is still sexy. This dress also has a split in it but this one starts lower on my thigh.

Vera comes back in the dressing room and helps me put on the dress and I feel a lot more comfortable wearing this dress. Vera can see me smile at myself in the mirror "I think we have a winner" she says and I smile at her "I think so too" I say back.

"Wait here," she says and leaves me alone, I look at myself and smile, I really like this dress. Vera comes back and has a pair of heels in her hand. The heels are very simple and elegant, perfect for the dress. I put them on and hug Vera "thank you," I say and she hugs me back.

"You look stunning and you shouldn't feel so insecure about yourself," she says and I feel myself blush again.

"Let's show Niall this dress," she says and squeezes my hand. I nod and we go back to Niall who is sitting in a chair dressed in his normal clothes. He smiles at me and I just know that this is the dress I should wear to the party.

"I'm gonna take this dress," I tell Vera before Niall could even comment on the dress. Vera smiles "that's a very good choice, let's get it off and wrap it up nicely for you".

We take the dress off and when I'm in my normal clothes again we say goodbye to Vera.

"Thank you so much," I say to her and give her a hug.

"No problem sweety, it was my pleasure" she replies.

Niall and Vera hug as well I think I hear her whisper "she's a keeper" to Niall but I'm not sure I heard it right.

We go to the register to pay for everything "That will be $2000 please" the lady behind the desk says. I swallow, I knew it would be expensive so I was prepared. I give her my credit card and don't regret getting the dress. The lady gives me back my credit card and I wait for Niall to pay for his suit.

"You can wait in the car, while I wait for our clothes," Niall says.

"I can carry the bags to," I say not wanting to be treated like a princess.

"I will be fine, you just go," he says and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I could see the lady watch us and I feel a little uncomfortable. I don't want to argue with Niall so I turn around a get in the car and take my phone from my pocket to see if I have a text from my friends. I text my friends in the group chat that I'll be going to an A-list party tonight and that I really miss them. Niall gets in the car while I finish my text.

"Are you excited about tonight?" He says and I can see on the look on his face that he's buzzing which makes me get excited as well.

"Yes, I definitely am" I smile back at him and take his hand.

Author's note: Hey guys! 2000 reads already! Thank you so much! I hope you like the story and don't forget to vote :)

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