Chapter eleven

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Niall drives to a huge building and clicks a button on a remote. A fence opens up and he drives inside the building. He parks in a space that had a plate with "penthouse" written on it. He gets out of the car and I get out as well. I follow him to an elevator, he has a card and swipes it in front of a laser. The door opens and we get in. It was a small elevator and we have to stand close to each other. He wears a loose blouse and mom jeans with high white all stars under them. He pushes a button that says "penthouse" and puts his hands in his pockets.

We stand so close to each other that I can smell him, he smells so good. I can feel the tension building and I fumble with my hair not knowing what to say. I hear a ping, Niall clears his throat "here we are" and the doors open. We walk in a clean hallway and walk towards the door. He gets his keys and unlocks the door. He steps aside so I can go in first. His apartment is amazing, dark walls, light wooden floor and very modern. I walk to the living room and see the biggest tv I've ever seen.

I turn around and see a black piano, some guitars a dinner table.

"You have a great taste in interior" I say impressed, I didn't except him to have such a good taste in interior because most guys don't have that.

"Thank you, I chose everything myself" he says very proud "are you hungry?" He asks and walks to the kitchen. The kitchen is matt black and very big. It has a breakfast bar with stools in front of them. I could cook in this place all day long, it is heaven.

"Yeah I am starving" I say, I couldn't eat all day because I was nervous about seeing Niall again.

"I can make us some dinner if you like?" Niall says walking to his fridge and opens it.

"I have some chicken and bell peppers so I can make that with rice?" He says looking at me.

"That sounds delicious let me help you" I say and walk to the fridge to get the stuff that we need. Niall takes a wooden cutting board and puts it on the counter.

"Where are the knifes so I can cut the chicken and bell peppers?" I ask opening some drawers to see if there's a knife inside. I don't know why but I felt comfortable enough to just look for a knife. Niall gives me a knife and he starts to cut an onion. I start cutting the chicken and bell pepper in cubes and hear him starting to sniff. When I look up, I see Niall crying while cutting the union.

I start to laugh "why didn't you let me cut the union?".

"I don't know" he laughs and continues cutting. I walk up to him and he looks up to me. I raise my hand close to his face and wait if he says no, but he doesn't so I wipe his tears away with my hand.

"Thank you" he say smiling and finishes cutting the union.

"Your welcome" I say with a little blush on my face. I get back to cutting and Niall takes a pan out one of the cabinets. He puts it on the fire and starts cooking the union. I finish cutting and put in the chicken and bell peppers. I go and sit on one of the stools and see how Niall makes dinner. After a few minutes dinner is ready and he sets two plates on the breakfast bar.

"What would you like to drink?" He asks and he takes out a beer from the fridge.

"I would like a beer as well, thank you" I say and see that he's surprised. He takes another one and sets them on the table as well.

"So tell me more about you" he says and takes a bite. I take a bite as well and start telling about the basic stuff.

"Well I was born in the Netherlands and I have one older sister and two younger brothers, so it was always crowded at home."

"I moved to London five years ago, because it has always been a dream of mine to move here. I like the people and the vibe that this city has".

"I'm twenty five and turn twenty six this July, I love my friends Sarah, Helen and Luna." I say and have to stop talking to take a bite.

The food is delicious and I'm very impressed by the cooking skills Niall has.

"Wow, moving to another country all by yourself, that must of been though" he says and his eyes were filled with warmth.

"Well I guess you did it as well, how was it to be so young and leave the house?" I ask. I knew him already from one direction and am still a fan of their music, I even had a poster of them hanging above my bed, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"It was though, but I had the boys so I wasn't that lonely" he explains.

"I missed my family a lot, but you get used to it".

"I agree, but I miss my little brothers a lot, I would do anything for them" I smile at the thought of my little brothers.

We finish eating and Niall stands up to clean up the plates.

"Lets go to the living room and start writing then" Niall says and walks off. I follow him and sit down on his big grey sofa, it could fit like six persons. I take my notebook and pen from my bag.

Niall takes the guitar and sits next to me.

"You a notebook with song lyrics?" He asks looking at my notebook in my hand.

"Yes I do, but not only lyrics. It's like everything combined" I say trying to explain "poems, messages to myself, lyrics and so on".

"Can I see it? If you don't want me to see it, then that's fine either" he says "It's kind of your soul in that little book".

I hesitate for a moment, not wanting him to read it. It has some deep dark personal stuff, but how could we write a song together if I don't even trust him with my personal stuff.

I sigh "Yes you can look" and I give him a piece off my soul. He starts to read and I see a smile forming on his face.

Then he puts it down and starts to play a melody on the guitar and sings to it.

I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark

And we stayed up for hours

What a time, what a time, what a time

He repeats it with different kind of melodies and some are better than others. I hum along and walk up to the piano. I sit down and let my fingers touch the keys and slide over them. When Niall repeats the melody on the guitar, I play along with the piano. We look at each other and we both smile, this could actually work. We play the last chords and I get back to the sofa and take my notebook and start writing the chords we just played. Niall gets closer and reads along with me, I could feel his leg brush against mine and I feel electricity go through my whole body.

Niall starts playing the melody again and I take my shoes off and lay down on the couch. I close my eyes to get the full experience of the melody.

It's beautiful, it doesn't have bridge jet but it was already a Cathy and lovely melody.

"How did you just come up with this, while reading only three lines" I say surprised.

"I don't know, it just did" he says and keeps on playing.

Niall plays different melodies for the bridge and after a few tries we pick one.

I look at the clock and see that it was one o' clock already, but I didn't mind because I'm with Niall Horan, writing a song and I couldn't be happier. I close my eyes and start thinking about lyrics. Before I know it the music stops and I feel someone putting a blanket over me.

I didn't know if I was dreaming or if it was real.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Almost 150 reads! That means so much to me. I hope you enjoy my story and let me know what you think of it. If you have any recommendations let me know. Don't forget to vote and comment :)  

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