Chapter fifty five

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I'm alone in Niall's apartment getting ready for the awards where I'm nominated for. I look at the clock and see that my stylist are late, that's weird, they're never late. I walk to the living room and I freeze. Their bodies lay across the room. I look around to look for my phone and remember that I left it in the kitchen. I start to run to the kitchen and when I enter I see Kevin with a knife in his hand holding my phone.

"You're mine now," he says.

I wake up and hear myself screaming, I feel hands on my body and I spring out of the bed, confused by whose hands are on me. I look at the bed and see Niall looking at me worried.

"Hey baby, it's fine, come back to bed," he says tapping on the side of the bed where I always sleep. I feel more relieved knowing that it was just Niall, but the feeling of Kevin being here in his apartment still has me shook. I lay down next to Niall and he starts to stroke my hair.

"What happened, do you want to tell me about your nightmare?" He asks me nicely and wipes the sweat from my face.

"Kevin was here in London, and he killed my stylists," I say and when I tell it out loud, it really sounds ridiculous. Kevin would never do that, I know he was way out of line the other day, but he was sweet when we dated.

Niall starts to chuckle and I smack him on his arm.

"Why are you laughing at me? It was scary!" I say with a pout on my face.

"Babe, nobody is going to kill anyone okay," he says and wraps his arm around me "I won't let that happen and this place has the best security" he adds, making me feel more relaxed.

We lay in bed cuddling and when I almost fall asleep again, my alarm goes off. I get up and am so tired, but today is the day that I'll sign my record deal, well we're going to negotiate. Niall smiles at me "are you ready?" He asks and stands up out of bed and kisses me on the forehead. He places his hands around my waist and looks in my eyes "you deserve this and I'm so proud of you" he says and gives me a soft kiss.

"What if we don't get to an agreement," I say, it all seems too good to be true.

"Then we'll wait until the next company offers you a deal.  When people find out that you're going to write a song with Selena Gomez, they'll be going crazy and everyone wants to have you on their team," he says and hugs me.

"Trust me" he adds and then I feel his arm lower and before I know it he lifts me up.

"Niall! Put me down, we have to get ready" I say but he doesn't respond.

He takes me to the bathroom "we have to shower right?" He says and I can hear the smile on his face.

"Niall, no," I say knowing what he's about to do. I try to get loose but his grip is only getting tighter. He open de crane of the shower and the water starts to run.

"Niall, please," I say and try not to laugh, sometimes this man is just a little kid and I love him for it.

Niall steps under the water and I feel my clothes getting wet and I start to laugh. "You could of just asked to take a shower together, you didn't have to make our clothes wet as well".

"What would the fun in that be," he says and he puts me down gently. He pushes me softly against the wall and his lips find mine. I kiss him back with all the passion that I have. I love this man so much and he makes me so happy. He starts to kiss my neck and I let out a moan.

He softly bites my neck and I put my body against him, wanting to be as close to him as possible. I reach for his shirt which is sticking against his body. I try to lift his shirt, but I'm not succeeding. He starts to laugh and stands back so that he can take off his shirt. I look at his torso and this man is just perfect. I love every inch of his body and right now I want to kiss him. I take a step to him and our lips find each other again. Our tongues are connecting and I can taste him. He licks my lips to tease me and that makes me want him even more. He takes my shirt off and next we undo our pants so that we're completely naked.

We hear the doorbell ring and we look confused at each other.

"Is that the taxi already?" I ask him panicked. I can't be late for my first meeting with a record company. Niall goes out of the shower and puts a towel around his waist. Gosh, he looks so sexy like that. He walks away and I start to shower and get ready. When I'm in the bedroom putting my clothes on Niall comes back to the room.

"We have 10 more minutes before we have to leave," Niall says.

"Shit," I say, and start to dress at a fast pace. Niall goes back to the shower and when I'm dressed he's back in the room putting on his clothes. He's putting on more formal clothes for the meeting, he really wanted to go with me, because he knows what I can demand when it comes to signing a contract.

10 minutes later we're ready in the living room, both of us with a sandwich in our hands to eat in the car.

"Ready?" Niall asks me taking my hand and squeezing it softly.

"Ready," I say and we go downstairs to the taxi.

Hey guys! I think I will update on Mondays from now on. I hope you like this chapter and if you have any questions let me know! Almost 18.000 reads! That means so much to me! Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote :)

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