Chapter thirty eight

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Niall is sleeping next to me on the plane. Yesterday after paragliding we went to a small beach and there was only an elderly couple, so we didn't have to worry about Niall getting recognized. After the beach, we went back to the hotel and ordered some room service and watched Netflix until I fell asleep. This morning was a bit hectic since I hadn't packed anything yet, so I was flying all over the room while Niall was back in his room packing all of his stuff. We needed to hurry but when we finally arrived at the airport we still had some time to buy some souvenirs. I bought wish bands for Sarah, Helen, and Luna.

This time Niall and I got escorted to the lounge because they didn't want to risk Niall getting mobbed by girls.

We're in business class again and it feels like I don't belong here. When I look around I see all these businessmen typing away on their laptop and I'm sitting here in my jogging pants and sweater. Niall is wearing his white Nike shirt and navy blue shorts. He's sleeping very peacefully with his mouth a little bit open. I look at him and I feel a smile coming on my face, I feel so lucky to know him and even call him my boyfriend now. That was something I still need to process. After I take a few pictures of Niall to tease him later I put on my headphones and watch the hunger games. After a while of watching the movie, I feel my eyes closing and soon I'm sleeping.

When I wake up I feel someone shaking me softly. "We'll land in half an hour," he says softly to me. And I sit up straight and look out of the window to see the lights of London beneath me. After we land Niall and I walk up to the baggage carousel. Niall didn't want an escort because he doesn't get noticed a lot in London. While we wait, my phone starts buzzing and I look to see that Sarah is calling me.

"Hey Sarah, we're almost there," I say when I pick up.

"Okay but why would you want to wait for Niall?" she asks confused.

Oh shit, I forgot to tell everyone that Niall asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Yeah about that.... Uhm he's my boyfriend now" I say and I feel myself blush just saying those words.

"What?! When did this happen? You need to tell me everything but first, you need to get your ass over here so I can hug you" she says and hangs up straight away.

Niall takes our suitcases from the carrousel, "are you ready love?" He asks.

"Yes I am," I say and he takes my hand. We walk to the arrival hall and I immediately see Sarah and I start to run to her. She runs to me as well and we hug each other.

"Omg Lauren, you should off told me!" She says and gives me a little push "I'm so happy for you" she says with a serious face.

"I'm so sorry, it happened yesterday after we went paragliding and I didn't have time to call you," I say apologizing but I know she isn't mad.

"You went paragliding?" She gasps "you need to tell everything".

While Sarah and I are talking Harry and Niall hug each other and greet each other. Then Harry and I hug each other and Niall hugs Sarah. When we walk to the car I notice that Harry and Sarah are holding hands. I tap Niall on the shoulder and point to them wiggling my eyebrows. Niall winks at me and we start to laugh making them turn around to look at us.

When we're at Sarah's apartment and Niall and I sit on the couch while Harry and Sarah are making lasagne for us in the kitchen.

Niall and I wanted to help in the kitchen but Harry told us "get out of my kitchen" making us laugh. When the lasagne is in the oven they join us on the couch and Sarah looks at me with an expectant look.

I tell everything that happened from the moment that we went paragliding to the moment that he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Harry and Sarah both make the same sounds if there's an ahw moment and it makes Niall and me laugh.

"What about you two?" Niall asks the question I've been dying to ask.

Harry and Sarah start to blush "well, I wanted to ask this in private but since we're talking about it, Sarah do you want to be my girlfriend?" Harry asks and Sarah's eyes widen and then she says "yes". We all cheer and then the alarm for the lasagne goes off. We eat the lasagne on the couch while watching the Late Late show.

Sarah and I take the plates and start washing the dishes.

"I'm so happy for you," I tell Sarah and she smiles at me.

"I'm happy for you two" and we do the dishes in silence, just enjoying each other's companies.

"We should go to lunch tomorrow with Helen and Luna so that we can tell our news," Sarah says and I agree.

We send them a message and they reply instantly that they are free tomorrow. We walk back to the boys in the living room and Sarah sits on Harry's lap, her arms wrapped around his neck. They start to kiss and Niall and I look at each other and that's when we know that it's time to leave.

Author's note: Hey guys! I'm sorry it took so long to update, but it's been a crazy weekend because of work. To make it up to you i'll post another chapter tomorrow. Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote :)

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