Chapter fifty eight

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"Where does this door lead to?" I ask the tour guide pointing to a door in the far corner of a room. The Tower Bridge used to be a prison and it was very fascinating to see all the history here. Niall and I were looking at all the torture devices in awe. We made pictures while we were posing with the devices. We even made a cliche picture where one of us would put his head and hands in a pillory and make a dramatic face.

"That's our next stop," the tour guide tells us and walks to the door. He takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the door.

"Normally people aren't allowed to go here, but we made an exception for the two of you," the guide says.

I feel myself getting curious about what's behind the door and look at Niall. His eyes are glinting with excitement and I know that this must be very special. The door opens and I see a large metal spiral staircase.

"Follow me," the guide tells us and Niall takes my hand and we climb up the stairs.

"Where're the stairs leading us to?" I ask Niall and he looks at me with a big smile.

"Just wait and see," he says "the guys and I have been here before, for a music video".

"Why would you go in here for a music video?" I ask confused.

"Trust me, it will all make sense," he says and we get to the top. There's a closed metal door and the tour guide stops in front of it. "You guys need to put these safety vests on, they're attached to the zip-line," the guide tells us and points to the vests laying on the ground.

"Wait? Zip-line?" I ask confused, you can't sip-line from the bridge, right?

"Yes, so you won't fall from the bridge," the guide tells me.

"We're going outside on the bridge?" I say surprised "that's so cool!".

"I already thought you would like that" Niall smiles. I give him a kiss and I already feel the adrenaline pumping through my blood. I like the rush that you feel when you're about to do something dangerous. We put on our vests and the tour guide makes sure that we're secure. After he's sure we're safe he opens the door and moves aside. "After you," he says and I take a step outside. The view is amazing, you can see the Tower of London and the River Thames. I walk up to the edge and Niall is following me. I turn to him and he looks at me with a soft smile.

"Thank you so much," I say "this is the best present someone has ever given me". I give him a hug, he hugs me tighter and gives me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Your welcome, you deserve it," he says in my hair.

We pull back from our hug and he gives me a soft kiss on the lips. I turn around to look at the view again and he puts his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder holding me close. We stand there for a few minutes, enjoying the view and enjoying each other company.

"Are you ready for your next surprise?" Niall says breaking the silence.

"There's another surprise?" I ask and turn to him, to see if he's serious. His face is not showing any emotions so he must be serious.

"Niall, you didn't have to do all of this," I say and wave behind me at the bridge.

"I know, but I want to spoil my girl," he says and pulls me closer and gives me a kiss. I kiss him back and our mouths find a pattern. We move in-sync and his hands go over my back to my neck. I feel electricity all over my body and sigh a little. For a second I forget where we are and it's just him and me, nothing else matters. I remember that there is a tour guide waiting for us inside and break our kiss. I feel my cheeks burn red and Niall strokes my cheek.

"I love you," he says looking into my eyes and I feel the butterflies going through my stomach.

"I love you too," I say and give him a soft kiss on the lips "and thank you for the surprise".

"Your welcome," he says and we take one final look before heading back inside. We go back to the entrance where we say thanks to the tour guide. The bodyguard leads us to the car, this time there were a lot of girls waiting for Niall. He took the time to take selfies with them and give his autograph. Some girls wanted to take a selfie with me as well and that made me feel special. We got safely to the car and we're already cruising through the city. I'm looking out the window to see where we're going. I see that we're going in the direction of Piccadilly Circus.

"Are we going out?" I ask but Niall doesn't answer.

The car stops in front of Lucas's karaoke bar and I know where this night is going to take us.

"Act surprised when you go inside," Niall says and takes my hand when we get out of the car.

"I will" I smile and squeeze in his hands.

We walk inside and the lights go on. Everyone jumps from the place they were hiding and yells "surprise". I put my hands in front of my mouth to exaggerate. Niall gives me a little squeeze and I know I'm overreacting, but I don't care. Everyone I love is here on my birthday and I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world. Even my mom, stepdad, and little brothers are here. Sarah, Luna, Helen, and Harry. Kim from work and Lucas are all here to celebrate my birthday. I feel very loved and blessed at this moment, but I can't take it all in, because Sarah is already calling me for a shot. This is going to be a fun night.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I hope you like this chapter! If you do, don't forget to vote :) 

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