Chapter twenty eight

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We drive back to the hotel and Niall holds my hand for the whole drive. I look outside and take in this lovely day, I'll have to call Sarah when I get back to the hotel, she'll freak out.
Niall parks the car and he smiles at me "what?" I say teasing him.
"I'm so happy right now" he says and I feel myself blush.
"I'm happy to" I say back to him making his smile even bigger.
We get in the elevator and I feel myself yawn, it's been a long day and my jet lag hasn't been very helpful. The elevator stops and we go to my room. He sits down on the couch and I put on the television and snuggle up next to him. He puts his arm around me and makes circles on my back with his thumb. After a few minutes I feel my eyes getting heavier and I get up. "I'm going to take a shower" I say looking at my golf outfit.
"I'll take a shower in my room and come back" he says and gets up and stretches his arm above his head. I give him my key so that he can come back, in case I'm still in the shower.
I go to the bathroom with my phone and I call Sarah. She picks up right away "what took you so long" she says accusingly.
"I'm sorry but I didn't have had time to call you up till now" I say laughing at her, she's always impatient.
"I'm going to take a shower btw, so if you hear water in the background you know it's me" I continue and let the water run.
"I'm eating my breakfast and have to go to work soon, so I don't have that much time" she says and I can hear her chew. I get under the shower and feel the warm streams make my muscles relax. While I'm showering I update Sarah about the kiss and Niall's confession.
"Lauren I'm so happy for you" she says very serious "you really deserve everything that is happening to you".
I feel tears well up in my eyes, Sarah has always been my number one cheerleader since I've moved to London. I know she will always tell me the truth even though it would hurt.
"Thank you" I say swallowing back the tears.
"Your welcome" she says with a trembling voice and I know that she's trying not to cry as well. We both start laughing at ourself and I just love this person so much.
I get out of the shower and dry body and put on my pyjama, so basically I put on a sweater and some soft shorts.
"I need to tell you something too" she says with an excited voice. I feel myself getting curios and put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.
"Well Harry and I went on a date" she says and I almost choke on my brush. I'm coughing and I try to control my breathing but I can't stop coughing. My throat is burning from the toothpaste and I feel a hand on my back and turn around to see a concerned Niall. I fill a glass with water and gulp the whole thing down. I feel my breathing get back to normal and give Niall a small smile.
"Lauren are you still there? Are you okay?" Sarah says and I can hear the concern in her voice.
"Yes I'm still here, sorry, you just startled me" I say in a raspy voice, my throat still burning.
Niall stands behind me and puts his arms around my waist and rests his head on my head.
"How was the date?" I ask her and put my hand on Niall's.
"It was great and Harry is so sweet" she says and I Niall turns me around and looks at me with a questioned look. I shrug and mouth "I'll tell you later" and listen to Sarah telling everything about her date.
"And when he drove me back home we even kissed" she says and her voice gets high when she told the last part. I smile and I can see Niall smile as well "I'm so happy that your date went well" I say.
"Thank you but Lauren, I have to go or else I'm going to be late for work" she says and we say goodbye to each other. I hang up the phone and Niall smiles at me "I missed something" he says laughing.
I tell him that Sarah an Harry connected on movie night and I get really excited for them. We walk back to the living room and sit down on the couch again. I feel my eyes feel heavier again and get up to go to bed. When I stand there Niall gets up to and I take his hand and walk to my bedroom. We lay down on my bed and I rest my head on his chest. He strokes my hair and we don't say a thing.
"Will you stay?" I ask feeling myself falling asleep. "Of course love" he says and he kisses my on my head and starts humming softly pushing me over the edge.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like the story so far. Don't forget to vote :)

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